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81. Predator Conservation Trust: Wild Dog Information They are the second most endangered large carnivore in Africa. African wilddogs are not listed on CITES, despite being critically endangered. http://www.predatorconservation.com/wild dog.htm | |
82. The African Wild Dog The African wild Dog is one of the most endangered species of carnivores,and populations have declined dramatically over the past three decades. http://www.nczoo.org/conserv/wild_dog.html | |
83. Welcome To Shamwari Game Reserve In The Heart Of The Malaria Free Eastern Cape S The African wild dog is the most endangered predator one of three mammals on themost endangered list in Southern Africa, the others being the Roan Antelope http://www.shamwari.com/newstemplate.asp?id=54 |
84. Wild Dog The wild Dog is one of Africa s most endangered mammal species. Thewild Dog is one of AfricaÂs most endangered mammal species. http://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_wild_dog.html | |
85. African Wild Dog Once distributed throughout subSaharan Africa, wild dogs are now highlyendangered with less than 500 dogs living in 600-1000 packs. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi708/treasure/wilddog/ | |
86. GCC: Tony Fitzjohn/George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust -- Wild Do In 1995, the Trust made history by launching East Africa s first captive breedingand translocation program for the critically endangered African wild Dog. http://www.gcci.org/mkomazi/mkomazi_dog.html | |
87. Cheetah Conservation Foundation This foundation plays a vital role in the channeling of public funds toCheetah, wild Dog and other endangered animal conservation programs. http://www.cango.co.za/cheetah.htm | |
88. Denver Zoo - Animals And Plants - Mammals - Hunting Dog, Arctic Wolf, Leopard In the wild they feed on antelopes and small The African hunting dog is ENDANGEREDbecause of loss disease due to contact with domestic dogs; and persecution http://www.denverzoo.org/animalsplants/mammal02.htm | |
89. African Wild Dog Or Cape Hunting Dog Persecution, disease and reduction in habitat has caused a marked decreasein wild dog populations and they are considered an endangered species. http://www.wildcam.com/guides/critter.jsp?animalid=56 |
90. Further Information About Dholes It has some excellent footage of wild dogs in Periyar Reserve, southern India. A reviewof the biology of the dhole or Asiatic wild dog (Cuon alpinus Pallas). http://www.cuon.net/dholes/refs.htm | |
91. Green Clippings - Eight Wild Dogs For KZN Park means for their continued survival. The wild dog is the most endangeredmammal species in Africa. It is estimated that there are http://www.greenclippings.co.za/gc_main/article.php?story=20030813144405390 |
92. Save The Prairie Dog Information about every issue concerning the BlackTailed Prairie dogs and efforts to save them. RMAD) boldly began protecting prairie dogs and their homes all animals including prairie dogs http://www.prairiedogs.org/ | |
93. African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus) Although there are many conservation efforts in place to try to save this severelyendangered species, native people view the African wild dog as a pest, often http://www.thebigzoo.com/Animals/African_Wild_Dog.asp | |
94. African Wild Dog - Lycaon Pictus Their only predators are humans. The African wild dog is on the IUCN s endangeredspecies list and studies are being done on its conservation. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/african_wild_dog.htm | |
95. CDC - Distemper Outbreak And Its Effect On African Wild Dog Conservation species. The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is a highly endangeredcarnivore found in Africa south of the Sahara. Its population http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol8no2/01-0314.htm | |
96. Wild Dog Links more. Painted Wolf Profile of the African Hunting Dog. EndangeredAfrican wild Dog American Museum of Natural History. The African http://www.groomingschool.com/wild_dog.htm | |
97. Endangered Page 1 The increasing human population have brought the domestic dog in contact with thewild dog giving them canine distemper All species of the Boa are endangered. http://home.earthlink.net/~chidusty5/page1.html | |
98. African Wild Dog Conservation It is one of the few African carnivores to be given the IUCN classification ofEndangered Species. The African wild dog is nomadic, and has a home range of http://www.afrikeye.net/Conservation/AWDC/wild_dogs.htm | |
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