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1. Welfare Reform welfare reform Information on the Internet. The following links to notfor-profit organizations, research groups, and government agencies provide users with a variety of positions and opinions on welfare reform legislation. complete text of gov. George Pataki's official welfare reform proposal. Personal Responsibility http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/workforce/welfare/wfnet.html | |
2. NCPA - Welfare - States Leading Welfare Reform welfare reformS THAT WORK. welfare reform is reportedly working in states that have tough work requirements, backed by sanctions and time limits. as a leader in welfare reform since 1987 when Republican gov. Tommy Thompson took office work for a paycheck from private employers, government agencies or sheltered workshops http://www.public-policy.org/~ncpa/pi/welfare/!wel42.html | |
3. Social Service Organizations And Welfare Reform and welfare reform gov ernments increasingly provide services by purchasing them from private social service agencies, expanding the welfare state through these organizations. welfare reform http://www.mdrc.org/Reports2001/UC-SocialService/UCSocialServicesOrg&WelRefo |
4. Contextual Variations In Welfare Reform If, for example, one of the characteristics of those local welfare agencies that perform well is close cooperation with local job training, economic http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/tap45.htm | |
5. OPM Welfare To Work Home Page We will be happy to assist agencies in developing your an email inquiry to w2w@opm.gov To White House welfare reform Information Page; To National Partnership http://www.opm.gov/wtw/ | |
6. Government Employment For Welfare Recipients FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND agencies. SUBJECT Government Employment for welfare Recipients. Since I signed the historic welfare reform law, I http://www.opm.gov/wtw/html/welfarem.htm | |
8. Welfare Reform Act Of 1996 officer of the State specifying which State agency or agencies will administer and A) have been consulted regarding the plan and design of welfare services in http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/laws/majorlaw/h3734_en.htm | |
9. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Management & Administration http//www.gao.gov. Are Above Average TopDown Versus Bottom-Up Perspectives of welfare reform. with the Department Directors of Human Service agencies in 29 http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/mgt-admin.htm | |
10. Welfare Reform Is Not Working For Everyone years since our state enacted our welfare reform program, WorkFirst, gov. Gary Locke has pronounced it "one and the governor and state agencies should be commended for their efforts http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/respop.shtml | |
11. Welfare Reform And Beyond Resources city best practices related to welfare reform and workforce Federal government agencies top Administration for Children HHS) www.acf.dhhs.gov Responsible for http://www.brookings.edu/es/research/projects/wrb/resources/default.htm | |
12. 93.595Â -Â Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations And National Studies where applicants are limited to those agencies. in Compassion Capitol Fund, child welfare, welfare reform, evaluation of 3598, EMail KKOERPER@ACF.HHS.gov. http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=1292 |
13. Census Bureau News 4571037 (TDD) e-mail pio@census.gov Art Jones to assess the impact of the 1996 welfare reform Act Federal agencies, researchers and others are expected to use http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2001/cb01-154.html | |
14. Internet Resources Guide / Dana Library HandsNet welfare reform Watch http//www.handsnet.org. US Federal government agencies Directory LSU Libraries http//www.lib.lsu.edu/gov/fedgov.html. http://newark.rutgers.edu/~whren/welfare.htm | |
15. Welfare Reform Strategies include the following Human service agencies, cultural institutions (eg supports needed by adults and children affected by welfare reform. http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/workforce/welfare/wfroles.html | |
16. Tribal Issues it provides funding across many agencies, rather than http//www.whitehouse.gov/library/ThisWeek.cgi?type=p date The 1996 welfare reform law, for the first time http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/cwr/issues/Tribal.html |
17. Human Resources Administration NYC.gov Banner agencies are paid for successfully placing and retaining participants in jobs as an integral component of the Mayor s welfare reform initiative. http://www.nyc.gov/html/hra/html/serv_welfarework.html | |
18. Fact Sheet: President Announces Welfare Reform Agenda these support programs, which now operate under different agencies, different rules to reach a historic, bipartisan agreement to reform the welfare system. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/02/20020226.html | |
19. Controversial Issues reform http//www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/welfare welfare reform http//www.nacaa.org/welrecs.htmFrom the National Association of Community Action agencies, this site http://www.twinlakes.k12.in.us/info/library/connection/controW.htm | |
20. Business.gov with state and local agencies to identify Credit (http//www.doleta.gov/employer/wtwweb Social Security Administration (SSA) welfare reform Information Contains http://www.business.gov/busadv/maincat.cfm?catid=118 |
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