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121. Weather Underground: Greenland Shows the current weather conditions and temperatures in a variety of Greenland communities. http://infoseek.wunderground.com/auto/infoseek/global/GL.html | |
122. CNN.com - Weather - Clinton Declares Federal Disaster For Tornado-ripped Georgia CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WEATHER/02/15/storms.05/index.html | |
123. Virginia Weather Current conditions, seven day forecasts and area weather maps for cities statewide. http://www.weathercentral.com/weather/us/states/VA/index.html | |
124. Weather.com - Page Not Found Current weather information for Virginia cities and towns. http://www.weather.com/search/drilldown/?geoCd=2&geoCdChild=1&itemCd=VA& |
125. Weather Underground: Maryland A quick overview, with links to a detailed forecast for individual Maryland cities. Marine forecasts, and ski conditions. http://www.wunderground.com/US/MD/ | |
126. Intellicast Weather - Africa LocalWeather Africa weather reports, warnings, forecast and satellite images. http://www.intellicast.com/LocalWeather/World/Africa/ |
127. Channel 4 Weather Current conditions, forecast, stories, and radar from KAMRTV. http://kamr.com/Global/category.asp?C=8372 |
128. MyAviationWeather.com - Weather Information For The North Eastern Pilot! Links to appropriate weather reports for pilots in the Ottawa area. http://www.myaviationweather.com/body_index.html#yowquickwx | |
129. Staying Safe Outdoors In Winter Weather Exposure to cold temperatures can cause serious or lifethreatening health problems. To stay safe, you should know what to do if a cold-weather health emergency arises. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/1010788326.html | |
130. Intellicast.com Depicts where rain, snow, and mixed precipitation is falling as well as how hard it is falling. http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USLocalWide.asp?loc=kabi&seg=LocalWeather&a |
131. Climate In Tehran Province ::: ITTO.org ::: Climate information about several regions in Iran. From the Iran Travel and Tourism Organization. http://www.itto.org/weather/weather.asp?prv=teh&detail=1 |
132. Weather In Vantaa, Finland - Latest 5 Days weather in Vantaa, Finland Latest 5 days as on 200405-25. Temperature and Dewpoint Temperature is marked in red. Dew point is marked in blue. Relative Humidity. http://www.vaisala.com/weather/history5d.htm | |
133. Space Weather Current conditions of solar and auroral activity. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/spaceweather/ | |
134. AccuWeather.com - Kansas Weather Forecast Access forecasts for major Kansas cities, including Kansas City, Topeka, and Manhattan. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/adcbin/public/browse_us_forecasts.asp?state=ks |
135. UM Weather: Alaska Weather Access to weather products specific to Alaska including conditions, forecasts, warnings, radar, climate information, and satellite photos. http://cirrus.sprl.umich.edu/wxnet/states/alaska.html | |
136. Illinois Weather Current conditions, seven day forecasts and area weather maps for cities statewide. http://www.weathercentral.com/weather/us/states/IL/index.html | |
137. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Weather Archives San Jose weather Station Substation of the National weather Service Latitude 37° 21 N Longitude 121° 54 W Elevation (Ground) 67 Ft. http://www.westerndisastercenter.org/sjc/archive.htm | |
138. KIROTV.com - SeattleInsider Current conditions and fiveday forecasts for Seattle, Tacoma and major cities throughout the Northwest. From SeattleInsider.com. http://www.kirotv.com/seattleinsider/weather/ | |
139. World Weather - Celsius.tv Offers links to regional weather sites, including Asian locations. http://www.worldzone.net/arts/snootybuttoo/celsius/asweather.shtml | |
140. Austin Weather Current weather and forecast information. http://www.austin-weather.net/ | |
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