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1. Housing And Welfare Reform Housing and Welfare Reform. Barbara Sard and Jennifer Daskal, Housing EmploymentPreferences and Welfare Reform, CLASP Update, December 22, 1997, pg 9. http://www.nhi.org/online/issues/98/sard.html | |
2. NIFL-HOMELESS 1998: Housing And Welfare Reform Housing and Welfare Reform. From Homes for the Homeless (HN4061@handsnet.org)Date Wed Feb 25 1998 133214 EST Next message Homes http://www.nifl.gov/nifl-homeless/1998/0051.html | |
3. Federal Housing Assistance And Welfare Reform 1. See Sandra J. Newman and Joseph Harkness, The Effects of welfare reform on HousingA National Analysis. Presented at the Policy Research Roundtable on http://newfederalism.urban.org/html/anf19.html | |
4. WELFARE REFORM IMPACTS ON THE PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM: A PRELIMINARY FORECAST required by the welfare program to find jobs in the study sites and, stemming fromthese, estimates of the impacts of welfare reform on housing authority rent http://www.huduser.org/publications/pubasst/welfare/intro.html | |
5. WR&B: Welfare Reform And Housing -- Rebecca Swartz And Brian Miller Swartz, Miller, welfare, welfare reform, housing welfare reform and housing. WR B Brief 16 March 2002 spur more discussion and creative action on housing reforms during the upcoming welfare http://www.brookings.edu/dybdocroot/wrb/publications/pb/pb16.htm | |
6. Welfare Reform And Housing (Welfare Information Network) Large index of publications, issue papers, links, organizations and state specific initiatives http://www.welfareinfo.org/housing.asp | |
7. Housing And Welfare Reform:Â Some Background Information - Rev. 11/5/98 Revised November 5, 1998. housing and welfare reform by Barbara Sard and Jennifer Daskal efforts in these areas in response to welfare reform.(5) housing providers also can be influential allies http://www.cbpp.org/hous212.htm | |
8. Press Release: Rural Housing And Welfare Reform In HAC Report NEWS RELEASE. Contact Leslie Strauss. 202842-8600, ext. 141. leslie@ruralhome.org. RURAL housing AND welfare reform. EXAMINED IN housing ASSISTANCE COUNCIL REPORT highlights the intersection of http://www.ruralhome.org/pubs/pressreleases/2001/welfare.htm | |
9. Ohio Empowerment Coalition The OEC is made up of welfare rights groups from across the State of Ohio. We are the voice of those affected by welfare and welfare reform. We are the parents and the individuals who truly know what will get us out of poverty jobs at livable wages along with quality child care, quality health care and quality housing all of which need to be affordable. http://www.overtherhine.org/contactcenter/oec/ |
10. Salt Lake Community Action Program Nonprofit providing a variety of services aimed at helping low income people reach selfsufficiency, including homelessness prevention, transitional housing, employment services, food bank, Head Start and affordable housing referrals. Includes housing listings, programs, poverty data and welfare reform information. http://www.slcap.org | |
11. Impacts Of Welfare Reform On Recipients Of Housing Assistance: Evidence From Ind This new paper from HUD researches how welfare reform changes have impacted housingassistance recipients in two states, Indiana and Delaware, to draw http://www.huduser.org/publications/commdevl/welfare_reform.html | |
12. Welfare Reform And Housing welfare reform and housing Resources. Announcements. TFP Publications. General Publications.welfare reform and housing Issue Pages. housing Research and Surveys. http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/win/housing.asp | |
13. Washington Advocacy Pages A project of the Statewide Poverty Action Network. Includes statistics about mental health, disability, hunger and nutrition, welfare reform, homelessness, low income housing, and economic security. http://www.accessinfo.org | |
14. Welfare Reform Impacts On The Public Housing Program: A Preliminary Forecast welfare reform Impacts on the Public housing Program A Preliminary Forecast examines the implications of this new finds that the effects of welfare reform on tenant incomes and PHA http://www.huduser.org/publications/pubasst/welrefor.html | |
15. Housing And Welfare Reform: Strategic Intersections In Place-Based Strategies Newman, Sandra J., ed. The Home Front Implications of welfare reform for housingPolicy. Making welfare reform Work Tips for Public housing Authorities. http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/Publications/housingresource.htm | |
16. Episcopal Community Services Of The Diocese Of Northern California Developing and administering programs of health and social service. Information about health ministries, welfare reform, and housing assistance, plus links to other agencies. http://ecsdnc.org/ | |
17. Abt Associates HUD Releases to Congress Abt Associates Report on housing Assistance US for Women,Infants, and Children (WIC) The Indiana welfare reform Evaluation FiveYear http://www.abtassoc.com/ | |
18. Welfare-to-Work Housing Vouchers: An Innovative Approach To Welfare Reform - ^M Revised February 2, 1999. welfareto-Work housing Vouchers An Innovative Approach to welfare reform. by Jeff Lubell and Barbara Sard new program to help states achieve their welfare reform objectives. Designed to help families for whom the http://www.cbpp.org/12-2-98hous.htm | |
19. HAC Publications List Articles on current topics like welfare reform, analyses of rural housing conditions around the country, and Case Studies on Rural housing and welfare reform. Available here in text http://www.ruralhome.org/pubs/publist.htm | |
20. The Value Of Housing Subsidies To Welfare Reform Efforts -- 2/24/00 February 24, 2000. The Value of housing Subsidies to welfare ReformEfforts by Barbara Sard and Jeff Lubell. This is the first chapter http://www.cbpp.org/2-24-00hous.htm | |
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