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61. JAMWA - Journal Of American Medical Women's Association Five Years Later Poor Women s health care Coverage After welfare reform Cindy Mann, JD; Julie Hudman, PhD; Alina Salganicoff, PhD; Amanda Folsom, MPH http://jamwa.amwa-doc.org/vol57/toc57_1.htm | |
62. Welfare Reform And Health Care Use Of Uninsured Immigrant Mothers In New Jersey 4319.0 Tuesday, November 12, 2002 854 PM. Abstract 38390. welfare reform and health care Use of Uninsured Immigrant Mothers in New Jersey. http://apha.confex.com/apha/130am/techprogram/paper_38390.htm | |
63. The Health-Care Crunch: Endeavors, UNC-Chapel Hill [Spring 2004] In the years since welfare reform, Moore has heard from many local health directors that their uncompensated costs, especially for prenatal care, are increasing http://research.unc.edu/endeavors/spr2004/health_care.html | |
64. Faces Of Change Change Personal Experiences of welfare reform in America 100 current and former welfare recipients detailing care, public benefits, health care, job training http://www.alliance1.org/Research/Facesofchange.asp | |
65. Hudson Institute > Find An Expert health care reform. Phyllis Busansky, Senior Fellow, email. International health. International Security/Intelligence. welfare/welfare reform. Western Europe. http://www.hudson.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_an_expert&raid=Health |
66. The Effect Of Welfare Reform On The Insurance Status And Health Of Low-Income Fa The authors suggest that welfare reform may affect health behaviors and health status with a partner or family member, and by affecting access to health care. http://www.nber.org/aginghealth/fall03/w10033.html | |
67. Welfare Reform Position Paper - 2000 in their efforts to reform the welfare system  Government has a proper role in assuring adequate nutrition, clothing, housing and health care to poor http://www.flacathconf.org/Legislativeissues/Positionpapers/Welfarereform00.htm | |
68. 60 Years After Beveridge: Welfare Reform - Back To The Future? The Socialist 13 THE welfare state s crowning glory was the National Since 1948 this reform has benefited the working However massive inequalities remain in health care today. http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/2002/281/p6.htm | |
69. NCPA - BA #161 - Principles For Welfare Reform: Block Grants relief, taking account of interrelationships among food, housing, health care and management has a national reputation as a proponent of welfare reform and has http://www.ncpa.org/ba/ba161.html | |
70. The Effect Of Welfare Reform On Prenatal Care And Birth Weight The loss of insurance may reduce lowincome, pregnant women s health care utilization, and this may adversely affect infant health. welfare reform also may http://ideas.repec.org/p/nbr/nberwo/9769.html | |
71. Health And Medicine Policy Research Group caseloads has deemphasized providing welfare recipients with necessary support services, including health care. Only four years into welfare reform, there has http://www.hmprg.org/wel-about.html | |
72. President Bush's Welfare Reform Plan Leaves Millions Of Children Behind (CDF Ana The Administration says that welfare reform should move families ensure that families moving from welfare to work such as food stamps, health care, child care http://www.cdfactioncouncil.org/analysis_welfare.htm | |
73. Health And Social Services Studies Of Reason Public Policy Institute impressive results in their child welfare systems communities benefit from private sector health care innovation Strategies for State Entitlement reform by John http://www.rppi.org/health.html | |
74. Making Welfare To Work Really Work Recommendations; health Insurance Is Critical As one might expect Managed care brings risks as well as benefits to poor welfare reform Can SucceedFinal Thoughts. http://www.apa.org/pi/wpo/welftowork.html | |
75. NDOL: "Work And Family Act": Welfare Reform Proposal for Medicaid may continue to get transitional health care coverage for up to Responsible Fatherhood and Stable Families The 1996 welfare reform law focused http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?kaid=103&subid=111&contentid=250444 |
76. NDOL: Making The Case: Has Welfare Reform Worked? Yes, Smashingly ... By Mickey There is no reason immigrant families should be denied health care or the work in 1996 that there would be more poor children as a result of welfare reform. http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?contentid=250083&kaid=114&subid=143 |
77. Center For Immigration Studies is that the new welfare reform law implements The welfare law includes a similar requirement for the requirement, and since many healthcare providers made http://www.cis.org/articles/1996/IR27/welfare_reform.html | |
78. Welfare Reform Forum Agenda For Portland OR Temporary Services and SafetyNet Programs ~ A Synopsis of welfare reform Issues In Indian 100 pm Panel 3 ~ Emergency Family Assistance and health care Needs. http://www.ncai.org/main/pages/issues/human_resources/documents/WRORagenda.htm | |
79. Online NewsHour: The Struggle Over Welfare Reform -- May 21, 1996 approval the outlines of a sweeping welfare reform plan, one Under the Wisconsin plan, people on welfare who can to it that families have health care and child http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/welfare/welfare_5-21.html | |
80. Health Finally, the concludes with an analysis of the impact the provisions of welfare reform have had on access to health care, especially immigrants. http://www.lif.org/health/health.html | |
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