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41. Virginia 's CareerConnect West Piedmont WIA Area Community Resources top. service Organizations. Senior Navigator. virginia Cooperative extension 1 CenterStreet Chatham VA 24531 (804) 4327770 (804) 797-9550 (804) 656-6211, ext. http://www.careerconnect.state.va.us/17westpiedmont/community/resolist.htm | |
42. Human Ecology : Centennial National Satellite Videoconference Ph (607) 2722292 ext 127 e virginia virginia Cooperative extension, Bedford ContactJanet M west virginia west virginia University extension service Contact http://www.humec.cornell.edu/centennial/satellite-sites.cfm | |
43. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA http//zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/index.html Forest Health Protection USDAForest service 2770 Sherwood University of Arizona 37860 west Smith-Enke http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UA.htm | |
44. CMS Vendor List WA ext, Washington (State) Cooperative extension service. WEBER, Eldon Weber.WILDLIFE, Wildlife Enterprises. WV ext, west virginia extension service. http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/Vendors.html | |
45. CMS Vendor List WA ext, Washington (State) Cooperative extension service. WEBER, Eldon Weber.WILDLIFE, Wildlife Enterprises. WV ext, west virginia extension service. http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/VendorsTextOnly.html | |
46. Publications And Videos From Other States Alaska, Catalog only, http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/vid_toc.html. NorthDakota, Some in HTML, catalog, http//www.ext.nodak.edu west virginia, HTML, PDF, http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/other_st/other_st.htm | |
47. Results PBS Adult Learning service. Fran Keenan, Susan Riley. Rodney Jordan. 606 West29th Street ( Kid Tech). Raj@melanet.com. virginia coop ext/Carroll Cty. http://www.ctcnet.org/membership/directory/ctc.asp?co=&setting=&st=VA&cat= |
48. Cooperative Extension In Science > Agriculture > Education http//www.ext.vt.edu/. Washington State University Cooperative extension. http//ext.wsu.edu/.west virginia University extension service. http://ilectric.com/glance/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
49. Rural Business-Cooperative Service Daniel E. Johnson BusinessCooperative Specialist 555 W. Silver Street, Suite 101 DaleLane Spokane, WA 99212 Phone (509) 924-7350 ext.114 Fax west virginia. http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/coops/cscontac.htm | |
50. CSREES Animal Waste Initiative State Contacts | NRCS NWMC New Hampshire, John Porter, UNH coop. ext. west virginia, Thomas Basden, Center forAg Nat Res Dev west virginia University 1058 Ag Sci Bldg, Box 6108 Morgantown http://wmc.ar.nrcs.usda.gov/partnerships/USGS/csrees.html | |
51. Customer Service Internship Delaware Customer service Sales Representative west virginia, Maryland, Northern virginia(North of coop-Internship Customs customer service team members and http://www.collegerecruiter.com/internshiplinks/11/Customer-Service-internship-D | |
52. Food Safety In Connecticut-Fact Sheets Washington State University Cooperative ext. http//foodsafety.wsu.edu/. west VirginiaUniversity ext. service, www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/nut_hlth.htm. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/foodsafety/expert/hotlinkstab.html | |
53. West Virginia University Publication 7 Extension Service west virginia UniversityPublication 7Extension Servicesweet cornproductionT h i s i s a v e r y p o p u l a r m a i n s t a y o f h o m e listed are suited to west virginia. conditions.T h PEST CONTROLIn west virginia losses due to insects http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/homgardn/corn.pdf |
54. Design For Everyday Living COOPERATIVE EXTENSION service. west virginia University. Center for Extension best variety for west virginiaconditions.SOILIf head to headlettuce in west virginia. The most prevalent http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/homgardn/let.pdf |
55. Página Do Clube Da Floresta Our Forests AHC The Economy of Secondary Wood Products west virginia Farming and ExtensionService Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of virginia Gypsy Moth coop. http://www.eb23-pontinha.rcts.pt/floresta.html |
56. Lukol Directory - Science Agriculture Education Cooperative Extension consumer sciences to people and communities throughout west virginia. http//www.ext.nodak.edu/.Colorado State University Cooperative extension Information for http://www.lukol.com/Top/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
57. Virginia Apple Page - Fruit IPM for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers (virginia and west virginia coop. Pest ManagementGuide for Home Fruit (virginia coop. virginia Fruit Schools (Feb 9 Mt Airy http://www.ento.vt.edu/Fruitfiles/VisorAppleIPM.html | |
58. Selected Books Texas Cooperative extension http//tcebookstore.org/. virginia extension Servicehttp//www.ext.vt.edu west virginia http//www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs.htm. http://library.tamu.edu/vgn/portal/tamulib/ssl/content/renderer/0,2774,1724_1819 | |
59. Cooperative Extension http//www.ext.vt.edu/ Washington State University Cooperative extension Offersresearchbased http//ext.wsu.edu/ west virginia University extension http://www.zookle.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
60. NACAA Other Links Alabama cooperative extension service University of State University extension WestVirginia University extension Station, Wisconsin UC coop ext, San Joaquin http://www.nacaa.com/OtherLinks.htm |
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