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81. Moving To WV west virginia Council of churches 1608 virginia Street, East Charleston, WV 25301 Phone 304.344.3141 Fax 304.342.1506 Hours 1000 am  300 pm Monday http://www.wvchamber.com/About WV/moving_to_wv.htm | |
82. The Unofficial Directory Of Eastern Catholic Churches In West Virginia (WV) The Unofficial Directory of Eastern Catholic churches in west virginia (WV). Please report additions, corrections, or problems to hrycak@crosslink.net. http://www.crosslink.net/~hrycak/ch_indx/us-wv.html | |
83. Evangelical Methodist Churches Ordained Deacon, west virginia Annual Conference United Methodist Church, 1975 On Trial Relationship, west virginia Annual Conference United Methodist Church http://www.emchurch.org/gs.htm | |
84. WTRF - West Virginia Episcopal Diocese Reaches Compromise On Issue Of Gay Bishop west virginia Episcopalians have reached a compromise concerning financial support for the It allows churches to redirect a portion of their giving from the http://www.wtrf.com/news/headlines/777397.html | |
85. Fayette County, West Virginia Chamber Of Commerce Member to Member. Member Login, Assemblies of God. No listings at this time Baptist. Fayetteville Baptist Church Pastor Ron George, Jr. 104 Ankrom St. http://www.fayettecounty.com/churches.cfm | |
86. WEST VIRGINIA COLLECTIONS IN THE ARCHIVE OF FOLK CULTURE: Finding Aid (American A215,458 Two tapes containing interviews and religious services recorded at snake-handling churches in Camp Creek and Scrabble Creek, west virginia, August 5 http://www.loc.gov/folklife/guides/WestVirginia.html | |
87. Public/Private Colleges & Universities Baptist churches, USA, is well known for its outstanding health majors, including the nation s first fouryear Physician Assistant program and west virginia s http://www.state.wv.us/url/5002.htm | |
88. US-50: Across West Virginia 5,489), the first large town west of Winchester, virginia, grew up as a Dozens of architecturally interesting but rundown houses and churches drop on brick http://www.roadtripusa.com/us_50/west_virginia.html | |
89. West Virginia Spiritualist Churches west virginia USA Spiritualist churches. Are you new to Spiritualism? Are you looking to get proof of life after death or to discover http://spiritualists.org/spiritualist_churches_usa_westvirginia.htm | |
90. Every Child Matters: Pressley Ridge; Prevent Child Abuse west virginia; REACHH Family Resource Center; Seneca Health of the United Methodist Church; WV Council of churches. WV Family http://www.everychildmatters.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ecm_WV |
91. West Virginia Web Resources virginia, Inc west virginia Center for End of Life Care west virginia Association of Retired School Employees west virginia Council of churches west virginia http://www.aarp.org/states/wv/Articles/a2003-12-01-wv-webresources | |
92. CoC - West Virginia Frank Watkins Directions Take Route 20 to New Hope Road, Princeton, west virginia Church on right. Last Updated 1999-09-09. 609 http://www.goodfight.com/churches/state.php?s=WV |
93. MyCopticChurch.com - Coptic Orthodox Churches In West Virginia west virginia. There is no church s in this state/province. If you think this is an error, click here please let us know. If you http://mycopticchurch.com/churches/viewstate.cfm?name=WV |
94. AmeriCorps*State And National Direct Members will serve at four Habitat affiliates around the state and, in a unique partnership with the west virginia Council of churches, will assist flood http://www.americorps.org/joining/direct/direct_wv.html | |
95. PCA Historical Center: PCA Congregations In West Virginia PCA Congregations in west virginia, Bold print indicates those churches which have documents other historical materials on file in the Historical Center. http://www.pcanet.org/history/churches/westvirginia.html | |
96. UMC - West Virginia Annual Conference - Local Churches concern. The church, in cooperation with Mission west virginia, has contacted the local council of Literacy west virginia. Literacy http://www.wvumc.org/local.shtml | |
97. About The West Virginia Kids Count Fund WV Council of churches The west virginia Council of churches makes more visible the unity of Christ s church, provides a Christian witness on public issues http://www.wvkidscountfund.org/links.html | |
98. West Virginia Program - United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio The west virginia program began in Fall 1995. needs and interests of those pursuing theological education while ministering to local churches clustered in http://www.united.edu/wv.shtml | |
99. Logan, West Virginia Logan, west virginia. Apostolic. Assemblies Of God. Baptist. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, 304752-3120 218 2ND AVENUE, LOGAN WV 25601. COLE http://www.churchangel.com/WEBWV/logan.htm | |
100. African American Communities In West Virginia Gospel music is an important part of church and community, and west virginia is home to several nationally recognized gospel performers and festivals. http://www.wvculture.org/arts/ethnic/african.html | |
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