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101. UWIC Welsh Language Unit welsh language Scheme. Under the welsh language Act 1993 UWIC has been required to create a welsh language Scheme. UWIC s welsh language Scheme (pdf). http://www.uwic.ac.uk/welshlangunit/Welsh_Language_Scheme.asp | |
102. LANGUAGES-ON-THE-WEB: BEST WELSH LINKS welsh language Bulletin Board. welsh language and Culture Welsh culture is popularly associated with singing particularly male voice choirs - and wit. http://www.languages-on-the-web.com/links/link-welsh.htm | |
103. Snowdonia - Stronghold Of The Welsh Language - Yr Iaith Gymraeg Cliciwch ar y defaid i ddarganfod mwy! The History of the welsh language, Read about the history of the welsh language, Hanes yr Iaith Gymraeg. http://www.croeso-betws.org.uk/iaith1.htm | |
104. Fishing In Kite Country - Country - Welsh Language An introduction to the welsh language rest of the British Isles is the welsh language, although its use has been in decline since the 17th and 18th centuries. http://www.fishing-in-kite-country.co.uk/country/welsh.html | |
105. Welsh Home Page It will not, unfortunately, be cost effective to translate the whole site, but we do intend to include welsh language translations of those parts of the site http://www.ohstrategy.net/welsh/welsh_home.htm | |
106. Welsh Language Board Index welsh language Board Index. welsh language Board Home. CySill 2.1+. Pricing is provided for use by qualifying establishments only. http://www.pugh.co.uk/Products/Welsh Lang Board/ | |
107. The Disability Rights Commission - Welsh Language Scheme welsh language scheme. The law requires us to draw up a welsh language Scheme. This will detail how we will deliver services to welsh language users. http://www.drc-gb.org/wales/whatwedo/welshlanguage.asp | |
108. ILoveLanguages - Your Guide To Languages On The Web 10 Resources *, A Welsh Course Set of 7 lessons (plus additional appendicies) teaching an introduction to the welsh language. Covers http://www.ilovelanguages.com/index.php?category=Languages|By Language|Welsh |
109. Welsh Language Service welsh language service. I weld y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg Dilynwch y cyswllt hwn. The Child Support Agency s commitment to a welsh language service. http://www.csa.gov.uk/welsh.asp | |
110. Welsh Language Our stance on the welsh language The Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust is the UKÂs leading woodland conservation charity. We own http://www.woodland-trust.org.uk/campaigns/briefingsmore/welshlanguage.htm | |
111. WCBC: Welsh Language Policy For Schools Maintained By The LEA welsh language Policy For Schools Maintained by the LEA. The Authority s welsh language Policy aims to ensure that pupils gain the http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/english/education/Welsh_Language_Policy.htm | |
112. NPR : Bringing Back The Welsh Language world are disappearing but in tiny Wales, where folks have been speaking English for centuries, a national effort to rescue the welsh language is showing http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1554019 |
113. National Assembly For Wales Key Publications Assembly Culture, welsh language and Sport Committee. The Committee s remit is based on the portfolio of the Minister for Culture, welsh language and Sport. http://www.wales.gov.uk/keypubassemcultwelsport/ |
114. Welsh Assembly Links Culture And Recreation Home General Links Agriculture Rural Affairs Children Young People Culture, Sport welsh language Crime Reduction Economic Development Environment European http://www.wales.gov.uk/linksculture/ |
115. Printed Materials Collection - A List Of Welsh Language Community Newspapers A. YR ANGOR, Papur bro Aberystwyth, Penparcau, Llanbadarn Fawr, Y Waunfawr, Comins Coch Rhif 1 (Hyd. 1977) Ysg Mrs Luned Gruffydd http://www.llgc.org.uk/lp/lp0058.htm | |
116. Ymgyrchu! - Iaith The welsh language. The welsh language Society (1885) Welsh Education The welsh language Petition, The welsh language, Devolution, The Water Industry. http://www.llgc.org.uk/ymgyrchu/Iaith/index-e.htm | |
117. DfT Welsh Language Scheme This scheme, prepared under the welsh language Act 1993, is intended to enable the English and welsh languages to receive equal treatment in the conduct of http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_about/documents/page/dft_about_503214. | |
118. WELSH welsh language USE SURVEY 2412-1994 http//www.uoc.es/euromosaic/web/document/gales/an/e1/e1.html. welsh language use survey, welsh language CULTURAL ACTIVITIES. http://www.uoc.edu/euromosaic/web/document/gales/an/e1/e1.html | |
119. Carmarthenshire County Council - Welsh Langauge As you will see from surfing this website on the welsh language in Carmarthenshire, the Council is committed to moving on with innovative and unique projects http://www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/index.asp?locID=87&docID=-1 |
120. Ic NorthWales - Brunstrom Right To Stand Up For Welsh Language WELL done chief constable Richard Brunstrom for striking another blow for the preservation of the welsh language. Latest news http://icnorthwales.icnetwork.co.uk/news/regionalnews/tm_objectid=14251186&metho | |
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