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61. Modern Languages At Bangor - Comenius Centre Iinks with LEAs and secondary schools; welsh language and European links. The University of Wales, Bangor, integrates its Comenius resources with those located http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ml/comenius.htm | |
62. ODPM Welsh Language Scheme ODPM welsh language Scheme. welsh language Scheme prepared under the welsh language Act 1993 This scheme, prepared under the Welsh http://www.odpm.gov.uk/stellent/groups/odpm_control/documents/contentservertempl |
63. Welsh And Welsh Associated Publications welsh language books and the history of the Welsh people in the Merseyside area, published in English and Welsh. http://www.welshpublications.co.uk/ | |
64. Food Standards Agency - Welsh Language Information / Cymraeg Homepage Wales/Cymru welsh language Information / Cymraeg, Home. News Centre. welsh language Information / Cymraeg. For information in Welsh / Amdanom ni. http://www.foodstandards.gov.uk/wales/welshlangportal/ | |
65. Food Standards Agency - Welsh Language Scheme This Scheme, prepared in accordance with the welsh language Act 1993, provides the Food Standards Agency with a further platform on which to continue building http://www.foodstandards.gov.uk/aboutus/welshlanguagescheme/ | |
66. Croeso - Welcome Enter Welsh. Welcome to the welsh language Teaching Centre s website. Click here to enter the English language site. Enter English. http://www.caerdydd.ac.uk/cymraeg/canolfan/ | |
67. Croeso I YAG - Welcome To GAT An educational charity which advises the public and private sectors, maintains the regional Sites and Monuments Record and undertakes archaeological work. English and welsh language versions. http://www.heneb.co.uk/ | |
68. Isle Of Anglesey - Tourism - Language Wherever you venture on the Island today you will hear and see the welsh language, our linguistic link with our early ancestors. welsh language Iaith Gymraeg. http://www.anglesey.gov.uk/english/tourism/language.htm | |
69. Isle Of Anglesey Education Department - Welcome Welcome to the Department of Education and Leisure. Education. welsh language Scheme (Education) The Welsh Education Scheme Consultative Draft. http://www.anglesey.gov.uk/english/education/education/language_scheme/ | |
70. DfES, CYNLLUN IAITH GYMRAEG YR ADRAN ADDYSG A CHYFLOGAETH This report was published by the Department on September 2003 and a copy was sent to the welsh language Board. Welcome. welsh language REPORT. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/gymraeg/index.shtml | |
71. DfES, WELSH LANGUAGE REPORT This report was published by the Department on September 2003 and a copy was sent to the welsh language Board. welsh language SCHEME REPORT 20022003. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/gymraeg/welshlang_e_report.shtml | |
72. Energywatch: Welsh Language Scheme Search Type keyword(s) and chose GO . Home. Help and advice. Publications. Public Consultations. Race Equality Scheme. 4welsh language Scheme. welsh language Scheme. http://www.energywatch.org.uk/public_consultations/welsh_language/index.asp | |
73. Welsh Language Scheme Resource Centre / welsh language Scheme. DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS. welsh language SCHEME. The Department for Work http://www.dwp.gov.uk/publications/dwp/2003/wls/index.asp | |
74. Gwe-lywiwr - Y Porwr Cymraeg Gwelywiwr offers customised welsh language browsers and language packs for Mozilla/Netscape 6. http://www.gwelywiwr.org | |
75. Publications @ DTI - Welsh Language Scheme Contacts and Queries. What s New? Newly available publications. FAQs. Recent White Papers. Information Asset Register. welsh language Scheme. welsh language Scheme. http://www.dti.gov.uk/publications/welsh.htm | |
76. Welsh Language In North Wales welsh language in North Wales 76 sites in this category. Learn Welsh at Linguaphone UK Linguaphone have a range of over 500 courses in more than 30 languages to http://www.northwalesindex.co.uk/pages/483.html | |
77. Royal Mail Group - Community: Welsh Language Scheme The Post Office welsh language Scheme 1997 (prepared under the welsh language Act 1993). About this scheme Addresses and postmarks http://www.royalmailgroup.com/community/community5.asp | |
78. Gwe Preseli - Dyna Hwyl! Learn Welsh The Fun Way. Information on a CDROM-based welsh language course for beginners, which may be ordered from Britain over the Internet. In English, with some Japanese as well. http://www.preseli.com/dyna-hwyl/ | |
79. Environment Agency - Welsh Language Scheme Text Only Monday 17 May 2004, You are in Regions Environment Agency Wales welsh language Scheme. Environment Agency, About Us, welsh language SCHEME. http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/regions/wales/128327/?lang=_e |
80. Ysgol Ynysgedwyn Home Page welsh language school. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/ynysgedw | |
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