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101. CNN.com - Can Dogs Be Trained To Sniff Out Problem Weeds? - Dec. 31, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/12/31/offbeat.weed.sniffer.ap/index.html | |
102. California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory - Information Center For The A combined government/private/nonprofit effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in California. This information will further the practice and science of noxious weed control and assist agencies and practitioners doing noxious weed control throughout the state. http://endeavor.des.ucdavis.edu/weeds/ | |
103. Center For Plant Health Science Technology (CPHST) The scientific support organization for the Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) division of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Works to identify and evaluate pathways used by invasive plant pests and weeds that threaten American agriculture and natural resources. http://www.cphst.org/ | |
104. Philadelphia's Invasive Weed Fight The Patrick Center for Environmental Research of the Academy of Natural Sciences will a 1.2 million grant to determine the most effective way to rid the Fairmont Park system of plants like the Japanese knotweed and the Norway Maple that are crowding out native plants. http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1999/04/041699/weedy_2687.asp | |
105. Weed Photos http://www.weedscience.org/photos/Photodisplayall.asp | |
106. Penn State Weed Management Google Search WWW Search this site, Welcome to the weed Website at Penn State University. As you know, weeds can be native or alien http://weeds.cas.psu.edu/ |
107. Weed Research Home Page The Official Journal of the European weed Research Society. Current Volume 44 ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking 2002 47/135 (Plant Sciences); 8/55 http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0043-1737&site=1 |
108. Home Page Frame http://home.vicnet.net.au/~weedss/ | |
109. Otago School Of Medical Sciences, High School Biology Topics A resource for high school students seeking information about medical sciences including biocontrol of weeds and pests, genetically modified plants and animals, molecular biology techniques, biotechnology, gene therapy, cancer, heart disease, HIV and AIDS and proteins. http://osms.otago.ac.nz/main/bursary/bursary.html | |
110. Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book (PPIGB) Translate this page Agriculture, Horticulture, Botany, Bacteriology, Entomology, Insects, Mycology, Fungi, Nematology, Nematodes, Virology, Virus, Weeds, Parasitic Plants, IPM http://www.pk.uni-bonn.de/ppigb/ppigb.htm |
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