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161. The OS Files - Your Total Operating Systems Portal Portal for many x86 PC platform operating systems; details, news, information, secret tips, background, links, availability (current, planned); DOSs, Linux, NetWare, OS/2, Unix, windows. http://www.TheOSFiles.com/ | |
162. Using The Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Update Program. function of the Microsoft® windows® operating System and updates for the generic (offthe shelf) version of the Microsoft® windows® operating systems. http://ciscdb.sel.sony.com/perl/news-item.pl?news_id=37 |
163. Download That: Software Downloads A large directory of shareware, trial and freeware software for windows, Linux, Mac and several other operating systems. http://downloadthat.teplanet.com/software/ | |
164. LinuxDevCenter.com: CoLinux: Linux For Windows Without Rebooting [Apr. 29, 2004] VMware, which runs on both windows and Linux, may be the bestknown proprietary example. It can host many operating systems from Win98 to FreeBSD and different http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2004/04/29/colinux.html | |
165. InfoCater Tablet PCs And Tablet Computers Supplier of portable WebPad, Web Tablet and Pen Tablet systems and other Internet browser and thin client appliances that use the windows CE 3.0 , windows 2000 and Linux operating systems. All appliances support high speed connection to networks via 802.11b, WiFi, RJ45 or cellular for use in the industry, office and home. http://www.infocater.com | |
166. Operating Systems systems principals. Explaining from the ground up the Microsoft operating systems, more specifically focussing on windows 2000. http://www.cs-ipv6.lancs.ac.uk/acsp/OS/ | |
167. ZBoot Manager - Easily Install Multiple Operating Systems In One Single Hard Dis An effective boot manager, which allows the easy install and use of multiple operating systems on a single hard drive. Directly install other OSs to extended partitions and logic drivers. DOS/windows/Linux http://www.zbmsoft.com/ | |
168. Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) VxWorks, QNX And Others @OneSmartClick.Com Many topically classified links on RTOSs (general, lecture notes, research, basics, concepts), embedded systems, VxWorks and Tornado, QNX, windows CE, Palm OS. OneSmartClick.Com http://www.onesmartclick.com/rtos/rtos.html | |
169. Download The WinGuides.com Help Files Downloadable version of the windows Registry Guide with tips, tricks and tweaks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the windows 95, 98, ME and NT/2000 operating systems, all packaged in a convenient windows HTML help file. http://www.winguides.com/guides.php | |
170. Magic Window HOME PAGE Window operating systems. http://www.magic-window.com/ | |
171. VirtualPC A PC emulator for Mac from Microsoft. Allows DOS, windows, and Linux operating systems to be installed within the emulator environment. http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/virtualpc/virtualpc.aspx?pid=virtualpc |
172. Aquarius Operating Systems, India Provides domain name registrations, .NET and windows 2000 hosting with ASP. http://aquariusos.com | |
173. Modern Operating Systems, 2nd. Ed. Directory Management 51 1.6.4. Miscellaneous System Calls 53 1.6.5. The windows Win32 API 53 1.7. operating SYSTEM STRUCTURE 56 1.7.1. Monolithic systems 56 1.7 http://www.cs.vu.nl/~ast/books/mos2/ | |
174. McGraw-Hill Books By Subject COMPUTERS / Operating Systems McGrawHill Professional Books on COMPUTERS / operating systems / windows A+ Technician s On-the-Job Guide to windows XP (paperback); http://doi.contentdirections.com/mr/mgh_subject.jsp/COM046040/10.1036/ |
175. Sharmahd Computing UniPad A Unicode plain text editor for the windows NT and windows 95 operating systems. http://www.unipad.org/main/ | |
176. Perera, Emil Sriyantha windows 95/NT/Unix operating systems and HP/Digital laser printers. SQL / MS Access programming, and designing web pages using HTML, Java Script and ASP. http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/2988/resume.html |
177. Eset S. R. O. Provides protection against viruses endangering your PC, running on various platforms from Microsoft windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP, a number of UNIX operating systems and major mail servers. http://www.nod32.com | |
178. Aonix - ObjectAda Compilers for windows, Unix, the Java Virtual Machine and realtime operating systems. By Aonix. http://www.aonix.com/objectada.html | |
179. Windows Platforms Please Select Your windows operating System From The List Below windows 95/98/ME. windows NT. windows 2000. windows XP http://www.powernet.net/pages/Windows Platforms.html | |
180. Tips For Securing Your Windows Operating System - Computerworld Home Browse Topics Security. Tips for Securing Your windows operating System, http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/story/0,10801,82835,00.html | |
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