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21. Homeless People's Network: Welfare Reform Grants, Vouchers, Subsidies/Ctr On Bud and communitybased organizations, community action agencies, and other at http//wtw.doleta.gov/intrestweb.htm by Barbara Sard on welfare reform and Section 8 http://aspin.asu.edu/hpn/archives/Feb99/0040.html | |
22. Links To Disability-Related U.S. Government Agencies And Departments - Protectio Links to United States government agencies and Departments. and Families www.acf.dhhs.gov/ - is a for children and families, welfare reform, and guidance on http://www.pai-ca.org/Links/US.htm | |
23. Background: EFT Child Support Payments: Programs And Systems: Financial Manageme Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, welfare reform legislation, and with a selected number of federal/state agencies. Web site www.fms.treas.gov/csp has http://www.fms.treas.gov/csp/background.html | |
24. ERS Publications - Food Review Perspectives on welfare reform procurement strategies used by other Federal agencies and by web administration webadmin@ers.usda.gov page updated http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aer766/ | |
25. Impact Of Welfare Reform On Employment And Training Activities It is important that State JTPA offices and SDAs help welfare agencies shape and then participate in the workrelated portion of welfare reform. http://atlas.doleta.gov/dmstree/tegl/tegl97/tegl_01-97.htm | |
26. Department Of Human Services Welfare Reform Since implementing our welfare reform program in 1997, we decline in the number of welfare headsof partnerships with other District agencies, contracts with http://dhs.dc.gov/dhs/cwp/view,a,3,q,492453,dhsNav,|30989|.asp | |
27. ACF - Contacts coordinators of refugee programs; National Voluntary agencies; International Organizations. welfare reform State Links Complete listing of state welfare links. http://www.acf.hhs.gov/contacts.html | |
28. Welfare Reform agencies (MWAs) operating the Work First Programs throughout more information, MichiganÂs welfare reform efforts, please visit www.michigan.gov/emi/0 http://www.semca.org/reform.htm | |
29. Acknowledgements response to the challenges of welfare reform, the adult a comprehensive delivery system for welfare recipients Types of Delivery Systems agencies, adult schools http://www.nifl.gov/nifl/fellowship/reports/sknell.htm | |
30. Welfare Reform Links on welfare/Medicaid reform innovations and links to state human services agencies web sites welfare reform State Links http//www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/welfare http://www.beyondwelfare.org/WelfareReformLinks.htm | |
31. California Labor Federation protection to existing workers, especially in public agencies. website at www.edd.ca.gov/wtows15.htm variety of materials related to welfare reform specific to http://www.calaborfed.org/workforce/tools_downloads/fact_welfare_reform.html | |
32. Commonwealth Department Of Family And Community Services | Welfare Reform FaCS is working on welfare reform solutions together with other government departments, agencies, service providers and people receiving social security http://www.facs.gov.au/internet/facsinternet.nsf/aboutfacs/programs/esp-welfare_ | |
33. A New Paradigm For Welfare Reform: The Need For Civil Rights welfare agencies should hold regular town/neighborhood meetings US General Accounting Office, Âwelfare reform Outcomes for 2000, http//www.ncd.gov , p. 49 http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/prwora/welfare.htm | |
34. Human Services Policy (HSP): Welfare & Work findings from six case studies of state and local TANF agencies that have Among the AFDC, Medicaid, and Foster Care Programs Prior to welfare reform 19951996 http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/hspwelfare.htm | |
35. Implementing Welfare Reform Requirements For Teenage Parents: Lessons From Exper Implementing welfare reform Requirements for Teenage Parents Lessons from Experience in If state welfare agencies want to provide meaningful assistance to http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/isp/teepareq/xsteen.htm | |
36. Cutbacks Likely To Hit Welfare Reform Program Locke Advisers Urge WorkFirst Spen budget shortfall in Washington s welfare reform program, gov. experience get jobs in nonprofit agencies and government who play by the rules of welfare reform. http://www.fremontpublic.org/SPAN/pc_7_11_01.htm | |
37. Welfare.html and adult literacy programs, child care agencies, and advocacy interested in the subject of welfare reform and learning to listproc@literacy.nifl.gov write in http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Swearer_Center/Literacy_Resources/welfare.html | |
38. New York Health And Welfare Agencies and a former welfare reform adviser to gov 15 other firms in New York also are baseless one of five private agencies running W2 in http://www.newyorkweb.us/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=New York Health and Welfare |
39. Article Search - The Lone Star Report leaders may be wavering on spending cuts, gov. up Wohlgemuth restructuring of health agencies by Gilbert services and enact another round of welfare reform. http://www.lonestarreport.org/search.asp?topic=50 |
40. Indicators For Tracking Welfare Reform (3/98) with them directly in community organizations and human services agencies. be accessed at http//www.cbo.gov can be used to assess the impact of welfare reform. http://www.cbp.org/1998/9803indctr.html | |
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