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61. LSC: 45 CFR 1639 Welfare Reform (Final Rule) DC 200024250; 202-336-8817; mcondray@lsc.gov. LSC grantees from challenging welfare reform laws when clients seeking specific relief from a welfare agency. http://www.lsc.gov/FOIA/frn/fr1639.htm | |
62. HHS Releases President's Fast Track Welfare Reform - Child Welfare states move even faster on their welfare reform innovations. . quick and easy process to end welfare as we and Human Services http//www.hhs.gov/ THE DEPARTMENT http://library.adoption.com/Child-Welfare/HHS-Releases-Presidents-Fast-Track-Wel | |
63. HHS Reports Continued Decline In Welfare Reform Caseload - Child And Family Welf as we move into the next phase of reform. . Report to Congress on Indicators of welfare Dependence is and Human Services http//www.hhs.gov/ THE DEPARTMENT OF http://library.adoption.com/Child-and-Family-Welfare-System/HHS-Reports-Continue | |
64. N C H S - Data For The 1996 Welfare Reform Law Bonus Data for 1996 welfare reform Law Bonus to Reward Declines in Nonmarital Births The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), an agency within the Centers http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/otheract/welfare/welfaredata.htm | |
65. InfoDome - Welfare & Social Services: US & California Government Information Health and Human Services Agency) October 1, 2000 California Budget Project) Articles on welfare reform that focus US (latest) LOCATION PrEx 2.20 gov Pubs/US http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/gov/swgov.shtml | |
66. Organizational Culture Change In Welfare Reform to Implement an EmploymentFocused Approach to welfare reform. ReWORKing welfare Technical Assistance for States and Localities http//aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/Publications/isseorganiza.htm | |
67. Using Participation To Promote Welfare Reform Goals among the beststudied elements of welfare reform programs. In particular, the National Evaluation of welfare-to-Work available at http//aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/NEWWS http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/Publications/usingparticipationIN.htm | |
68. Welfare Reform The most controversial elements of welfare reformÂwork requirements 3730314 FAX www.michigan.gov/mdcd. Michigan Family Independence Agency 235 South Grand http://www.michiganinbrief.org/edition07/Chapter5/WelformReform.htm | |
69. PHENOMENON OF INTER-AGENCY GPRA GROUPS leadership through regional leadership and extensive information on welfare reform Resources on the World Wide Web at www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/welfare/. http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/npr/library/papers/bkgrd/wlfwkpm.html | |
70. Projects: Welfare-to-Work the key participants involved in implementing welfare reform in each Transportation Affordability MTCÂs Regional welfare to Work by email at ebaker@mtc.ca.gov http://www.mtc.ca.gov/projects/welfare_to_work/wwindex.htm | |
71. OFPP Memo Welfare To Work, April 10, 1997 (Ver 04/21/98) on this Program on the Acquisition reform Network (ARNet) website at www.arnet.gov/welfare.html to, ARNet that describes the various agency initiatives to http://www.acqnet.gov/Library/OFPP/PolicyDocs/welof411.html | |
72. Welfare Reform (VA SoHHR) welfare reform. Virginia s welfare reform initiative is known as the Virginia Independence Program (VIP). Virginia Independence Program (VIP). http://www.hhr.virginia.gov/Initiatives/welfare.cfm | |
73. Congresswoman Pryce On The Issues - Welfare clothes for the new work environment, she was referred to a local agency that provides Other links welfare reform Column. http//www.gop.gov/welfarereform/. http://www.house.gov/pryce/Issues/welfare.htm |
74. Internet Resources http//aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/reform.htm. At the National Association of Community It is another good place to find links to welfare reform resources. http://www.ca.uky.edu/agcollege/fcs/WELFARE/links.htm | |
75. Welfare Law Center News: HHS OCR Guidance An Ohio case challenges the agencyÂs failure to take account of a is available on the web Civil Rights and welfare reform is at www.hhs.gov/progorg/ocr http://www.welfarelaw.org/hhs_ocr_welfare.htm | |
76. Gov. Bush Pushes A Welfare Overhaul, Texas Style - Aug. 12, 1998 gov. In Texas, as on the national level, much talk of welfare reform has centered something of a catch phrase for the governor s position on welfare and other http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/08/12/bush.privatization/ | |
77. DWP - Resource Centre Interface (see Benefits Agency product information). Publicity Register members must quote their Publicity Register number. welfare reform products Available http://www.dwp.gov.uk/publications/pubsorder.asp | |
78. Current R&E Projects Officer James V. Dolson Internet jdolson@acf.dhhs.gov. information on wellconceived rural welfare-to-work be used by state and local TANF agencies and others http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/opre/utiliz.htm | |
79. NIFL-HOMELESS 1997: [NIFL-HOMELESS:311] Assess Welfare Reform I of list niflhomeless@literacy.nifl.gov Subject NIFL-HOMELESS311 Assess welfare reform Impact X 1997 Assessing the Impact of the New welfare Law on http://www.nifl.gov/nifl-homeless/1997/0201.html | |
80. HHS, OCR - Civil Rights Laws And Welfare Reform Overview Index Civil Rights Laws and welfare reform, Overview An Overview; Civil Rights Requirments Title VI of the Civil Rights Attachment Federal Agency Listing. http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/requirec.htm | |
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