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1. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management Papers on international wetlands issues, bridging the management and academic research areas. Incorporate http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0923-4861 | |
2. Ingenta: All Issues -- Wetlands Ecology And Management user name. password. remember me. enter. Athens click here to login via Athens. Earth and Environmental Sciences Ecology, wetlands ecology and Management, http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/klu/wetl | |
3. Wetlands Ecology And Management The Journal wetlands ecology and Management, Mangroves and Salt Marshes, and service design and development. Aims Scope wetlands ecology and Management is an international journal that publishes original articles in the field of wetlands ecology, the science of the structure http://www.environmental-center.com/magazine/kluwer/wetl | |
4. Southern Forested Wetlands: Southern Forested wetlands ecology and Management. Editors Michael G. Messina, Department of Forest Science, Texas A M University, College Station. William H. Southern Forested wetlands ecology and Management is a textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate http://www.floridaplants.com/CR/forested.htm | |
5. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0923-4861/contents | |
6. USGS National Wetlands Research Center: Wetlands Ecology Branch Research related to sustainable management and restoration of the USA coastal saltwater wetlands, coastal and inland freshwater wetlands, submerged aquatic ecosystems, and coastal prairie. http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/about/web/wtlndeco.htm | |
7. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0923-4861/current | |
8. Ingenta: Table Of Contents -- Wetlands Ecology And Management, April 2004, Volum wetlands ecology and Management. April 2004, Volume 12, Issue 2 Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers see publisher s website see all issues of this journal, http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/TOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://klu/wetl/20 |
9. USGS National Wetlands Research Center: Wetlands Ecology Branch wetlands ecology Branch. Chief C. Edward Proffitt, Ph.D Coastal freshwater and saltwater wetlands, coupled with submerged aquatic ecosystems, are critical for commercially http://www.nwrc.gov/about/web/wtlndeco.htm | |
10. Wetlands Ecology And Management|KLUWER Academic Publishers http://www.wkap.nl/journals/wem | |
11. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management http://www.wkap.nl/prod/j/0923-4861 | |
12. Massachusetts Office Of Coastal Zone Management State information on topics such as coastal water quality, coastal wetlands ecology, shoreline access, port planning, underwater archaeology, and marine aquaculture. http://www.state.ma.us/czm/czm.htm | |
13. SFX Services For This Record Source, wetlands ecology and management 09234861. Your browser does not support javascript. You can access services with the button. http://nelli.nelliportaali.fi:9003/sfx_local?sid=HY:ejournals&genre=journal&issn |
14. Wetlands Ecosystem Research Group Consists of faculty and staff members at Amherst and other collaborating institutions. Engaged since the late 1960's in research, teaching and public service on freshwater and marine wetlands ecology and management. http://www.umass.edu/tei/werg/ | |
15. Wetlands Ecology wetlands ecology. Wetland Indicators A Guide to Wetland Identification, Delineation, Classification, and Mapping. Wetland Ecology Principles and Conservation. http://topics.practical.org/browse/Wetlands_Ecology | |
16. Wetlands Wetlands United States Wetland ecology Plant indicators wetlands ecology Science Life Sciences Ecology Environmental Science Environmental http://topics.practical.org/browse/Wetlands | |
17. Welcome To The Center For Wetlands At The University Of Florida wetlands ecology research at the University of Florida (USA). http://www.cfw.ufl.edu/ | |
18. Wetlands Ecology Program çHome, wetlands ecology. People. Calhoun, AJK 1998. Book Review. Northern Forested wetlands ecology and management. Forest Science 44 329330. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/wetlands/calhoun.htm | |
19. Wetlands Ecology Services wetlands ecology Services. Photography by Suresh Sookbir. Examples of wetlands ecology services provided for technical advisory and research projects include http://www.ima.gov.tt/taswetlands_ecology_services.htm | |
20. PRBO Conservation Science: Wetlands Ecology Division PRBO s wetlands ecology Division takes a lead role in promoting the enhancement, restoration, and creation of coastal and wetland habitats west of the Rocky http://www.prbo.org/cms/index.php?mid=67 |
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