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61. Ivory Moon's Wiccan Cauldron All Artwork here within is the property of. © Lady IvoryMoon. Please Do Not! Remove any Graphics from this site . Without asking http://ladymoon.net/ | |
62. Grove Of Artemis Wiccan Church Homepage Established for the purpose of sharing with the world the thoughts and feelings of their priest on Wicca and life in general. http://members.tripod.com/~Tor_Toise/index.html | |
63. Lady IvoryMoon's ~Wiccan Kitty's Index *~. Welcome Within. The Realm Of The wiccan Kitty s.. ~*~Enter SiteRing by Bravenet.com. wiccan Kittys WebRing, by ivorywiccan2001. Join http://wiccankittys.topcities.com/ | |
64. Family Pagan/Wiccan Resource Pages For and by Pagan parents, with stories, arts and crafts, links to legal aid, herbal medicine, religious freedom issues, Pagan humor and other items of interest. http://oakdancer.com | |
65. The Evolution Of Wiccan Ethics The Evolution of wiccan Ethics. (This is a work in progress so some items will not be linked) About this Project. The wiccan Rede. King Who http://www.waningmoon.com/ethics/ | |
66. Full Moon Paradise wiccan and pagan recipes, crafts, tools and resource information for the modern practitioner. http://groups.msn.com/FullMoonParadise/ | |
67. The Wiccan Rede: A Historical Journey The wiccan Rede. A Historical Journey. http://www.waningmoon.com/ethics/rede.shtml | |
68. Original Magick Designs wiccan owned and operated cross stitch publishing company and pagan supply mail order company. Cross stitch pattern catalogs are available. http://www.originalmagick.com/ | |
69. The Wiccan Room Webring * * * IMPORTANT NEWS * * * The wiccan Room has moved. You will be magickally transported in a few seconds but if not, please go http://www.magickalmoon.com/reedtree/Rings/wring.htm |
70. Moondust In The Wind Basic information for beginners and the curious. http://moondust7277.tripod.com/ | |
71. Wiccan Childrens' Bibliography And Bookstore wiccan Children Youth Resources Bibliography and Bookstore. Magical Chapter 7, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, is a delight for any wiccan. http://www.cog.org/wicca/parents/kidbib.html | |
72. Burlington UU Circle (VT) Homepage of the Burlington UU Circle, Inc., (BUUC), a chapter of the Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS). Supports networking efforts among those in Vermont's Pagan community. Site has group description and local and state calendar of events such as Spirit Drum and Ecstatic Dance Circle . http://hometown.aol.com/firebearer/index.html | |
73. Wicca Aside from the wiccan Rede and the threefold law , wiccans do not have to subscribe to a fixed ideology so beliefs vary, however the common theme is that http://www.crystalinks.com/wicca.html | |
74. Ask Hagatha Answers many of the basic wiccan and paganism questions that a person new to the craft would ask. There are also craft projects, free tarot card reading, basic book of shadows, and just for fun the pagan craft generator. http://www.askhagatha.com/ | |
75. The Wiccan Historian Wicca, Wicce, wiccan, God, Goddess, Witchcraft, History, Pagan, Goddess Tradition, The Old Religion, Book of Shadows, Shaman, Shamanism, Magic, Magick, Earth http://wiccanhistorian.home.att.net/ |
76. WiccaWeb.com -- Welcome wiccan web portal providing discussion forums, a resource database, interesting and informative readings, and chat. http://www.wiccaweb.com | |
77. Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism (The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum) Most of the articles and features on this site have a strong wiccan or general NeoPagan flavor because most of the articles and features we have been given http://www.ecauldron.com/reconcelt.php | |
78. The Wiccan Grove Celtic orientation. Information about sabbats, day correspondences, and a quiz. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/3183 | |
79. Wiccan Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram (The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum) wiccan Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram by Paul Hume. The following text was light Divine. . wiccan PENTAGRAM RITUAL. Rubric This http://www.ecauldron.com/wiccanlbrp.php | |
80. Flash Silvermoon - The Wise Woman's Tarot Dianic (wiccan) Priestess, psychic, musician, teacher, and author of astrology and tarot textbooks. Site has details about tarot decks, psychic readings, astrology charts, horoscopes, classes, music, animal communication and publications. http://www.flashsilvermoon.com | |
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