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101. NYS GTSC - Traffic Safety Kids Page Safety tips, games, and activities teach kids how to be safe when walking or riding in cars and buses. Information about trains and railroad crossings available. http://www.nysgtsc.state.ny.us/kids.htm | |
102. PageTutor.com: HTML Tutorials & Javascript - Basic HTML Tutorial pagetutor.com Award winning HTML and Javascript tutorials. You'll find easy to learn material on HTML tables, forms, frames, javascript, style sheets and much more. on how to make a web page. I http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage | |
103. Chance Welcome Page This data base contains materials designed help teach a Chance course or a more standard introductory probability or statistics course. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/ | |
104. Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource picture of author The EndAll Guide to Small-Screen web-Dev It takes one gigantabig tutorial to teach you how to build sites for all those itty, bitty devices. http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/ | |
105. The Talking Page Literacy Organization System uses neurolinguistics to teach 4 6 year old children to write, spell, and read. http://www.talkingpage.org | |
106. MT KIDS: Activities & Games Fun Selection of games and activities designed to teach kids about the state of Montana. http://www.montanakids.com/fun.htm | |
107. Gambling Times - Player's Guide page is set up to teach one the basics. http://www.gamblingtimes.com/bascraps.html | |
108. Learn About Savings Bonds Worksheets, glossary, puzzles for learning about Savings Bonds as well as Money Math Lessons for Life a FREE, four lesson curriculum supplement that uses real world personal financial scenarios to teach mathematical concepts and basic finance to students in grades 79. http://www.savingsbonds.gov/sav/savlearn.htm | |
109. VK's Keyboard Notes Page An attempt to teach keyboard lessons about indian film music. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/4694/index.html | |
110. PC Teach, Petone Operating as HandsOn Computer Training. Offers self paced, flexible, individual, computer training. Trains in a wide range of subjects as detailed on the Courses page. http://www.pcteach.co.nz/ |
111. ChemistryIndex I teach Chemistry and Earth Science at Waianae High School, possibly the only high school in the nation located on the beach. On this page,you will find everything you need to know about my classes. http://www.geocities.com/chemtchrcc103/ | |
112. Confess And Teach For Unity's "Sermons And Devotions" Subscription page for delivery of email homilies from a number of different Lutheran pastors each week. http://www.cat41.org/Serm/index.htm | |
113. A105 Human Origins And Prehistory: Fall Semester 2002 Class page to go along with Indiana University's anthropology class, A105. Lectures cover the human place among the pages, evolution theories, genetics and current research. Related resource links are included. http://www.indiana.edu/~origins/teach/A105.html | |
114. Wesley's Way Wesley is a 6 year old boy with autism. He has RSP, OT and Speech Classes as well. This page will hopefully show how Wesley does it and how we his parents, teachers and friends help teach him, love him and accept him, and most importantly what he is teaching us as well. http://autfriends.autistics.org/wesley/ | |
115. University Of Minnesota - Center For Advanced Research In Language Acquisition ( CARLA offers databases of Hebrew language resources, audio exercises and a specialist list for Hebrew language teachers. This page is a list of colleges and universities in North America that teach Modern Hebrew, with contact details. http://carla.acad.umn.edu:591/FMPro?-db=wlw&language=Hebrew-Modern&-form |
116. Web Site Introduction Site created to teach the history and highlight its unusual achievements. Includes chronology, description of modern landmarks, and guide to speaking Bawlamarese. http://knight.city.ba.k12.md.us/faculty/ss/websiteintro.htm | |
117. Amy Yu-Lazzaretti Curriculum Vitae - Home Page Seeking a universitylevel career to teach ASL and Deaf-related courses. Main page have links to the webpages of Letter of Application, References and Contact. http://yulazzaretti.bravehost.com/index.html | |
118. Alcohol And The Bible: New Expanded Version An article from James Dave's Bible page What does the Bible REALLY teach about drinking alcohol?. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/8255/alcohol2.html | |
119. Teach teach is a family page of the Ericsons, who school around the Five In A Row curriculum. They answer the YSL questions Why are you doing this? , What about socialization? , and Is it legal? from a Biblical perspective. They also offer objectives by subject matter for elementary grades. http://yourpage.blazenet.net/te1/teach.htm | |
120. Home On The Web issues also may arise when a district designs a web site Some web site creators, such as Tim Williams, author of the unofficial Plano page, openly deride http://www.electronic-school.com/0997f5.html | |
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