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81. Wiccan Children's Bibliography And Bookstore Intro Back to the CoG Home Page. wiccan Children Youth Resources Bibliography and Bookstore. FOREWORD. This publication was created http://www.cog.org/wicca/parents/resguide.html | |
82. Wiccan Advisor, A Wicca (witch, Witchcraft, Pagan) Advice Column wiccan Advisor is a wicca (witch, witchcraft, pagan) advice column for any question under the Sun, Moon or Stars! wiccan Advisor. http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/pagan/WiccanAdvisor.htm | |
83. The Wiccan Rede The wiccan Rede (Full Version) Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/rede.htm | |
84. The Witches' Broome Web Page Articles on topics of interest to Eclectic wiccans and Pagans. http://members.tripod.com/~witchesbroom/ | |
85. Wiccan, Pagan And Witchcraft Holidays, Rituals, Activities & Recipes Main Index Through the links below, you will find a wealth of information regarding specific Pagan Holidays, Rituals, Activities and Recipes to go along with them. http://www.wicca.com/celtic/akasha/index0.htm | |
86. Hearthstone's Haven Book reviews for a wide variety of Pagan and wiccan books categorized by content. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Column/6474/ | |
87. Gnostic Oracle Promoting education on the wiccan tradition, with information on tarot, runes, wheel of the year, rituals. http://www.mindspring.com/~cronemother | |
88. Wiccan Love Spells Learn Wicca / Faerie Tradition wiccan Love Spells. wiccan Love Spell 1 THE MOST IMPORTANT LOVE SPELL If you are not open to love, no love spell can work. http://www.feri.com/frand/Wicca1.html | |
89. Paganism Wicca and Paganism including coming out of the broom closet, and sabbats in Australia. http://www.geocities.com/feathers_1983/pagan | |
90. An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Testimony Of Donalyn Vaughn Donalyn Vaughn, former wiccan, answers these and other questions. the Spirit Watch. My Testimony A Former wiccan Speaks. By Donalyn Vaughn. http://www.spiritwatch.org/pagtest1.htm | |
91. Lady Ashmon And Lord Drago's Wiccan Site Wicca, paganism and the new age lifestyle. Spells, invocation, parts of my book of shadows, rituals and circle casting. http://www.angelfire.com/games3/ladyashmon/ | |
92. Wicca - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wicca Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia spring seasons. wiccan Traditions. Wicca. Also worth mentioning is the Feri Tradition, though this is not always considered wiccan. A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiccan | |
93. Silver And Dragon Wolf's Page! wiccan/Pagan site including links, Wicca 101 information, a bookstore and a newsletter. http://members.tripod.com/~SilverDragonWolf/Den.htm | |
94. Tinker Bells Wiccan Wonders Offers information on Wicca, and a huge list of correspondences and other resources for an Eclectic wiccan. A very friendly site, great for those new to Wicca or more experienced wiccans. http://www.geocities.com/tinker_bell_1985/ | |
95. Wiccan Sacred Texts From Joelle's Sacred Grove wiccan Sacred Texts. Sorry but your browser apparently doesn t support frames. Please click here to continue to the nonframe version http://www.joellessacredgrove.com/Spells/texts.html | |
96. Carrie's Faery And Wiccan Information Page Includes information on both topics and author bio. http://www.geocities.com/yepimagirl_78/faerygoodpage.html |
97. Home Of Seasons Of The Witch The ultimate in wiccan Pagan calendars from Seventh House Publishing. Hawk, WPBN (wiccan Pagan Broadcasting Network) Denver. http://www.witches.ws/ | |
98. Andromeda's Wiccan Site For wiccan teens. Includes chat and a message board so teens can chat and share their ideas. Also this site includes information on the religion Wicca. http://www.angelfire.com/wi2/andromedawicca/ | |
99. Dynamically Generated Pages - Offline Browsers/spiders Not Allowed http://www.comicbookfonts.com/direct/wiccan.html |
100. Central Texas Wiccans And Pagans A group of like minded pagans located in the Central Texas area. http://www.ctwp.org | |
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