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61. HYPEROS 2003 Hyperos enables up to 20 windows operating systems to be installed on 1 computer with fast and easy GUI rebooting and rapid systems back-up and restore. http://www.hyperos2002.com |
62. Data Recovery Software Home Page Company offers data and file recovery software for all windows operating systems. http://www.intelli-smart.com/ | |
63. NV News Forums - Windows Operating Systems Threads in Forum windows operating systems, Forum Tools, Search this Forum. http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=11 |
64. SOFTWARE Offered By Computer & Software Outlet Of Winston Salem North Carolina Miscellaneous software for windows operating systems. http://www.compoutlet.com/cso/dept.asp?dept_id=785 |
65. Cyber Tech Help - Free Computer Help And Technical Support Help and technical support for windows operating systems, hardware, software, web design, and Internet issues. http://www.cybertechhelp.com/ | |
66. Networking Quality Of Service And Windows Operating Systems Institutional and Volume Pricing. Request a Review Copy. Request an Instructor or Media review copy. Networking Quality of Service and windows operating systems. http://www.informit.com/title/1578702062 | |
67. AbsoluteView Picture Viewer - Download Free Trial Of AbsoluteView Picture Viewer A picture viewer and graphic converter tool for use on windows operating systems. Supports many image formats and multimedia files. http://www.absoluteview.com/ | |
68. VMware Download Download Center, Download VMware Workstation 4.5 (for windows operating systems). Existing Customers. Enter your email and VMware password http://www.vmware.com/vmwarestore/newstore/download.jsp?ProductCode=WKST4-WIN-ES |
69. Easy Command For Windows Both a command line and GUSI program written for windows operating systems, written in C and requires .NET Framework support to be installed. Released under the GPL. http://sourceforge.net/projects/easycommand/ | |
70. Register For VMware GSX Server Evaluation (for Windows Operating VMware GSX Server Evaluation Program (for windows operating systems). Please login or register below to request a VMware GSX Server evaluation license. http://www.vmware.com/vmwarestore/newstore/server_eval_login.jsp?ProductCode=GSX |
71. Tweaki...for Power Users Designed for all windows operating systems, swiss army knife of utilities. Configure, secure and optimize Windows, Office and Internet Explorer. http://www.jermar.com/tweaki.htm | |
72. Mathcad Compatibility With Windows Operating Systems Mathcad Compatibility with windows operating systems. Windows 95, 98, NT 4 (SP5 or higher) Mathcad 2001 is fully compatible. Windows http://support.mathsoft.com/mcad2001/article.asp?id=392 |
73. Greymatter.com - Windows Operating Systems http://www.greymatter.com/Developers/GmHome/disp_catalog.asp?cat_id=3993 |
74. The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: Internal IBM Memo Seeks Firm's Switch Unlike the proprietary windows operating systems, whose software blueprints Microsoft closely guards as a trade secret, Linux s core instructions are public http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2001832947_ibmlinux09.h | |
75. The Seattle Times: Microsoft The windows operating systems. DESKTOP SYSTEMS, SERVER SYSTEMS. Microsoft introduces first Windows Server operating system, Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/news/business/microsoft/microsoftatmidlife/time | |
76. FRS First Rental Sales UK Property Rental and Sales in an integrated management package. Working over all windows operating systems. http://www.brandt.co.uk/frs |
77. Sonner, Litha Network admin, also experienced in all Microsoft windows operating systems and Microsoft Office Software. http://www.lithasworld.com/MyResume.htm | |
78. SIA Limited Creaters of dataMAP, a multiuser GIS for 32 bit windows operating systems. http://www.sialtd.com/ | |
79. Object Arts Product set based on a modern implementation of a Smalltalk development environment geared to producing software applications targeted at Microsoft windows operating systems. Download free older versions, and software. http://www.object-arts.com/ |
80. Operating Systems: Installs, Upgrades, User Tips: Windows, Unix, Mac... 2 more. operating systems (OS) OSS (operating System Software) windows, Mac, OS/2, Unix, BeOS, DOS Knowledge Hound homepage. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/OSs.htm | |
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