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41. Contextual Variations In Welfare Reform O Neill, June; Wolf, Douglas; Bassi, Lauri; and Hannan, Michael, (1984) An analysis of Time on welfare, Report prepared for DHHS by the Urban Institute. http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/tap45.htm | |
42. President Bush's Welfare Reform Plan Leaves Millions Of Children Behind (CDF Ana Leaves Millions of Children Behind (Press Release) President Bush s welfare reform Plan Leaves Millions of Children Behind (CDF analysis) MWE Statement http://www.cdfactioncouncil.org/analysis_welfare.htm | |
43. NEW PUBLICATION: CA LAO Analysis Of President's Welfare Reform Plan NEW PUBLICATION CA LAO analysis of President s welfare reform Plan. Date May 7, 2002 Subject NEW PUBLICATION CA LAO analysis http://archive.savicom.net/cgi-bin/archive.pl?list=weingart&action=display&msgid |
44. SSRN-Welfare Reform In European Countries: A Micro-Simulation Analysis By Herwig SSRNwelfare reform in European Countries A Micro-Simulation analysis by Herwig Immervoll, Henrik Kleven, Claus Kreiner, Emmanuel Saez. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=536222 |
45. SSRN-Is Welfare Reform In Italy A Great Opportunity Or Is It A Loss Of Opportuni SSRNIs welfare reform in Italy a Great Opportunity or is it a Loss of Opportunity? The analysis of Law 328/00 by Maria Garofalo, Maria Supino. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=430660 |
46. Center For Business & Economic Research, University Of Tennessee 2003. An analysis of Postreform welfare Reentry in Tennessee, by Karie Barbour, Donald Bruce, and Angela Thacker, December 2001. http://cber.bus.utk.edu/welfare.htm | |
47. Questia Online Library - New Search We searched for subjects welfare reformanalysis and found 85 total results. 12, January 1, 2001. Subjects welfare reformanalysis, welfareanalysis. 2. http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&subjects=Welfare reform--Analysis&subje |
48. Analysis Of The NYS Welfare Reform Act Of 1997 analysis Of The NYS welfare reform Act Of 1997. The 1997 New York State welfare Bill (S. 5788/A.8678) by Susan C. Antos Greater Upstate Law Project - 8/28/97. http://www.wnylc.net/web/welfare-law/analysis-nys-reform.htm | |
49. Don Friedmans Analysis Of The NYS Welfare Reform Act Of 1997 Western New York Law Center. Don Friedmans analysis Of The NYS welfare reform Act Of 1997. And now for more of Regulating the Poor (1). http://www.wnylc.net/web/welfare-law/don-friedmans-analysis.htm | |
50. Spatial Variation In GSE Mortgage Purchase Activity The Impact of welfare reform on Public Shelter Utilization in Philadelphia A TimeSeries analysis. Dennis P. Culhane Stephen R. Poulin http://www.huduser.org/periodicals/cityscpe/vol6num2/3impact.html | |
51. Analysis Links Welfare Reform And Family Violence analysis links welfare reform and family violence. By Susan Lang. One of the hidden costs of welfare reform, both at the federal and http://www.news.cornell.edu/Chronicle/01/3.29.01/welfare-violence.html | |
52. Assesssing The Impact Of Welfare Reform On Urban Communities: The Urban Change P The presence of time limits does not alter the foregoing analysis or diminish the ambiguity associated with these components of welfare reform. http://www.mdrc.org/Reports2001/UCImpactDesign/UCImpactDesign.htm | |
53. Nat'l Academies Press: Evaluating Welfare Reform In An Era Of Transition A thorough analysis of the available research leads to the identification of gaps in what is currently known about the effects of welfare reform. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10020.html | |
54. Treatment Improvement Exchange - Special Topics- Welfare Reform - State Team Bui welfare to Work The Race to welfare reform A Recent History Prepared by the American Public welfare Association Reconciliation Act of 1996 analysis of PRWORA http://tie.samhsa.gov/Topics/archive/Welfare/santafe/santafetoc.html | |
55. Adolescent Outcomes, Poverty Status, And Welfare Reform: An Analysis Based On Th Adolescent Outcomes, Poverty Status, and welfare reform An analysis based on the Survey of Program Dynamics. Author info Abstract http://ideas.repec.org/p/wop/jopovw/269.html | |
56. Faces Of Change The study collected over 200 firsthand accounts of current and former welfare recipients affected by welfare reform. The policy analysis that is set forth in http://www.alliance1.org/Research/Facesofchange.asp | |
57. Child Welfare And Welfare Reform Research -- Kathleen Wells policymakers, specifically, the directors of agencies responsible for implementation of welfare reform in the county in 2000 and 2001. analysis of interview http://msass.case.edu/faculty/kwells/research.html | |
58. A Feminist Analysis Of Welfare Reform: The Personal Responsibility Act Of 1996 A Feminist analysis of welfare reform The Personal Responsibility Act of 1996. Author Jimenez, MaryAnn. Author Background Date, 9/1/99. Type, Journal. http://www.sfsu.edu/~multsowk/title/3.htm | |
59. NDSU Analysis Highlights Challenges In Welfare Reform Hall, Fargo, ND 581055665. May 7, 1998. NDSU analysis Highlights Challenges of welfare reform. Many North Dakota residents currently http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extnews/newsrelease/1998/050798/02ndsuan.htm | |
60. NAHRO - Reference Library - Welfare Reform in poverty. Urban Institute, An extensive analysis of welfare reform issues. welfare Information Network, A Clearinghouse for Information http://www.nahro.org/reference/internet_welfare.html | |
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