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West Virginia Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||
1. INTERNET SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCES: Non-profit Resources: West Virginia Parent west virginia. parent Training and Information. WVPTI. 371 Broaddus Avenue. Clarksburg, WV 26301. Tel (304) 6241436. Fax (304) 624-1438. WVPTI is funded through the US Department of education Office of Special education and Rehabilitation. http://www.iser.com/WVPTI.html | |
2. Office Of Special Education - WVDE Improvement Plan. Instructional resources. Letters of Clarification AND LEADERSHIP IN SPECIAL education. parent Educator Resource Centers 5583741. west virginia Department of education . http://wvde.state.wv.us/ose | |
3. West Virginia State Resources NICHCY State resources west virginia. A publication of the National Dissemination west virginia parentEducator Resource Center (PERC) Project. west virginia Department of education http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/wv.htm | |
4. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: West Virginia State Resources Online resources. parent Advocacy. US State Departments of education 304) 558-2696. west virginia education Website. Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Ages Birth http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/wvirginia.html | |
5. West Virginia Public Education Legal Resources education Legal resources. SchoolBased Services Medicaid Operations Manual issued March 2001 by the State of west virginia maintained by The parent Advocacy Coalition for http://www.wvu.edu/~law/cle/edlaw/edlawresources2.html | |
6. The DRM Regional Resource Directory: West Virginia An extensive list of links to nonprofit organizations and government agencies serving people with disabilities in west virginia. education, specific disabilities. NICHCY west virginia State resources. parent Network Specialist. west virginia Birth to Three Program (Easter Seals) west virginia http://www.disabilityresources.org/WEST-VIRGINIA.html |
7. Stars Training project for all early care and education practitioners working in child care centers, private and public preschools, Head Start, family child care homes and facilities, early intervention, schoolaged child care, parent educators, regulators and trainers. Includes contacts. http://www.wvearlychildhood.org/stars.html | |
8. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations virginia parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) PADDA families parent to parent Support Program west virginia west virginia parent Training and http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
9. Untangling The Web--Disability Links BarrierFree education . This site contains resources for the PACER Center. parent Advocacy Coalition for educational Rights in_WV. west virginia special education (Pre K-12) and http://www.icdi.wvu.edu/Others.htm | |
10. Online Resources For Special Education - West Virginia - GreatSchools.net processes, and lists parent resources stateby of information on special education law and http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/wv/94/parent | |
11. Online Resources For Parent Involvement In Schools - West Virginia - GreatSchool Among its parent involvement suggestions are Public education Network PEN has produced an 80 http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/wv/264/parent | |
12. Special Education Resources Special education Information west virginia Department education Regulations for the education of Exceptional and Community parent Resource Centers Protection http://www.reedmartin.com/specialeducationresources.htm | |
13. Cpaa west virginia Directory of Early Intervention parent resources, Teen parent Project, Health resources, education resources, Organizations, Miscellaneous http://www.people.virginia.edu/~mon-grow/resources/home.html | |
14. Kent State University Parent Resources Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. west virginia Department of education http//wvde.state.wv.us/. http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
15. Maryland Education Resources For People With Disabilities And Their Families Pennsylvania, virginia, and west virginia in serving County Public Schools Special education page - Phone Caroline County parent resources Guide - Phone 410 http://www.linc.org/resedu.html | |
16. Fairmont State GEAR-UP Partnership - Parent Resources For Marion County LVA west virginia office, wvlva@aol.com 304766-7655 are staffed by an educator and a parent and include WV Department of education http//www.wvde.state.wv.us http://www.fscwv.edu/gearup/parent_resources_marion.html | |
17. West Virginia Mental Health Resources and advocacy components and offer education and information NAMI west virginia PO Box 2706 Charleston, WV 25330 Health is a national parentrun organization http://mentalhealth.about.com/library/us/blwestvirginia.htm | |
18. LCCARE The Lancaster County Center For Autism Resources And Education's Parent T Special education Action Committee Inc. Vermont parent Information Center 1 Mill Street, Suite A7 west virginia PTI 371 Broaddus Ave, Clarksburg, WV 26301 http http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/lccare/lccarersrcs/lccareresptc.htm | |
19. Daycare - West Virginia - Find Day Care Centers, Daycare Providers parent resources To see your west virginia Daycare web site listed on Consolidation Dentist Directories Doctor Dry Cleaning education Electrical Engineer http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/104/50.php |
20. West Virginia Governor's Cabinet On Children And Families - Newsletter been a major strategy in west virginia and nationally with poverty by providing parent education and linking lowincome families with resources in the http://www.wvchildrenandfamilies.org/newsletter.html | |
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