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121. Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission Home Page Information and regulations on hunting, freshwater and saltwater fishing, wildlife viewing, hiking trails, boating safety, the Florida panther and other endangered and threatened species. http://floridaconservation.org/ | |
122. California's Wildlife Notes Biological information on the more than 600 amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles regularly found in California. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/cawildlife.html | |
123. Â¥xÃW¦a°Ã³¥¥Ã°Ãª«¤Ã¥¬¸ê®Ã®w The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://wagner.zo.ntu.edu.tw/wildlife/ | |
124. Wildlifeforever.net - Gardening For Wildlife Conservation Guidance and photographs on creating and maintaining a garden plot for wildlife. http://www.wildlifeforever.net | |
125. National Wildlife Federation Online Store The online shopping site for the NWF featuring naturethemed products. http://catalog.nwf.org | |
126. David Bowie Fan Page - Teenage Wildlife Polls, contests, search, chat, and online music/book store. Complete lyrics, discography, and a Bowie encyclopedia with notes on Bowie's collaborators and family. http://www.teenagewildlife.com | |
127. A Brush With Wildlife: Create A Composition With Carl Rungius A Brush with wildlife design and development by Educational Web Adventures Copyright© 2001. The National Museum of wildlife Art. All rights reserved. http://www.wildlifeart.org/Rungius/ | |
128. Canadian Wildlife Federation Home Page CWF advocates the protection of Canada's wild species and spaces. Provides information and news. http://www.cwf-fcf.org/ | |
129. Art Tales: Telling Stories With Wildlife Art Art Tales design and development by Educational Web Adventures.© 2000 National Museum of wildlife Art. http://www.wildlifeart.org/ArtTales/ | |
130. Equine And Wildlife Art Of Merry Cibula Equine and wildlife art, both originals and prints, from Merry Cibula. http://www.cedar.net/users/haze/cibula/equine_art.htm |
131. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Northern Prairie wildlife Research Center. http//www.npwrc.usgs.gov.Last updated May 20, 2004. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/ | |
132. Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation's Greeting Cards Pictures of squirrels to send as ecards. http://www.squirrel-rehab.org/cards/card.html | |
133. UT Forestry, Wildlife, And Fisheries Contact information, academics, alumni, personnel, extension, class websites, online forum, job and internship information, online newsletters, graduate student information, and links. http://fwf.ag.utk.edu | |
134. American Wildlife Association (AWA) - Deer Hunting, Waterfowl, Whitetail, Goose, Nationally franchised network of private clubs, providing hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor activities to local members of affiliate clubs. Includes list of clubs, species search and contact information. http://www.awaclubs.com | |
135. Interesting Facts On Wild Species And Wild Places Interesting facts on wild species and wild places, http://www.panda.org/news_facts/education/index.cfm | |
136. Global Warming And Wildlife NWF works to protect wildlife from the impacts of climate change. http://www.nwf.org/climate/ | |
137. Our Programs - National Wildlife Federation Educational materials, information on several major U.S. wetlands regions, U.S. legal requirements and issues related to wetlands protection, floodplain restoration, wetlands library. http://www.nwf.org/wetlands/ | |
138. Wildlife Art Portrait etchings of pets, wildlife, farms, homes, flora, angels, or anything from your photos on granite. http://hometown.aol.com/kpassisi | |
139. New Page 2 Award winning Taxidermy by Shawn Galea and James McGreggor. http://www.advancedtaxidermy.com | |
140. Metropolitan Police Wildlife Crime Unit Introduction To Wildlife Introduction to wildlife Crime. In Britain the responsibility for enforcementof the laws protecting our wildlife rests with the police service. http://www.met.police.uk/wildlife/ |
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