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81. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Courses | Education Courses | Postgraduate UK 0 Info Requests 0 Apply Online. You are here search results programme info Medieval welsh literature University of Wales, Aberystwyth http://pg.guardian.studylink.co.uk/display/course/course-info.html?cid=cid-si-30 |
82. UT Library Online - CIRD - Celtic Literature Modern Irish, Scottish and welsh literature are acquired selectively. welsh literature, PB 22062285, PCL (MAIN), A2, Celtic Literature. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/admin/cird/policies/subjects/celticliterature.html | |
83. Knoxville, TN, Welsh Society - Welsh Info Links: Literature Introduction to welsh literature, http//www.brittania.com/wales/lit/intro.html. welsh literature, http//www.brittania.com/celtic/wales/literature. http://www.korrnet.org/welsh/wlinks-lit.html | |
84. §11. Giraldus Cambrensis. X. English Scholars Of Paris And Franciscans Of Oxfor The life and writings of this welshNorman cleric. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1011.html | |
85. Uk For Visitors Discover Wales everything from arts and crafts to language and literature, history and mythology to sports and politics. http://welshculture.about.com | |
86. Honno Welsh Women's Press Honno Gwasg Menywod Cymru Publisher for literature by women in Wales. Includes a catalogue of published works and ordering information. English/Cymraeg. http://freespace.virgin.net/gol.honno/ | |
87. Faculty Of Celtic Studies, University College Dublin Faculty offering courses in Archaeology, Early (including Medieval) Irish Language and literature, Early (including Medieval) Irish History, Irish Folklore, Modern Irish, and welsh. http://www.ucd.ie/~celtic/ |
88. National Eisteddfod Of Wales Information about the 2001 Eisteddfod, a festival of welsh culture, literature and history. Includes location, webcast, webcam, history, and sponsors. http://www.eisteddfod.org.uk/english/index.html | |
89. Academi The welsh National literature Promotion Agency. http://www.academi.org |
90. North American Journal Of Welsh Studies An academic online journal devoted to welsh history, literature and culture. http://spruce.flint.umich.edu/~ellisjs/journal.html | |
91. Dámh An Léinn Cheiltigh Offers programs in ancient, medieval, and modern Irish language and literature, as well as in Celtic civilization, medieval welsh and archaeology. http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/faculties/arts/celtic/ | |
92. The Celtic Literature Collective: Welsh Text Category welsh. Manuscripts. The Book of Aneurin; The Book of Taliesin; The Black Book of Carmarthen; The Red Book of Hergest (including http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/welsh.html | |
93. Wales Reading List Print resources in many areas of welsh interest (including literature and poetry). http://www.uni-mannheim.de/users/bibsplit/anglistik/wal_bks.html | |
94. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle welsh, Suggest a Link. Celtic Language and literature Bibliography (mostly welsh and Breton) (Chris Grooms, Collin County Community College District, Texas). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2779 |
95. Mellen Subject Area: Irish/Scottish/Welsh - Literature Home Publications Edwin Mellen Press Subject Areas Irish/Scottish/welsh literature. Go To Imprint Select. http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?catkey=66&pc=8 |
96. Uk Web Directory, Free Music, Games, Business Informations, Travel, Shopping, Ne home = Arts Entertainment = literature. British (11), Scottish (12), welsh (6). Recommended Sites, Copyright © 2003 Yalho.com All rights reserved. http://www.yalho.com/uk/index.php3?cat_id=651 |
97. Welcome To WLA developed with the support of Wales Arts International. http://www.welsh-lit-abroad.org/ | |
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