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101. TPWD: Boating In Texas For more specific information and requirements for boating in Texas, please referto Texas Parks and wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/boat/ | |
102. Connecticut Wildlife Division Home Page information on the state's Department of Environmental Protection and the wildlife it oversees. Includes publications library and slide shows. http://dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/wildlife/wdhome.htm | |
103. Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission Home Page information and regulations on hunting, freshwater and saltwater fishing, wildlife viewing, hiking trails, boating safety, the Florida panther and other endangered and threatened species. http://floridaconservation.org/ | |
104. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission The best resource for hunting, fishing, and boating information, educational programs, WILD Products, and other wildlife services for the citizens and http://www.ncwildlife.org/fs_index_05_boating.htm |
105. Fishing In New Hampshire - N.H. Fish And Game May 29 is Hatchery Open House Recent fish stocking information now available Public hearing on proposed freshwater fishing rule changes May 26 http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Fishing/fishing.htm | |
106. California's Wildlife Notes Biological information on the more than 600 amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles regularly found in California. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/cawildlife.html | |
107. Canadian Wildlife Federation Home Page CWF advocates the protection of Canada's wild species and spaces. Provides information and news. http://www.cwf-fcf.org/ | |
108. Société De La Faune Et Des Parcs Du Québec - English wildlife news, information on hunting education, and brochures detailing regional regulations. http://www.fapaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/index1.htm | |
109. Student Field Trips - Indonesia Travel And Adventures, Wildlife Tours, Fishing T river to watch the proboscis monkeys, birds and other wildlife playing in Day itinerary,Tour Price, flight details, airfares, further information and private http://www.adventureindonesia.com/student-welcome.htm | |
110. American Wildlife Association (AWA) - Deer Hunting, Waterfowl, Whitetail, Goose, Nationally franchised network of private clubs, providing hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor activities to local members of affiliate clubs. Includes list of clubs, species search and contact information. http://www.awaclubs.com | |
111. Indonesia Travel And Adventures, Wildlife Tours, Fishing Trips, Mountain Treks - the tropical rain forests to watch birds and wildlife, visit remote Day to Day itinerary,Tour Price, flight details, airfares, further information and private http://www.adventureindonesia.com/wkend-welcome.htm | |
112. UT Forestry, Wildlife, And Fisheries Contact information, academics, alumni, personnel, extension, class websites, online forum, job and internship information, online newsletters, graduate student information, and links. http://fwf.ag.utk.edu | |
113. Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation The Max McGraw wildlife Foundation offers a variety of educational opportunitiesfor all for a program, visit the School Programs page for more information. http://www.mcgrawwildlife.org/main.taf?p=3 |
114. Our Programs - National Wildlife Federation Educational materials, information on several major U.S. wetlands regions, U.S. legal requirements and issues related to wetlands protection, floodplain restoration, wetlands library. http://www.nwf.org/wetlands/ | |
115. Thrigby Hall - Loading Welcome Page Norfolk. Exotic animals housed on the grounds of Thrigby Hall, built in 1736. Includes visitor information and facility map with photos and descriptions of exhibits. http://www.optipoint.co.uk/thrigby/home.htm |
116. African Wildlife Foundation: Home Page Funds and develops conservation programs. information about projects and their locations. http://www.awf.org/ | |
117. GNWT - Resources, Wildlife And Economic Development - Wildlife And Fisheries information about wildlife and fisheries resources, policies and regulations governing the use of these resources, and the Department's work in this area. http://www.gov.nt.ca/RWED/wf/index.htm | |
118. American Bald Eagle Information Even if the US Fish and wildlife Service removes the bald eagle from the The informationand photos on this web site may be used for student projects as long http://www.baldeagleinfo.com/ | |
119. Buffalo Lake NWR Photographic opportunities for wildlife and scenics abound at the refuge FM 168, twomiles south of the Highway 1714 intersection, offers information on prairie http://southwest.fws.gov/refuges/texas/buffalo.html |
120. Removal Raccoon Squirrel Skunk Trapping Animal Rights Animal Damage Extensive information on the responsible management of damage caused by raccoons, skunks, squirrels, chipmunks, bats, opossums, beavers, woodchucks, coyotes, moles, voles, mice, and pigeons. http://www.wildlifedamagecontrol.com/ | |
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