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21. Weights And Measures weights and measures. Unit Conversion Tables. Lengths Distances. Areas. Volumes. Also, Ken Prentice offers a variety of unit conversion calculators that run on Windows. A note on the metric system http://www.sisweb.com/math/general/measures.htm | |
22. U.S. Weights And Measures US weights and measures. See the Infoplease.com conversion calculator. Linear Measure. Related content from HighBeam Research on US weights and measures. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0001660.html | |
23. English Weights And Measures: Wire Gauges Wire gauges SWG and metric conversions. NOT AWG. http://home.clara.net/brianp/wire.html | |
24. Special Page On Anglo-saxon Units physical units weights and measures - equivalencies for the Anglo-Saxon system - its history Anglo-Saxon weights measures. How the system emerged, and its long history definition 2150.42 cu.in.) The weights and measures Act of 1824 defined an Imperial British Gallon http://members.aol.com/JackProot/met/spvolas.html | |
25. Omni Medical Systems, Inc. Manufactures US and Canadian weights and measures approved scale instrumentation and load cells for the OnBoard weighing industry. http://www.omnimeasurement.com/ | |
26. Creative Cooking School Las Vegas Cooking school in Las Vegas with handson and demonstration classes. Some classes include French and healthy gourment cooking as well as pasta workshops and seasonal soups. Site includes culinary terminology, weights and measures and information on choosing wine. http://www.creativecookingschool.com | |
27. Measurement Services Division Supports industry and commerce, with standard reference data, materials, calibration, and weights and measures programs. Overview presentation, organizational structure, calendar of exibits, and specialist groups at Boulder, Maryland. http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/230.htm | |
28. FAME - Foundation For The Advancement Of Monetary Education A nonprofit group that advocates honest monetary weights and measures and argues against fiat monetary systems. http://www.fame.org | |
29. Weights And Measures weights and measures. Unit Conversion Tables. http://www.math2.org/math/general/measures.htm | |
30. Agriculture / Weights & Measures Conducts regulatory programs and provides related services to protect the agricultural industry, businesses, and consumers in the county. http://www.co.san-bernardino.ca.us/awm/ | |
31. RDM Services - Agricultural Programs - Who We Are Has responsibility for enforcing Statemandated agricultural and pesticide regulations and certification of commercial weighing and measuring devices. http://www.ocagcomm.com/ | |
32. Weights And Measures Responsible for maintaining exact standards for any unit of measurement used to buy, sell, or trade commodities or services. http://www.co.kern.ca.us/weights/kerncounty.html | |
33. Monetary Systems weights and measures for classical money systems. Covers Ancient Greece, Roman Empire and Byzantium. http://www.culture.gr/nm/presveis/Pages/info/Reference/MonSys.html | |
34. Department Of Weights And Measures Department of weights and measures Home, Ensuring Copyright 2003 Arizona Department of weights and measures, All Rights Reserved. http://www.weights.az.gov/business/CBG main.htm | |
35. Angie's Realm - Free Recipes And Cooking Forum An assortment of recipes, food substitutions, food equivalents, glossary of cooking terms, weights and measures. http://angiesrealm.com/ | |
36. UCON weights and measures(Update June 2002) weights measures Areas of interest include Ancient BWMA leaflet (British weights and measures Association). Please http://www.eardc.swt.edu/cgi-bin/ucon/ucon.pl | |
37. Technical Data Of The Renault 10 Engine, transmission, and performance information and details on weights and measures. http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Show/9396/r8/techdt10.htm | |
38. Special Page On Anglo-saxon Units physical units weights and measures - equivalencies for the Anglo-Saxon system - its history. Anglo-Saxon weights measures. How http://users.aol.com/jackproot/met/spvolas.html | |
39. Scottish Borders Council Lifelong Care - Trading Standards Service Council lifelong care covering weights and measures, safety, fair trading and animal health legislation, consumer and money advice and debt counselling. http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/scotborders/ | |
40. American·British - British·American Dictionary Collection of words and phrases, including information about holidays, weights and measures, money, area codes and presidents and prime ministers. http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/dict.html | |
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