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181. Homepage Of The National Fish And Wildlife Foundation A collaborative effort between the NFWF, BLM, the FS, BOR and Trout Unlimited to restore the health of riverine systems and their native species. http://www.nfwf.org/ | |
182. Wec Coop Website Conducts detailed investigations of wetlands and their component fish and wildlife resources, emphasizing the linkages with both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. http://www.wec.ufl.edu/coop/ | |
183. Wildlife And Countryside Link Brings voluntary organisations together to protect and enhance wildlife and landscape. http://www.wcl.org.uk | |
184. Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge Includes facts, history, hunting and fishing regulations, and public use opportunities. http://cameronprairie.fws.gov/ |
185. Nature & Wildlife From Alaska - Adirondacks Portfolios include Adirondacks, Alaska, bears, birds and other animals. http://www.SharpPhoto.com/ | |
186. Jonas Studios Wildlife Sculpture - Museum Quality Animals And Dinosaurs Museum quality animal miniatures and World's Fair dinosaurs; bronzes and fine art collectables, scale images cast in procelain. http://www.jonasstudios.com/wildlifesculpture/ | |
187. Web1 A group of local residents who help to improve Victoria Park, Bristol, for people and wildlife. http://www.ionacons.demon.co.uk/vpwg/ | |
188. WASCO -- Wildlife Artist Supply Company Offering the taxidermy industry tools, supplies and service. http://www.taxidermy.com |
189. FREE-ROAMING DOGS POSE A THREAT TO WILDLIFE An article on the increased incidence of dogs chasing and killing wildlife in Colorado. http://www.dnr.state.co.us/cdnr_news/wildlife/199861512282.html | |
190. Flagship Species The Great Whales Through support to TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring programme of WWF and IUCN,the organisation is closely investigating and monitoring the illegal trade http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/what_we_do/flagship_species/wh | |
191. National Wildlife Federation Environmental Education School and community program resources for students and teachers with publications such as Ranger Rick . http://www.nwf.org/education/index.html |
192. UF Impacts Of Free-ranging Pets On Wildlife Report by Joe Schaefer on the potential of cats and dogs to impact wildlife, actions pet owners can take, and suggested reading. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_UW090 | |
193. WILDLIFE DIVISION-Migratory Wildlife And Wetland Ecology About Texas Parks and wildlife habitat management activities. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wildlife/migrate.htm | |
194. Rustic Wildlife Decor - Rustic Wildlife Themed Decorating Accents For Your Home, Rustic metal accents and home decor made with wrought iron. http://www.rusticwildlifedecor.com/ | |
195. Mangrove Flora And Fauna Of Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Singapore Detailed and organized research of selected species in the park. Provides pictures and function of plants. http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/ | |
196. Order Toll Free: 1-888-318-2825 - DeerClover.com - Superior Wildlife Seed Co. We Offers food plots and wildlife habitat management products. http://www.deerclover.com | |
197. Wildlife Africa-South Africa National Parks A listing of all the South African National Game Parks, with brief details of their location, accommodation, facilities, special precautions when visiting the park and the wildlife. http://www.wildlifeafrica.co.za/sanationalparks.html | |
198. Alaskan Wildlife Screensavers. Wolf, Bear, Eagle, Moose. Free Electronic Postcar Images of wolf, moose, bear, eagle. Free epostcards. Custom wildlife screensavers with your logo and link to your website. Stock photos, computer gifts, business promotions http://www.wildernessinspirations.com/ | |
199. WILDLIFE OF NOVA SCOTIA The text of Julie Towers' book wildlife of Nova Scotia, a scholarly publication for naturalists. It provides access to most of the book's contents except illustrations and tables. http://www.gov.ns.ca/natr/WILDLIFE/wns/wns0.htm | |
200. INDEX Located in Frederick. Provides qualifications, pricing, and photographs. http://www.youngswildlifeart.com/ | |
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