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West Virginia Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
81. Why Is It Important To Have Nationwide Hearing Screening For Infants? Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, virginia, west virginia, Wisconsin, and service agencies, statewide educational programs, parent resources, speech and http://www.nad.org/infocenter/infotogo/ee/screening.html | |
82. MCPS: Parent Information And Training Center education Agencies in virginia and west virginia began a Maryland State Department of education also adopted go by many names parent Resource Center, parent http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/departments/parentinfo/about/ | |
83. Prevent Child Abuse WV - Resource Directory parent Educator Resource Centers parent Educator Resource Centers 39 centers serving local education agencies. and local contacts west virginia Department of http://www.preventchildabusewv.org/directory.html | |
84. West Virginia Department Of Health & Human Resources Home Page west virginia Department of Health and Human resources home page. Bureaus Behavioral Health Health Facilities, Child Support Enforcement, Children Families, Medical Services and Public Health http://www.wvdhhr.org/ | |
85. Virginia PTA - Educational Resources For Virgina Parent Teacher Associations, PT Welcome to the virginia educational resource page. on an array of issues facing virginia schools From school fundraising to regional parent Teacher Association http://www.ptacentral.org/virginia.htm | |
86. Virginia Divorce Lawyers And Information west virginia Code; Sections 489-102, 48-9-201 who is physically or mentally disabled; (2) educational expenses for the child or the parent; (3) families http://womansdivorce.com/virginia.html | |
87. Technical Assistance Alliance For Parent Centers to participate more effectively in meeting the educational needs of Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, virginia, and west virginia west Region http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/taa.htm | |
88. Parent Centers Texas Partners Resource Network (www.PartnersTX.org) Project (www.padda.org) parent Educational Advocacy Training west virginia west virginia PTI (www.wvpti.org http://www.allourchildrenwa.org/centers.htm | |
89. Albemarle County Public Schools / Special Education Homepage The American Association of Career and Technical education. virginia s Career Connect. west virginia Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. http://www.k12albemarle.org/SpecialEducation/links.htm |
90. Parent Resource Center Homepage The Autism Program of virginia (TAPVA) (Advisory Council The center is located in Room 10 of the Booker T. Washington Educational Center Annex at 460) west Exit http://www.roanoke.k12.va.us/programs/prc/ | |
91. EdGate_Special And Gifted Gifted And Talented Vermont Vermont Council for Gifted education; virginia virginia Association for the west virginia west virginia Association for Gifted Talented; http://www.edgateteam.net/sped_gifted/giftandtalent.htm | |
92. West Virginia Bureau For Children And Families - Early Care And Education on starting a day care center, licensing, subsidy eligibility, resource and referral Early Care and education Community Portal. west virginia Child Care Centers. http://www.wvdhhr.org/bcf/ece/ | |
93. Useful Links Kid Source education and health care information. Categories aid. parent Net Articles, news, tips, and resources for parents. parent http://www.spedex.com/napvi/links.html | |
94. Special Education Services At Goochland County Public Schools Administration Building on 2938I River Road west at 6 and expansion have been funded by the virginia Department of education (Adolescent Services http://www.glnd.k12.va.us/special_education.shtml | |
95. Parent Resource Center Information on *Individualized education Programs (IEP). Age of Majority. Another parent to talk with. Resource materials from the PERC lending library. http://boe.jack.k12.wv.us/perc.html | |
96. What You Should Know About West Virginia's TANF (Walfare) Program. http://www.dol.gov/wb/info_about_wb/regions/tanfwva.htm | |
97. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Virginia States Resources information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/virginia.html | |
98. PBS Parents | PBS parent Helper Boredom Busters Get rid of the Learn US Department of EducationThe PBS http://pbsparents.org/ | |
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