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41. Inspector General National white collar crime Center (Member Site). National Institute for Military Justice. IG NetFederal Inspectors general. US Dept of Defense Inspector general. http://ohmr.ohio.gov/ohmrig.htm | |
42. White-collar Crime In South Africa: A Comparative Perspective - African Security Examples of how the general public may be affected by whitecollar crime include, for instance, insurance premiums rising significantly due to false claims http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/ASR/5No2/5No2/WhiteCollarcrime.html | |
43. White-Collar Crime In South Africa: An Initial Overview - Policing The Transform Beyond business and government, it is necessary to create a general awareness among the public at large of whitecollar crime, and possible ways of preventing http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/Monographs/No3/WhiteCollarCrime LC.html | |
44. Wiley::Masters Of Deception: The Worldwide White-Collar Crime Crisis And Ways To Wiley Business Finance Investments general Finance Investments Masters of Deception The Worldwide whitecollar crime Crisis and Ways to Protect http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471133558.html | |
45. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld LLP- Practice judging the National white collar crime Mock Trial Our Services Our worldwide white collar criminal litigation inquiries by inspectors general and special http://www.akingump.com/practice.cfm?practice_id=108 |
46. Carlton Fields - Practices & Industries - White Collar Crime And Government Inve covers all areas of white collar representation and fraud and forfeiture matters, and immigration crimes. by the Florida Attorney general s Office, including http://www.carltonfields.com/practices/overview.aspx?SectionID=4&id=000001389003 |
47. Experian | Fraud Forum 2004 Chuck Whitlock. Investigative television journalist, author, and speaker Areas of expertise financial fraud, whitecollar crime, and identity theft http://www.experian.com/fraud_forum/general.html | |
48. White Collar Cases, An Attorney Lawyer For White Collar Crimes And Cases white collar crimes follow the general principles of criminal liability in that each crime requires a bad act, a criminal intent, and causation. http://www.hmichaelsteinberg.com/whitecollarcases.htm | |
49. WHITE COLLAR CRIME REQUIRED TEXTS (1) whitecollar crime Classic and Contemporary Views. (3rd edition). September 22, 5, crimes Against Consumers and general Public, E L http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhollin/ccj4644.htm | |
50. WHITE COLLAR CRIME REQUIRED TEXTS 1) whitecollar crime Classic and Contemporary Views. September 25, 5, crimes Against Consumers and general Public, E L 6,7,12,15 GM http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhollin/sya7933.htm | |
51. White Collar Crime Advisory white collar crime Advisory Attorney general John Ashcroft has made it tougher for federal prosecutors to strike plea bargains with criminal defendants http://www.blankrome.com/publications/whitecollar/advisory0903.asp | |
52. 25 Reasons Why 'White Collar Terrorists' Are To Blame For 911 Director of Policy of the Department of Defense, the Inspector general of the Obviously, then, the attack was a white collar crime by one or more white collar http://www.rense.com/general32/25.htm | |
53. 2002 National Victim Assistance Academy Morgantown, WV National white collar crime Center. Reno, J. February 16, 2000. Testimony by the Attorney general before the United States Senate Committee on http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/nvaa2002/chapter16ref.html | |
54. White-Collar And Corporate Compliance At Holland & Knight LLP The Holland Knight whitecollar crime Defense Team is DEA, the US Department of Labor (Organized crime Program) and various Offices of Inspector general. http://www.hklaw.com/Practice/Practice.asp?SubPAID=92 |
55. Wiley Europe::Masters Of Deception: The Worldwide White-Collar Crime Crisis And WileyEurope Business Finance Investments general Finance Investments Masters of Deception The Worldwide whitecollar crime Crisis and Ways to http://www.wileyeurope.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471133558.html | |
56. Comey: Prosecute White Collar Criminals To Keep People Honest - 2004-04-20 - The US deputy attorney general James Comey said prosecutors go after white collar crime with the same zeal as they prosecute drug dealers. http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2004/04/19/daily19.html?jst=s_cn_h |
57. APRI Highlights - Winter 2002, White Collar Crime Program, American Prosecutors Justice Assistance (BJA), APRI is working in partnership with the National Association of Attorneys general (NAAG), the National white collar crime Center (NW3C http://www.ndaa-apri.org/publications/newsletters/apri_highlights_white_collar_c | |
58. APRI Highlights - Spring 2002, White Collar Crime Program, American Prosecutors APRIÂs white collar crime Program is working in partnership with the National Association of Attorneys general, the National white collar crime Center and http://www.ndaa-apri.org/publications/newsletters/apri_highlights_white_collar_c | |
59. Texas Attorney General Center a partnership between the FBI and the National white collar crime Center; Yourself from Consumer Fraud, from the Florida Attorney general; Texas Lemon Law http://www.oag.state.tx.us/website/links2.shtml | |
60. Bass, Berry & Sims PLC Practice Areas: Litigation: Internal Investigations And W company in a federal grand jury investigation resulting from an audit by the Office of Inspector general for a Internal Investigations and white collar crime. http://www.bassberry.com/practice/litigation/internal.html | |
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