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21. A Bitter Pill: Welfare Reform And The Health Of Homeless People found independence, Chinua regaled his guests including his health care for the immigrant provisions of the House and Senate welfare reform measures would http://www.nhchc.org/Publications/bitterpill.htm | |
22. Health Care And Medicaid to the creation of radio programming that encourages citizen action in several key health care issue areas. Supporting Families After welfare reform program is http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/win/healthcare.asp | |
23. Health Care After Welfare -- 8/16/00 changes in state and local procedures, an unintended legacy of welfare reform may be The full version of the paper, also entitled health care After welfare An http://www.cbpp.org/8-16-00wel.htm | |
24. Colorado Welfare Reform TANF 2/28 Budget Tax, Child care, health, Legal, Reproductive health, Sanctions, Transportation. welfare reform in Colorado Contacts and Quick Links. http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/cwr/ |
25. WKKF Knowledgebase - Welfare And Health Care Reform To Be Focus Of January 10th Title, welfare and health care reform To Be Focus of January 10th Conference. Links, PDF welfare and health care reform To Be Focus of January 10th Conference. http://www.wkkf.org/Knowledgebase/Pubs/ResourceOverview.aspx?CID=162&ID=3620 |
26. The Heartland Institute - From Welfare Reform To Medicaid Reform - By Joe Moser Giving people the opportunity and incentives to improve their economic condition can work for health care as well as it did for welfare reform in the 1990s.Â. http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=11804 |
27. Family Independence Program And Welfare Reform and media groups as well as welfare beneficiaries be worse off than they were before reform. care assistance without time limits health care coverage without http://www.dhs.state.ri.us/dhs/dfipref.htm | |
28. NGA Center For Best Practices training, substance abuse and mental health treatment, child care and transportation. to the emerging challenges and opportunities in welfare reform. http://www.nga.org/center/topics/1,1188,D_406,00.html | |
29. Families USA: Families USA Media Center May 13,1999. welfare reform Leaves Hundreds of Thousands Without health care Coverage. Three In Five Who Lost Coverage Were Children Under Age 19. http://www.familiesusa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=media_press_1999_uninpr |
30. Patchwork Policies: State Assistance For Immigrants Under Welfare Reform Federal welfare reform and the Devolution of Immigrant Policy PRWORA s Immigrant Restrictions Costs States Are More Likely to Provide health care than Cash http://newfederalism.urban.org/html/occa24.html | |
31. Background On Health Care medical care in welfare reform; Trust Fund in Budget Economy MANAGED care Background. HR 2362, Uninsured Act. Against managed care. Against health reform. http://www.issues2000.org/Background_Health_Care.htm | |
32. Redirect To DHS NorthStar MFIP) helped pay for her health care and child care expenses while she earned a paycheck. MFIP is now the basis for statewide welfare reform in Minnesota and http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/ecs/welfare/default.htm |
33. California Council Of Churches - Health Care Workshops Return to Home. Can We Make welfare reform Work? The California Religious Community Capacity Study. Can We Make welfare reform Work? http://www.calchurches.org/WelfareRpt.html | |
34. Welfare Reform health care utilization, child care arrangements, child engagement, family routines, mental health, positive behaviors Go to welfare reform Created September 7 http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/welfare/appndxb.html | |
35. Public Policy Issues, National Welfare Reform And Healthcare Reform Conference distributed copies of a press release announcing the results of a survey on public attitudes toward welfare reform and the nation s health care system. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/nafcs/polrefo.htm | |
36. PPI: Welfare Reform Stalled In The Senate Once Again By Lyn A. Hogan education policy (school choice, standards and accountability), workbased welfare reform, federal budget strategies, trade policy, health care reform, and New http://www.ppionline.org/ppi_ci.cfm?knlgAreaID=127&subsecID=176&contentID=2082 |
37. Entrez PubMed care reform*; Human; Insurance, health/statistics numerical data; Insurance, health/trends*; Medicaid/statistics numerical data; Medicaid/trends*; Social welfare/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
38. Issue In Depth: Welfare Reform And Poverty welfare reform One Size Doesn t Fit All, Urban harder for parents recently leaving welfare to find the very services  such as health care, education and http://www.movingideas.org/issuesindepth/welfare.html | |
39. What Extension Can Offer To Welfare Reform a bill to end welfare as we know it. welfare reform simply stated to gain the work and personal skills, services (like transportation, health care, and child http://www.cyfernet.org/welfare/extwelfare.html | |
40. Implications For Family Planning Of Post-Welfare Reform Insurance Trends causes and effects are not yet completely clear, welfare reform is likely women needing family planning services and for the health care professionals seeking http://www.agi-usa.org/pubs/journals/gr020606.html | |
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