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81. Nebraska HHS System: Welfare Reform Index Services (now the Department of health and Human federal waivers to implement the state s welfare reform. Medicaid coverage and child care subsidy payments. http://www.hhs.state.ne.us/wer/werindex.htm | |
82. : The Impact Of Welfare Reform On LGBT Foster Adolescents Cutbacks in Medicaid funding triggered by welfare reform will limit EPSDT programs in usually restrict access to nonessential mental health care and other http://www.lambdalegal.org/cgi-bin/iowa/documents/record?record=527 |
83. National Health Policy Forum (2001) KOPPELMAN Jane welfare reform and the Questions for the Future (2001) RADIN Anthony Youth Violence Prevention How Does the health care Sector Respond? http://www.nira.go.jp/ice/nwdtt/dat/1297.html | |
84. Salt Of The Earth: Welfare Reform Statistics A nonprofit, bipartisan organization concerned with educating the public with what s happening with welfare, child welfare, health care reform, and other http://salt.claretianpubs.org/stats/welref/main.html | |
85. Conservative Version Of Welfare Reform Flawed As if the difficulty in obtaining adequate health care were not enough, under welfare reform, screening for serious personal barrierssuch as physical and http://www.now.org/nnt/special-2001/welfare.html | |
86. Welfare Reform, Work, And Child Care: The Role Of Informal Care In The Lives Of welfare reform, Work, and Child care. said that she had no time to challenge the welfare department to with over a twoyear period until his health began to http://www.mdrc.org/publications/353/policybrief.html | |
87. RESTORING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE TO TENS OF THOUSANDS OF LEGAL IMMIGRANTS WOU a portion of the new state expenditures for immigrant health care coverage could be thereby maximizing the availability of federal funds under welfare reform.*. http://www.cmwf.org/media/releases/bachrach_release02272001.asp | |
88. Welfare Reform: Who's Winning?: Studies Of The First Few Years Of Welfare Reform welfare, many lowincome families do not receive the health care that they the majority children, lost Medicaid as a direct result of welfare reform (from 1995 http://www.4children.org/news/500welf.htm | |
89. RAND's Center For The Study Of Social Welfare Policy regulation of employee health benefits, health care quality under managed care, managed behavioral health care, effects of welfare reform on health care. http://www.rand.org/labor/socialwelfare/staff.html | |
90. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Health Insurance - Coverage Examines unintended consequences of welfare reform and the connection between loss of welfare benefits and Years Experience with the Oregon health Plan. http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/health-coverage.htm | |
91. Welfare Reform On The Web - Issue 58 - May 2004 improve welfare reform Digest as a current awareness tool, but we need feedback from you. Please let us know what you think! Current issue Contents. care of http://www.bl.uk/collections/social/sswelfare.html | |
92. Health Care Index In the area of health care reform, Cato has had remarkable success in familiarizing the public, media, and policymakers with the freemarket alternative to http://www.cato.org/healthcare/ | |
93. Welfare Information Network Child care, Job Readiness/Search /Placement. Child Support, Litigation. Child welfare Services, Mental health. Child WellBeing, On-the-Job Training. http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/win/ | |
94. Welfare Reform Has To Work For Moms -- Viewpoints | EPI For welfare reform to work, it has to work for mothers constitute the vast majority of the welfare caseload. wages and needed benefits, such as health insurance http://www.epinet.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_viewpoints_welfare_reform_4moms | |
95. Announcing Welfare Reform Achievements And Budget Wins For AmericaÂs Families to authorize in the 1996 welfare reform law, will improvement in moving parents from welfare into jobs incentives for states to provide health coverage, food http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/new/html/Tue_Dec_19_115023_2000.html | |
96. WELFARE REFORM NETWORK C welfare reform NETWORK c/o Federation of Protestant also believes that, beyond welfare, government must a living wage, comprehensive health coverage, quality http://www.lincproject.org/tanf/opportunity.htm | |
97. Vermont Department Of PATH The Department of PATH (formerly the Department of Social welfare) administers state and federal programs such health care Premium Implementation Information. http://www.dsw.state.vt.us/ | |
98. Health Care Administrative Simplification Funding opportunities in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning Evaluation in the Department health Human Services. Administrative Simplification in the health care Industry http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/admnsimp | |
99. The Managed Behavioral Health Care Listserve provides registered members with timely alerts of new CHSRP resources related to both public and private sector managed behavioral health care services. http://www.gwhealthpolicy.org/listserves_managed.htm | |
100. CHILDREN NOW: California Policy Our policy department works to put children first by improving their economic security, health, early care and after school opportunities. http://www.childrennow.org/policy/index.cfm | |
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