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21. West Virginia Workforce Investment Board - Career Centers, Job Training, Recruit Community Based, Jan Derry, NWVCIL. Community Based, Mary Chipps, Mountain CAP ofWest virginia, Inc. dev. Authority. education, Blair Montgomery, Fairmont State Comm. http://www.regionviwv.org/wib.cfm?menu=boards |
22. West Virginia Workforce Investment Board - Career Centers, Job Training, Recruit WIB Member, OneStop, Claudia George, Morgantown WORKFORCE west virginia Center.education, Expertise, Larry LeFlore, Center for Youth, Family, Adult dev. http://www.regionviwv.org/youthcouncil.cfm?menu=boards |
23. West Virginia Department Of Education west virginia Department of education 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Charleston,WV 25305 (Phone List by Topics) (staff Phone and Email by Name http://wvde.k12.wv.us/ | |
24. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Executive Summary Brenda Williams, Vice Chair, west virginia Department of Steven Sanchez, New MexicoDepartment of education. Scott Montgomery, Chief of staff Florida education http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/execsum/es6.htm | |
25. Wood County Professional Staff Development Council at South Parkersburg Baptist Church to review west virginia s new Constent SitesFor current issues in education and professional staff development, you http://myschoolonline.com/site/0,1876,55072-200690-57-3801,00.html | |
26. Welcome To The West Virginia Adult Basic Education ABE in west virginia State Role State ABE staff Regional ABE staff Regional Coordinators EditionsClass Location Directory Distance education Literacy Contacts http://www.wvabe.org/sitemap.htm | |
27. West Virginia Commission On The Arts Announces Grant Awards currently with or without professional staff, which have Applications approved bythe west virginia Commission on $3,650 WV Department of education $15,000 WV http://www.wvculture.org/agency/press/2003artsawards.html | |
28. Limestone College: Students, Faculty & Staff edu MA, Athletic Training, west virginia University; Classes taught Athletic training.Vanessa Fulbright, Instructor of Physical education vfulbright@limestone http://www.limestone.edu/sfs/acad/profess/physed.htm | |
29. Limestone College Students, Faculty Staff Classes taught Athletic training, physical education; Hobbies Jogging, sketching ClarencePegram MA, Athletic Training, west virginia University; Classes taught http://www.limestone.edu/sfs/acad/profess/sports.htm~ | |
30. Quality Counts: West Virginia Data education spending per $1,000 in per capita income, 1995, Teachers as % of total staff,1995, 55, 55, 55, This table shows west virginia s scores, along with those http://www.edweek.org/sreports/qc97/states/tables/wv-data.htm | |
31. Powerful Parents Transform Schools - West Virginia - GreatSchools.net By Terry Nagel, GreatSchools.net staff. income students in nine schools in a WestVirginia district and everyone to see that all children are well education. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/wv/36/parent | |
32. Teacher Education | Faculty & Staff Information west virginia University Instructor 1969-1970 Fairmont State Professor of education,University of west Florida. Special Assistant to the Dean of education. http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/dptinfo/faculty.shtml | |
33. Satellite.html MUSIC IS FUN! WITH SKIP west. MUSIC. 30. 301. FAIRFAX WORLDNET virginia TURKEY.EUROPE, HISTORY GED 2002 MAKING THE TRANSITION. education, staff DEVELOPMENT. 120. http://www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/media/satellite.html | |
34. Education World ® Administrators Center: Character(istics) Count! -- What Princ staff members who work together to develop Coal City Elementary School, Coal City,west virginia; McCarty, coordinator of special education services, Sacramento http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin257.shtml | |
35. The Lightstone Foundation And Community Development Corporation- Bringing Innova since 1994, when she comprised the entire office staff. received a Bachelor of MusicEducation degree from She loves living in the west virginia rural mountains http://www.lightstone.org/dev/aboutus/staff.html | |
36. The Lightstone Foundation And Community Development Corporation- Bringing Innova Labor Studies and Research, a unit in the Continuing education and Workforce Developmentof WVU s Extension Service. Prior to moving to west virginia in 1996 http://www.lightstone.org/dev/aboutus/lcdc_board.html | |
37. Valdosta Technical College - Faculty & Staff - Directory staff Credentials. 1997) New Connections to Work/ Equity Coordinator BS, Social Work,west virginia University, MS, Higher education Administration, Florida http://www.valdostatech.org/facstf/staff.asp | |
38. West Virginia Jobs - NationJob.com Careers, Work & Employment Opportunities Southeast USA; COMSEC, WinCE staff Leader Robert Math Teacher education 50%10 month Faculty west virginia; Physical Therapist WMH / Physical Therapy http://www.nationjob.com/westvirginia/jobs | |
39. San Francisco Intermed. Visual Basic Dev. Inside Sales Reps, Internet, IT Managers, Legal staff, Marketing, Multimedia Youreducation, technical skills and certificationsnear the top of west virginia . http://www.techvibes.com/job/view.asp?jobid=4041&city=5 |
40. Guide The Board Members and staff of the education Prepared by The education Alliance300 Capitol Street PO Box 307 Charleston, west virginia 253313071. http://www.educationalliance.org/guide.htm | |
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