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21. BSQUARE Corporation Tools to build device drivers for Microsoft windows operating systems. http://www.bsquare.com/ | |
22. :: NORMAN :: Antivirus | Firewall | Network Security Virus security » Security Advisory » New vulnerability in windows operating systems could allow remote code execution New vulnerability http://www.norman.com/Virus/Security_Advisory/14892/en-us | |
23. :: NORMAN :: Antivirus | Firewall | Network Security Viren und Sicherheit » Sicherheitshinweise » New vulnerability in windows operating systems could allow remote code execution http://www.norman.com/Virus/Security_Advisory/14892/de | |
24. JDUN - DUN RAS Java Dial-up Networking API For Windows A dialup networking (DUN) Java interface for windows operating systems. Commercial, trial version http://www.javaapis.com/jdun/ | |
25. Which Operating System Is Right For You? We cover Windows and Macintosh operating systems in these pages. Both Windows and Mac systems are used in the Cornell environment. windows operating systems, http://www.cit.cornell.edu/computer/system/whichos/ | |
26. Prosar Inc. Home Page Consulting and programming for the Glovia ERP System, PRO IV DevelopmentNative and Superlayer, Oracle Database, UNIX and windows operating systems. Custom web and graphic design. http://home.att.net/~pwproscia/index.html |
27. Host Media Processing For Windows Operating Systems Reference Design Guide Host Media Processing for windows operating systems Reference Design Guide. Abstract. This publication provides a general overview http://resource.intel.com/telecom/support/appnotes/an03002/ | |
28. DataRecovery.net.au | Disk, Hard Drive & File Data Recovery Services Perform data recovery services for windows operating systems and storage media. http://www.datarecovery.net.au | |
29. Overclockers Club Forums -> Windows Operating Systems windows operating systems. Topic Title, Topic Starter, Replies, Views, Last Action. I Have A Raid Poblem, JCisillegal, 4, 23, 14th May 2004 http://forums.overclockersclub.com/?showforum=48 |
30. Biorhythms At Simple Software Biorhythm Generator software will generate, report, and print charts. For windows operating systems. http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/town/street/vn53/bio.htm | |
31. Windows & .NET Magazine Network An authoritative and independent resource for windows operating systems. Features a collection of resources and magazines for Windows IT professionals. http://www.win2000mag.com/ | |
32. Hyperfocal Distance And Depth Of Field Calculator - DOFMaster Depth of field and hyperfocal distance calculator for windows operating systems. DOFMaster. Depth of Field Calculator for Windows® operating systems. http://dfleming.ameranet.com/custom.html | |
33. DisneyKingdom.com --- Where The Disney XPerience Begins Disney desktop themes for windows operating systems. http://www.disneykingdom.com/ | |
34. LookSmart - Directory - Microsoft Windows Operating System Absolute WinInfo Offers various tutorials and resources for windows operating systems enthusiasts. Categories include books, newsgroups, and shareware. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317831/us317881/us53909/us280665/ | |
35. WinXPcentral - Windows Operating Systems Reload this Page windows operating systems. User Name, Remember Me? SubForums windows operating systems, Search this Forum. Forum, Last Post, Threads, Posts. http://forums.winxpcentral.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20 |
36. TurboLinux EnFuzion Software that turns a computer network into a highspeed, fault-tolerant, highly available supercomputer. Schedules processing tasks on idle workstations or PCs running Linux, UNIX and windows operating systems. http://www.turbolinux.com/products/enf/ |
37. MIT IS&T: Windows Server Platforms At MIT: Operating Systems IS T support for client and server windows operating systems is limited to Windows 2000 and above. Nonwindows operating systems Accessing Windows Services. http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/windows/server/supported_os.html | |
38. Salontec: Marketing, Management & Financial Control Software Salon Marketing, Salon Management, Salon BarCoded Inventory Control, Salon Financial Control and Salon Appointment Scheduling Software. Fully Integrated POS Software for Salons and Spas. Single and Multi-user versions available for DOS and windows operating systems. http://www.salontec.com/ | |
39. Indian Language Unicode Support In Windows Operating Systems Indian Language Unicode Support in windows operating systems. Unicode is the solution chosen by operating systems for supporting http://www.baraha.com/html_help/baraha/unicode_support.htm | |
40. GeNIe 2.0 & SMILE - Decision Systems Laboratory GeNIe is a development environment for building graphical decisiontheoretic models running under windows operating systems. SMILE is its portable inference engine, consisting of a library of C++ classes, currently compiled for Windows, Solaris and Linux. http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~genie/ | |
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