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81. HHS Office For Civil Rights -- Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) Overview; Technical Assistance for Caseworkers on Civil Rights Laws and welfare reform; Federal Agency Listings. Federal Agency Resources. http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/tanfintro.htm | |
82. Welfare Reform In Michigan The Michigan Family Independence Agency reports that as of April 1994, 48 percent On June 26, 1992 gov. Engler laid out his plan for welfare reform in Michigan http://polisci.msu.edu/~urbanpol/publications/brief_1.htm | |
83. WV Welfare Reform Coalition - Recommended Links Management (OPM) (http//www.opm.gov/wtw is a non-profit policy research agency established in welfare reform Resources - The welfare reform link on the http://www.wvwelfarereform.org/Recommended Links.html | |
84. APHSA Reauthorization Roundup - Copyright 2002. All Rights practical use; the accuracy of the agency s estimate of poverty and assesses how well welfare reform is working at http//www.ers.usda.gov/publications/fanrr26 http://www.aphsa.org/reauthor/rr021016.asp |
85. Alert To All Alliance Members On Welfare Reform Alert to All Alliance Members on welfare reform. handles children s, families , women s, welfare, housing, transportation up http//www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW http://www.alliance1.org/Research/welfarealert.htm | |
86. HHS REPORTS CONTINUED DECLINE IN WELFARE REFORM CASELOAD level as we move into the next phase of reform. . Report to Congress on Indicators of welfare Dependence is available at http//aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/indicators01 http://www.medicalnewsservice.com/ARCHIVE/MNS488.cfm | |
87. JS Online: State Welfare Reform Agency Head Quits The state agency that oversees welfare reform and services to assistant and a former campaign manager for gov. who is transferring within the agency to deputy http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/aug00/linda18081700a.asp | |
88. Welfare Reform: The Failed Anti-Poverty Prescription welfare reform has been to keep caseloads down, instead of helping families break the cycle of poverty. Practices by state and county welfare agencies, private http://www.foodfirst.org/progs/humanrts/welfarefactsheet2002.html | |
89. NEVADA AGAIN REWARDED FOR WELFARE REFORM achieving Top 10 status in welfare reform performance for collaborative efforts of the welfare Division, other for lowincome families with children, gov. http://gov.state.nv.us/pr/2003/10-09WELFARE.htm | |
90. Welfare Reform: An Issue Overview An overview of the 1996 welfare law and issues affecting its reathorization by Congress. http://www.policyalmanac.org/social_welfare/archive/crs_welfare.shtml | |
91. NCPA - Welfare Issues - States Leading Welfare Reform welfare. States Leading welfare reform. With little or no help from Washington, the states are transforming their welfare systems in response to the demands of exasperated voters and taxpayers. http://www.ncpa.org/pi/welfare/!wel42b.html | |
92. Federal Register Contents, Monday, April 12, 1999 reform Council, 17713 FR Doc. 999045, Treasury Department. See Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau. See Customs Service. Victims of Crime Office. NOTICES. Agency http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a990412c.html | |
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