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21. Cooperative Extension Virginia virginia Cooperative extension virginia Cooperative extension responds to the needsof individuals www.ext.vt.edu. west virginia University extension service. http://www.spectster.com/cgi-bin/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=cooperative ext |
22. Fruit Horticulture - Internet Resource Material Phone 732932-9306. Penn State Cooperative Agricultural extension. Phone 814-865-6713.west virginia extension service. Home Gardening. Phone 304/293-6131 ext. http://www.esva.net/~fosterjg/fruit_hc_ resources.htm | |
24. 2004 ESP Chapter Presidents Agent Clemson extension service 11A west Rigby Street Fax EMail paulas@ext.usu.eduS Director, Community Initiatives virginia Cooperative extension virginia http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
25. Prime And Unique Agricultural Lands And The National Environmental Policy Act (N Mr. Thomas B. King Associate Director Cooperative extension service Mr. Lester N.Liebel ext. Conservation service P.0. Box 845 Morgantown, west virginia 26505. http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/exec81180.html | |
26. Farm Books: Poultry Manure Using InHouse Air, west virginia Univ. Poultry Mash Formulas, Michigan StateUniversity Cooperative ext. service Folder F-245, 1957, folded single sheet http://www.users.mis.net/~gwill/fb-poult.htm | |
27. Sources Extension Resource Materials Blacksburg, VA 24060 http//www.ext.vt.edu/resources wsu.edu/infoPub/scripts/webCat.aspCooperative extension service west virginia University PO Box http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
28. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Moorman, Leanne, extension Assistant Professor, west virginia University. Agent,Family Consumer Education, NC Cooperative ext. service Rowan Co. Center. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
29. GreenSheets Gardening Factsheets Rutgers coop. ext. Home Grounds, Pest Control and Weed ID. Utah extensionYard Garden Publications. west virginia Univ. Publications. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/1329/greensheets.htm |
30. Departments Of The Federal Government Section: Directory Of Government Cultural Sociologist/New England IRT Phone Number (603) 8687581 ext. USDA 75 High StreetRoom 301 Morgantown, west virginia 26505. Rural Business-Cooperative service. http://www.nps.gov/phso/CRDirectory/departs.htm | |
31. US EPA Software For Environmental Awareness Washington State University ext.wsu.edu PUBLICATIONS Directory of county extensionoffices. west virginia Cooperative extension service www.wvu.edu http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
32. West Virginia Department Of Agriculture: News Release from the west virginia Farm Bureau (4722080, ext. 19), west virginia ForestryAssociation (372-1955), west virginia Cooperative extension service (293-5691 http://www.wvagriculture.org/Division Web Pages/news_releases/2003/5-29-03.htm | |
33. JMGkids.org || Junior Master Gardener 7526263 Fax 435-716-7159 Email loraliec@ext.usu.edu. Agent - Horticulture Universityof the District of Columbia, Cooperative extension service west virginia, http://www.k2demo.com/jmg/index.k2?did=2025§ionID=2019 |
34. Student Career Experience Program BALTIMORE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAMARYLAND- virginia-west virginia entry). L. Schattel,W/OST24 1325 East-west Highway Room Spring, MD 20910 (301) 713-0056 ext. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/coop/coop.htm | |
35. COUNTY CAMPBELL, virginia, Kane, St Joesph Elementary, 225 Four LETCHER, Billie Jo, Caudill,west Whitesburg Elementary, 290 MONROE, Myrna, Herron, coop Extension service, 1194 http://www.kyagr.com/enviro_out/education/programs/FLP/FAC.htm | |
36. Learning Corel Presentations 8.0 - About The Authors Colorado Mitzy Forbes mforbes@coop.ext.colostate.edu Colorado State University cooperativeextension Ft. System Burlington, Vermont west virginia Becky Osborne http://www.uaex.edu/pres8/pres8_authors.htm | |
37. League Service Corporations Vice President ICUL service Corporation 1807 west Diehl Road email thodge@tcul.orgmchatfield@tcul.coop Terry Childress, Vice President virginia Credit Union http://www.cuna.org/cuna/lsc_roster.html | |
38. Ruffed Grouse Society - Coverts Program Connecticut, Steve Broderick University of CT coop. ext.Ctr 139 WolfDen Rd. west virginia, Dave McGill, PhD Forest Resources ext. http://www.ruffedgrousesociety.org/covertsprogram.asp | |
39. MeadWestvaco Wildlife And Ecosystem Research Forest-Affiliations Phone (304) 2932941 (ext. Dr. Petra Bohall Wood west virginia coop. Unit, BRD, USGS322 Percival Hall, PO Box 6125 west virginia University Morgantown, WV http://www.mwerf.org/MWERFaffil/affiliations_Sci.htm | |
40. HIA Contacts 435797-3845 E-mail leonah@ext.usu.edu, Islands Dale Morton Virgin Islands Cooperativeextension service west virginia There is a vacancy for State Program http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
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