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61. U.S. Senator Rick Santorum-Pennsylvania Children. I was privileged to be an author of the major welfare reform legislation that brought about this and many other changes. The http://santorum.senate.gov/Issues/Community/Welfare/welfare.html | |
62. Inquiry: Northwestern University Since the federal welfare reform legislation passed in 1996, the number of people receiving welfare benefits has dropped more than 50 percent nationwide. http://www.sesp.northwestern.edu/inquiry/spring2000/welfare.html | |
63. The Future Of Children - Articles Abstract Although the primary goals of federal welfare reform legislation were to move welfare mothers into the workforce and reduce births outside of marriage http://www.futureofchildren.org/information2826/information_show.htm?doc_id=1026 |
64. Parenting/Family Issues & Welfare Reform (IUGM) (4). At this writing, the Senate version of welfare reform legislation is being debated on the Senate floor. IUGM Missions. Teaching http://www.agrm.org/welfare/parent.html | |
65. Edited By Lawrence B. Joseph / Families, Poverty, And Welfare Reform Sweeping federal welfare reform legislation signed by President Clinton in 1996 has terminated the decadesold program of Aid to Families with Dependent http://www.press.uillinois.edu/s00/joseph.html | |
66. AllPolitics - In Focus - Welfare Reform President Bill Clinton signed historic welfare reform legislation in the summer of 1996. But it really marked only the beginning http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1997/gen/resources/infocus/welfare/ | |
67. Catholic Worker Movement - PeterMaurin A contemporary essay in the Catholic Worker tradition. A Peacemaker s Response to welfare reform legislation. By Betsy Clark, SSJ. http://www.catholicworker.org/roundtable/essaytext.cfm?Number=18 |
68. Online NewsHour: Politics Of Welfare Reform -- July 31, 1996 KWAME HOLMAN This morning, a group of determined House Democrats used any means they could think of to delay the final vote on welfare reform legislation. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/welfare/july96/welfare_bill_7-31a.html | |
69. Issue Brief: Understanding Welfare Reform In Nevada By Robert Rector. Prior to the election, Congress passed historic welfare reform legislation which President Clinton reluctantly signed into law. http://www.npri.org/issues/issues96/welfare_reform.htm | |
70. Newsflash: Article(s) For Welfare Reform And Domestic Violence As the congressional term comes to an end, it is increasingly unlikely that the Senate will pass welfare reform legislation. To http://endabuse.org/newsflash/index.php3?Search=Article&NewsFlashID=372 |
71. For Better And For Worse: Welfare Reform And The Well-Being Of Children And Fami The book opens with a lively political history of the welfare reform legislation, which demonstrates how conservative politicians capitalize on public concern http://www.jcpr.org/fbafwintro.html | |
72. Linda Chavez: Moving Up Landmark welfare reform legislation passed by Congress in 1996 not only worked to reduce welfare rolls but actually lifted millions of poor, single mothers out http://www.townhall.com/columnists/lindachavez/lc20030409.shtml | |
73. Wfn.org | NCC STATEMENT ON PENDING WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATION From the Worldwide Faith News archives www.wfn.org. NCC STATEMENT ON PENDING welfare reform legislation. From CAROL_FOUKE.parti@ecunet http://www.wfn.org/1996/07/msg00268.html | |
74. Corporate Welfare Information Center Large database of information on United States government subsidies to corporations, including general information, specific examples, statistics, sample reform legislation, and mailing lists. http://www.corporations.org/welfare/ | |
75. Welfare Reform: An Analysis Of The Issues Critics of the welfare system claim that the system does not provide sufficient state flexibility, does not encourage work, contributes to the breakdown of the family, and has done little to welfare reform proposals have revived debate over devolving welfare policy to the states and financing the transfer by block grants. The welfare legislation http://www.urban.org/welfare/overview.htm | |
76. The Facts About Welfare Reform Bill Legislation Ron Kind Goes Again!The Facts About welfare reform Bill LegislationOn February 13, Democrat U.S. Rep this time titled "Kind Offers welfare reform Bill." The. release, in addition http://www.3rdgop.org/news/3cd030219.pdf |
77. STARK OFFERS TWO AMENDMENTS TO IMPROVE TANF (WELFARE REFORM) REAUTHORIZATION STARK OFFERS TWO AMENDMENTS TO IMPROVE TANF (welfare reform) REAUTHORIZATION. Republicans Families (TANF) reauthorization legislation, which will extend the welfare law. The first http://www.house.gov/stark/documents/107th/welfamend.html | |
78. Welfare And Welfare Reform The site provides excellent coverage of the new federal welfare legislation, links to information on state reform demonstrations and legislation, and a lengthy http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/us/welfare.htm | |
79. NCSLnet: Welfare Reform changes, an innovative domestic violence program, and Senate movement on welfare reform reauthorization. (4/16/2004) More. State legislation to Strengthen http://www.ncsl.org/statefed/welfare/welfare.htm | |
80. Welfare Reform And Pensions Act 1999 is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the welfare reform and Pensions Further information about the publication of legislation on this website can http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1999/19990030.htm | |
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