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61. Nbc5i.com - Weather - Climatology Today s Weather Summary. Almanac. US weather history. Information, pictures from April 15 storm in DFW area. Dallas/Fort Worth Climatology 1995Today. http://www.nbc5i.com/Weather/1637599/detail.html | |
62. Weather History For , Davis Logo, Monthly Highs/Lows, History Graphs forIdaho Falls ,Idaho. High Temperature. Low Temperature. 78.6°F. 33.2°F. High Humidity. Low Humidity. 96%. 12%. http://www.d91.k12.id.us/EAGLE/WeatherStation/History_Vantage_Pro.htm | |
63. Weather History For The University Of Queensland - Brisbane, Queensland Monthly Highs/Lows, 30 Day History Graphs for The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland. High Temperature. Low Temperature. 26.1°C. 10.1°C. High Humidity. http://www.geosp.uq.edu.au/uqweather/monthly.htm | |
64. Weather History For The University Of Queensland - Brisbane, Queensland UQ LOGO, Monthly Highs/Lows, 24 Hour Graphs for The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland. High Temperature. Low Temperature. 26.1°C. 10.1°C. http://www.geosp.uq.edu.au/uqweather/daily.htm | |
65. Weather History For Poland, Maine Davis Logo, Highs and Lows, History Graphs for Poland, Maine. High Temperature. Low Temperature. 65.4°F at 05/14/04 256p. 44.3°F at 05/14/04 708a. High Humidity. http://www.pivot.net/~cotterly/History_Monitor.htm | |
66. Prescience 2000 Weather Data By Praxis Software 74° F. Indoor Humid. 0%. weather history. TODAY. High Temperature, 68° F at 1043. Rainfall, 0.00 in. weather history. YESTERDAY. High Temperature, 71° F at 1450. http://www.sbyc.org/SBYCWEAT.HTM | |
67. Hurricane Weather Center - From TBO.com Tropical weather history. Most powerful hurricanes Here s a list of the most intense hurricanes to hit the United States this century. http://hurricane.weathercenter.com/guide/history.htm | |
68. This Date In Western New York Weather History This Date in Western New York weather history. January http://www.erh.noaa.gov/buf/wxhis.htm | |
69. NOAA History - Redirect Page that are included in this section of NOAA history begin at the time of the formation of New Mexico's first weather station. history of the Block Island weather Bureau Station http://www.history.noaa.gov/nwstales.html | |
70. The Weather Legacy Of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort The weather Legacy of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort. Admiral Robert Fitzroy The Beaufort weather Notation Code. As Francis Beaufort http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/history/beaufort.htm | |
71. History Of Weather On The Internet [Central Atlantic Storm Investigators | Using The history of weather on the Internet 19911996. Early sites, example imagery. history of weather on the Internet From CASI s Using The Internet Section. http://www.weathermatrix.net/education/internet/history.html | |
72. Groundhog Day History From Stormfax® 1938, Shadow at 905 AM; darkest shadow in history (The Spirit, Feb. 2, 1938). 1960, Shadow at 733 AM; forecasts extremely bad weather on the Today show. http://www.stormfax.com/ghogday.htm | |
73. Shoreham Beach Weather Station History Temperature (°C), Wind (mph), Rain (mm). Mean, Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Highest 24hour Mean, Maximum, Dominant Direction, Total, Maximum, Days With Rain. http://www.softwair.co.uk/weather/history.htm | |
74. Brasil - News By Sergio Koreisha Brazil Facts, history, Government, Econ Finance. Environment, Health Issues, Culture, Social Issues, Landmarks, News, Universities. Celebrities, Sports, weather, Phone http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~sergiok/brnews.html | |
75. The Weather Notebook - Saturday, June 12, 2004 events. It includes a history of major tornadoes, blizzards, hurricanes, and everything and anything else related to weather. You http://www.theweathercompany.com/cgi-bin/wxnotebook.pl | |
76. Weather Underground: Weather Station History Translate this page Find the weather for any City, State or ZIP Code, or Airport Code or Country. Click Here. history for Pt. Vicente, Rancho Palos Verdea, CA. http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KCARANCH4 |
77. Weather Underground: Weather Station History Find the weather for any City, State or ZIP Code, or Airport Code or Country. Click Here. history for Corte Madera. Corte Madera, CA http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KCACORTE1 |
78. History Of The Weather In Otaniemi history of the weather in Otaniemi. Location 24° 49 53.8958 E. 60° 11 17.9229 N. 2001/2002, If you need older data, just ask http://www.hut.fi/Units/Radio/weather/history.htm | |
79. Thanksgiving Weather & History From STORMFAX® The decision of the Pilgrims to land on the shores of Massachusetts was dictated by the weather. (1). More favorable weather followed the storm. http://www.stormfax.com/thanksgv.htm | |
80. Overview Of Los Cabos Helpful Info * weather * history * Maps, Activities * Family Fun * Sports * Events Calendar, Resorts * Hotels * Online Reservations, http://www.visitcabo.com/overview/overview.shtm | |
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