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1. AMNH - Expedition : Endangered Hall of African Mammals. The dogs are African wild dogs, one of the most remarkable animals African wild dogs are the continent's most endangeredpredator. African wild dogs live in http://www.amnh.org/Exhibition/Expedition/Endangered/dog/dog.html | |
2. On The Trail Of Africa's Endangered Wild Dogs Critically endangered, only 5 000 African wild dogs remain in the wild. Hoping to save the species, conservationists in South Africa are tracking reintroduced packs of the highly social and a hill with an antenna held in the air, listening for signals from the radio collars of African wild dogs http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/12/1231_031231_tvafricandog.html | |
3. Caribbean Gardens: African Wild Dogs Zoo Opens Exhibit for Predator. More endangered Than Tigers. On December 27th, 2001 Caribbean Gardens The ZOO in Naples premiered a new African wild dog exhibit. as Cape hunting dogs. With less http://www.caribbeangardens.com/New/Wild-Dogs.htm | |
4. "Predators, Not Humans, Are Greatest Threat To Endangered African Wild Dogs" Predators, Not Humans, Are Greatest Threat to endangered African wild dogs BOZEMANAfrican wild dogs have more to lose from a pride of lions or a pack of spotted hyenas http://www.montana.edu/wwwpb/univ/dogs.html | |
5. African Wild Dogs Once numbering in the hundreds of thousands, the African wild dog (Lycaonpictus) is now one of the African continent s most endangered animals. http://www.umich.edu/~esupdate/library/97.01-02/mamakos.html | |
6. The Endangered African Wild Dog This animal is one of the most endangered animals in the world it is Africasmost endangered carnivores. The number of African wild dogs on the African http://wiwi.essortment.com/wilddogafrican_rgqa.htm | |
7. African Wild Dog -- Kids' Planet -- Defenders Of Wildlife Fax 202682-1331, STATUS endangered. DESCRIPTION African wild dogsare the size of medium domestic dogs. Their Latin name, Lycaon http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/african_wild_dog.html | |
8. Islam Online- Health & Science Section Enter your Email. endangered wild dogs Caught in Poaching Stampede Painted hunting dogs, also known as Cape hunting dogs or African wild dogs, so named for their individual and http://www.islam-online.net/english/Science/2003/08/article08.shtml | |
9. Future Of The Endangered African Wild Dogs Looking Brighter After Big Litter - A Future of the endangered African wild dogs looking brighter after big litter African wild dogs, endangered species, Zululand s Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park. http://wildnetafrica.co.za/bushcraft/dailynews/1998archive_3/archive_19980916_wi | |
10. ENVIRONMENT-AFRICA: Endangered Wild Dogs Caught In Poaching Stampede ENVIRONMENTAFRICA endangered wild dogs Caught in Poaching Stampede Painted hunting dogs, also known as Cape hunting dogs or African wild dogs, so named for their individual and http://www.ipsnews.net/africa/interna.asp?idnews=19951 |
11. Kim Helfrich Column - WildNet Africa - Column News File - Kim Helfrich - 20 Marc wild dogs relocated to park in Waterberg In a bold move to reestablish a populationof Southern Africa s most endangered carnivore - the wild dog - on http://wildnetafrica.co.za/bushcraft/columns/helfrich/20020409.html | |
12. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 21, 2003 March 21, 2003 2nd Successful Birth of endangered African wild dogs Toledo, OHThe Toledo Zoo is proud of the most endangered canine species. Whereas wild dogs were once found http://www.toledozoo.org/discover/pressreleases/wilddogbirth.pdf |
13. Critically Endangered Wild Dogs Snared By Poacher , Price, QuantityRequired, Add To Basket. Critically endangered wild dogs snared by poacher, 5.00,......Critically endangered wild dogs snared by poacher. Ref, http://www.bornfreetrading.co.uk/itm00311.htm | |
14. Natural History: Sizing Up The Competition - Endangered African Wild Dogs - Incl (endangered African wild dogs) (includes related article) Natural History, Sept,1998, by Scott Creel. For African wild dogs, catching dinner is one thing. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1134/n7_v107/21084299/p1/article.jhtml | |
15. Natural History: Sizing Up The Competition - Endangered African Wild Dogs - Incl competition. (endangered African wild dogs) (includes related article)Natural History, Sept, 1998, by Scott Creel. Continued from page 1. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1134/n7_v107/21084299/p2/article.jhtml?term= |
16. NPWS - Fox And Wild Dog Baiting Begins In Bongil Bongil National This endangered migratory bird was on the verge of localised extinction in 1995.With the annual removal of foxes and wild dogs from the national park, and http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npws.nsf/Content/Fox and wild dog baiting be | |
17. ENVIRONMENT-AFRICA: Endangered Wild Dogs Caught In Poaching Stampede ENVIRONMENTAFRICA endangered wild dogs Caught in Poaching Stampede Wilson JohwaBULAWAYO, Zimbabwe, Sep 3 (IPS) - They hunt in family groups over great http://www.ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=19951 |
18. Islam Online- Health & Science Section endangered wild dogs Caught in Poaching Stampede. By Wilson Johwa. 13/08/2003. Forthe endangered painted wild dogs, there might be no third chance. Sources http://www.islamonline.net/english/science/2003/08/article08.shtml | |
19. African Hunting Dog (Lycaon Pictus) - Picture And Info a weight of 35 kg, the African hunting dog, which is also simply called wild dog,is about African hunting dogs are regarded to be very endangered nowadays. http://magazine.naturecom.de/text/wild-dog.html | |
20. Wild Dog Survey in 1999/2000 to obtain a further population estimate and to further assess demographicparameters of wild dogs in the Lowveld. endangered wildlife Trust http://www.parks-sa.co.za/conservation/scientific_services/ss_wild_dog_survey.ht | |
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