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81. HISTORY Edward Weitz took fifth place in weightlifting; Esther Shahamorov time came within reach of an olympic medal at Judoka Yael Arad made history at the Barcelona http://www.eurolympic.org/jahia/Jahia/cache/offonce/pid/367?language=eng |
82. The Seattle Times Sports Iraq Soccer Team Earns Berth In the biggest moment in Iraqi olympic history, said Ahmed the president of Iraq s olympic committee. boxing, swimming, taekwondo and weightlifting who qualified http://newsblaster.cs.columbia.edu/NBproxy.cgi?sentence=645 |
83. Books On The Olympic Games An Introduction to olympicStyle weightlifting by John, M. Cissik Paperback 100 Greatest Moments in olympic history Bud Greenspan, et al Hardcover / Published http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/sport/olympic_games.htm | |
84. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Sports Education Maui High ( 88). Event weightlifting, 64kg. olympic history Second olympic team. Placed 10th in 67.5 kg at at 1992 Barcelona Games. http://starbulletin.com/96/07/17/sports/story1.html | |
85. USA Weightlifting Visit and Support Our Sponsors USAW Mission Statement Our goal is for our athletes to win gold medals in the olympic, Pan American and World Championships through the development of weightlifting http://www.usaweightlifting.org/ | |
86. Olympic Weightlifting Snatch and cleanand-jerk sequence pictures, results, infos, nutrition. http://www.eng.auburn.edu/users/simonton/weightlifting.html |
87. University Of Queensland - Powerlifting/Weightlifting Club Established for over 20 years. Dedicated training facilities for powerlifters (squat, bench press, deadlift)and olympic weightlifters situated at the University of Qld campus St Lucia. Membership open to students and general public. http://clubs.uqsport.uq.edu.au/uqpwc | |
88. Summer Olympics 2000 Olympic History -- Table Tennis olympic history Table tennis Men s singles olympics, Medal, Athlete, Country. Atlanta 96, Gold Silver Bronze, Liu Guoliang Wang Tao http://espn.go.com/oly/summer00/tabletennis/s/almanac.html | |
89. BS Olympic Gym - York Barbell, Strongman Equipment, Plyometrice Exercise, Key Al Our inventory includes product lines by York, Chapman, Valeo, and RB Rubber. We currently have available weightlifting bars, free weights, troy barbell-VTX with more bumper plates, belts, and wraps being added as well as weightlifting equipment and accessories. http://bsolympicgym.com | |
90. Heavy Sports- Armwrestling, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Fitness, Strongman, Directory of links devoted to strength sports which include bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, armwrestling and olympic weightlifting. http://www.heavysports.com/ | |
91. The History Of Weightlifting of lifting traces back to the beginning of recorded history where man s The first modern day Olympics were held in 1896 and weightlifting was included as http://www.usaweightlifting.org/history_of_ol.html | |
92. Power Firm Weightlifting Shoes Handmade shoes for athletes competing in olympic weightlifting or for athletes engaged in strength and conditioning programs. Come in European sizes 3348. http://www.weightliftingshoes.ca/ | |
93. Carl And Sandra's Physical Conditioning Center Weight training for strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. Coach Carl Miller, former US National, olympic, and World weightlifting. http://carlgym.home.att.net/ | |
94. History Of Our Olympic Games history of Our olympic Games. Welcome to our web site! Have you watched the olympics on TV or better yet been there to experience it live? Did you ever wondered why the olympics started? I did! http://kushkm.tripod.com/History-of-the-Olympics | |
95. THE SOUTHSIDE OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB Gives competition results in the United Kingdom and also internationals, includes a calendar of events with lifter profiles from Scottish lifters. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/kirstie.law/index..html | |
96. GOHEAVY.COM Powerlifting and olympic weightlifting forums, tips, and other resources. Currently undergoing reconstruction. http://www.goheavy.com/ | |
97. Natural Powerlifting Powerlifting and olympic weightlifting training for natural athletes. Contains links, records, and other resources. http://www.naturalpowerlifting.com/ | |
98. Superheavy's Gallery Of OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTERS Pictures and stories of many of olympic weightlifting's greatest lifters. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/7342/ | |
99. Weightliftingdatabase Look up results in olympic lifting by year, event, lifter, or country. http://www.iat.uni-leipzig.de/weight.htm | |
100. Website Disabled Information about olympic weightlifting in the State of Florida. http://www.floridaweightlifting.homestead.com/ | |
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