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1. Abt Associates Minimum Staffing Levels for Quality care New Abt Abt Associates Assesses health Impacts on the Omani Northern Vietnam The Impacts of welfare reform on Children http://www.abtassociates.com/ | |
2. Ohio Empowerment Coalition The OEC is made up of welfare rights groups from across the State of Ohio. We are the voice of those affected by welfare and welfare reform. We are the parents and the individuals who truly know what will get us out of poverty jobs at livable wages along with quality child care, quality health care and quality housing all of which need to be affordable. http://www.overtherhine.org/contactcenter/oec/ |
3. CNN - Congress Members Act On Welfare, Health Care Reform - August 1, 1996 Crunch time for Congress. Members act on welfare, health care reform. August 1, 1996. Web posted at 1130 p.m. EDT Congress acted on a number of bills Thursday, including sending President Clinton a historic welfare reform bill. http://www.cnn.com/US/9608/01/congress.wrap | |
4. Welfare Reform And Medicaid Retaining LowIncome Families and Children in health care Coverage (Note in Transition A Guide to Expanding health Coverage in the Post-welfare reform World. http://cms.hhs.gov/medicaid/welfareref/default.asp | |
5. Children's Defense Fund Minnesota Works to provide health coverage for uninsured and underinsured children; affordable child care for working parents; improved, consistent child support; welfare reform that helps lowincome families and children; safety for children and reunification for families through reforms to the child welfare system. http://www.cdf-mn.org/ | |
6. Welfare Reform: An Analysis Of The Issues Critics of the welfare system claim that the system does not provide sufficient state flexibility, does not encourage work, contributes to the breakdown of the family, and has done little to care, health insurance, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and support from both parents. Child support reform in particular could reduce poverty and welfare on health care reform, and http://www.urban.org/welfare/overview.htm | |
7. MPR: Welfare Reform And Health Care Soapbox. welfare reform and health care By Cara Hetland October 16, 1998, RealAudio 2.0 14.4. Part of the MPR welfare to Work Series http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/199810/16_hetlandc_healthcare/ | |
8. For Welfare Reform To Work, Jobs Must Be Available By Heather Boushey And David the late 1990s, when welfare reform was first nine industries hiring former welfare recipientsÂfood service, temporary help, home health care, nursing and http://www.cepr.net/labor_markets/welfarejobshit-2004april01.htm | |
9. Health Care Providers Brace For Welfare Reform Impact health care providers brace for welfare reform impact. By BETH As sweeping reform begins to move welfare recipients off welfare and into work, health care providers are trying http://texnews.com/ads97/Health Care 97/welfare.html | |
10. Welfare Reform Threatens Access To Health Care welfare reform Threatens Access to health care. In 1996 the welfare reform law went into effect. Since then welfare rolls have dropped dramatically across the country and many look to this drop in the number of individuals on welfare as a success. http://www.users.qwest.net/~lbell5/outreach/welfare.htm | |
11. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Subject Descriptions health Insurance Coverage Information on health care, state health care programs, link to pay Fair Market Rent, and effects of welfare reform on ability to http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/subject-descrip.htm | |
12. What Happened To Health Care Reform? Copyright 1994 by Paul Starr. Readers may redistribute this article to other individuals for noncommercial use, provided that the article and this notice remain intact. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell pronounced health care reform dead. The funeral was private; no reduce the number of families eligible for welfare. With both employmentbased http://www.princeton.edu/~starr/20starr.html | |
13. Treatment Improvement Exchange - Special Topics - Health Care Reform Documents. Information. Exchange. Services. Special. Topics. Resources. State. Information. Online. Resources. health care reform Special Topics . Home. This page contains links to external Web sites. for Parents and welfare Recipients Outcomes, Costs, and Benefits (Jan 1997) health care reform Resources http://www.treatment.org/Topics/reform.html | |
14. Welfare Reform On The Web - Issue 21 We hope to continuously improve welfare reform Digest as a current awareness tool, but we need feedback from you. Child welfare. health care. http://www.bl.uk/collections/social/welfare/issue21/sswelfare.html | |
15. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ACCOMPLISHED: HEALTH CARE AND WELFARE REFORM MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ACCOMPLISHED health care AND welfare reform. Like the Gordian Knot from the days the troubled welfare system and our critical health care industry have for years http://www.house.gov/hobson/rreform.htm | |
16. Health Care, Welfare Or Social Security Direction for welfare reform; The Rise and Decline of a welfare State; The Rise of Markets and the Fall of Infectious Disease; Rising healthcare Costs Who s the http://www.libertyhaven.com/politicsandcurrentevents/healthcarewelfareorsocialse | |
17. Public Citizen | Health Care Reform - Health Care Reform & Rx Drugs Campaign Finance reform. Government and reform. health care reform Rx Drugs. Civil Justice and Legal Rights. Federal Regulations health, Safety and Environment. Corporate welfare http://www.citizen.org/congress/reform/index.cfm | |
18. Ending Welfare Reform As We Know It Even under welfare reform, welfare spending was scheduled to rise by not count two new welfare programs created entitlement for childrenÂs health care and a http://www.cato.org/dailys/8-20-97.html | |
19. Proposed Changes Put Working Moms In A Bind - Center For American Progress What made the difference for many welfare mothers was the increased availability of child care and health care that were a part of welfare reform. http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=35852 |
20. Immigrants' Access To Health Care After Welfare Reform:Â Findings From Focus Gr Immigrants Access to health care After welfare reform Findings from Focus Groups in Four Cities A new analysis of focus groups in Los Angeles, Miami, New York http://www.kff.org/uninsured/1608-index.cfm | |
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