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41. Social Security Agency - Press Release - Budget Will Boost Housing And Welfare R the Social Security and Child Support agencies to continue with GB and to deliver the welfare reform and Modernisation 9240 EMail colm.shannon@dsdni.gov.uk. http://www.ssani.gov.uk/news/pressrelease/archive/2002-July-Dec/budget03.html | |
42. Warts And All, Welfare Reform Worked While state officials and W2 agencies applaud the 93 percent gov. flexibility to develop creative educational plans under the welfare reform act, including http://www.legis.state.wi.us/senate/sen04/news/articles/art2000-79.htm | |
43. The False Promises Of Welfare Reform serious administrative problems with many of the welfare agencies contracted to Former gov. Instead of calling it welfare reform which raises all kinds of http://www.legis.state.wi.us/senate/sen04/news/articles/art2001-78.htm | |
44. Lack Of Affordable Housing Hurts Welfare Reform rules enacted in the 1996 welfare reform law that with Senator Wellstone would require welfare agencies to work site please email webmaster@corzine.senate.gov. http://corzine.senate.gov/press_office/record.cfm?id=186694 |
45. June 98 - Welfare Reform Flies In New York In 1997, gov. The welfare reform flight simulator is not just a tool for local communities. almost all of the New York human services agencies, because these http://www.govtech.net/magazine/gt/1998/june/welfare/welfare.phtml | |
46. Labor Protection And Welfare Reform www.dol.gov. Search / AZ Index. Labor Protections and welfare reform. 9. Does that mean that welfare recipients in work activities deemed to be public employees http://www.dol.gov/asp/w2w/welfare.htm | |
47. Comparison Of PRIOR LAW And The PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WORK OPPORTUNITY REC claims; and allows allotment reductions for claims arising from state agency errors. in the form of wages, or provided cash benefits as part of welfare reform. http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/reform.htm | |
48. Gov. Locke Announces $8.7 Million In Welfare Reform Performance Bonuses, Plus Ac Olympia, WA Oct. 6, 2003 gov. Gary Locke today announced the federal government has awarded Washington state's WorkFirst program more than $8.7 million in performance bonuses. WorkFirst helps http://www.dshs.wa.gov/mediareleases/2003/pr03340.shtml | |
49. Child-Welfare Reform And The Role Of Privatization Policy Study No. 271. October 2000. Childwelfare reform and the Role of Privatization. By Lisa Snell. Executive Summary their child-welfare reform by privatizing the adoption process. Child-welfare agencies are often Private and nonprofit agencies can focus all of http://www.rppi.org/ps271.html | |
50. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Child Support state. welfare reform Child SupportAn Uncertain Income Supplement for Families Leaving welfare. http//www.gao.gov. Aug http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/child-support.htm | |
51. United States Government Information Image Databases; Immigration; Income and Poverty; Indexes and Catalogs of Federal Information by Agency or Topic; Web Archives; welfare and welfare reform; Wetlands. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/us/federal.htm | |
52. Washington State WorkFirst WorkFirst is Washington State's welfare reform program that helps financially struggling families find jobs, keep their jobs, get better jobs and build a better life for their children. This At http://www.workfirst.wa.gov/ | |
53. Gov. Locke Announces $8.7 Million In Welfare Reform Performance Bonuses, Plus Ac 6, 2003 gov. The governor said the welfare reform bonus money would be used to continue to of Social and Health Services (DSHS), and the agency s two new http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/mediareleases/2003/pr03340.shtml | |
54. CSAP The Parenting Adolescents welfare reform program is currently in also will document changes in the welfare system that 8956 or email us at info@samhsa.gov. http://prevention.samhsa.gov/Progs/funded/ParentingAdolescents.asp | |
55. Best Practices In Welfare Reform welfare reform (General) The Administration for Children and of local partnerships among welfare and workforce See http//wtw.doleta.gov/wwpartnerships/. http://www.welfareinfo.org/bestpracticeswelfarereformresource.htm | |
56. Employer Involvement/Job Development States Employment Service welfare reform Initiatives 1. Involving Employers. welfare to Work webpage, http//wtw.doleta.gov/ includes http://www.welfareinfo.org/fdresouce.htm | |
57. Welfare Reform Legislation On Legal Immigrants With Disabilities which they were eligible prior to the enactment of the 1996 welfare reform law. the legislation passed in October 1994 does not give the agency the discretion http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/welfare.html | |
58. Colo WELFARE REFORM News verifying resident compliance with the requirements of the Public Housing reform Act, and 2 and on the internet at www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/welfare/im002.htm http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/cwr/news/Colonews.html |
59. Welfare Reform In Michigan A Success! the new Family Independence Agency web site at www.michigan.gov/fia on Michigan.gov. governor Calls for Congressional Reauthorization of welfare reform Law. http://www.michigan.gov/emi/0,1303,7-102--23604--,00.html | |
60. Howard Will Speak In Washington About Welfare Reform Michigan.gov Home, Contact Maureen Sorbet (517) 3737394. Agency Family Independence Agency. Howard will speak in Washington about welfare reform. March 12, 2002 http://www.michigan.gov/fia/0,1607,7-124-5458_7691_7752-22473--M_2002_3,00.html | |
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