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41. Indiana Weather History Calendar Welcome to the. Indiana weather history Calendar. A collection of interesting, significant, and not so significant weather events. Select a Month. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ind/hist.htm | |
42. This Date In Weather History Click on the date in which you are interested January. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29, 30, 31, February. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/iwx/climate/cli/wxhisttdy/Calendar.html | |
43. Weather Conditions At Worthington Distribution Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr. Today s weather history, Yesterday s weather history. Long Term weather history. High Temperature 83° F at 11900 AM on 3/8. http://www.worthdist.com/weather.htm | |
44. Weather History For Kilchis River In Tillamook, Oregon Highs and Lows, History Graphs for Kilchis River in Tillamook , Oregon. High Temperature. Low Temperature. 66.7 °F at 05/14/04 202p. 45.0 °F at 05/14/04 523a. http://www.ifish.net/Weather/History_Monitor.htm | |
45. Boston.com / Weather MAY. 21 IN BOSTON weather history. Highest high temperature 93° (1921). Greatest snowfall 0.0. MAY IN BOSTON weather history. Average high for month 66.6°. http://www.boston.com/weather/ | |
46. The Middle Tennessee Skywarn Homepage - Excellence In Skywarn weather history! Check out some of these significant storms! Day by Day weather history for the US Get historical weather facts for any day of the year! http://www.mtsh.org/history.html | |
47. Travel To Iceland. Guide To Iceland Weather History And Adventure Travel | IExpl http://iexplore.nationalgeographic.com/res/iceland/iceland_intro.jhtml | |
48. Solar Weather History Solar weather history (from SOHO). http://solar-center.stanford.edu/weather_hist/ | |
49. Early History Of The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron These Herks are now over 30 years old, but have proved to be the most dependable of all the aircraft in the pages of weather history. http://www.hurricanehunters.com/history2.htm | |
50. Gillette Weather History Gillette weather history. January 2003 February 2003 Current Month. Current Weather Weather Trend weather history Feedback. Created by http://www.ci.gillette.wy.us/weather/hweather.html |
51. National Weather Service Forecast Office - Norman, Oklahoma Use our Daily weather history page to view historical weather information for a day, month or the entire year! weather history for April 16. http://www.srh.weather.gov/oun/pastwx/ |
52. WeatherUSA.org Forums -> Weather History For May 12th weather history for May 12th. http://weatherusa.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1524&view=getlastpost |
53. For Current Tucson Weather Conditions Click Here For Current Tucson Weather Conditions Click Here. El Tour Day weather history Facts. El Tour. Year, Nov Date, High. 1. 1983, 19th, 62. 2. 1984, 17th, 65. 3. 1985, 23rd, 77. http://www.pbaa.com/!ETT/ETTweather.htm | |
54. Travel To Iceland. Guide To Iceland Weather History And Adventure Travel | IExpl Keyword Search http://www.iexplore.com/res/iceland/iceland_intro.jhtml | |
55. Southeast Wyoming Skywarn - Cheyenne Area Severe Weather History -October 1997 B Douglas/Casper, 36 . Written by Don Moore - NWS Cheyenne. Special thanks to the Cheyenne National Weather Service for allowing us to use their presentation. http://wy.skywarn.net/snwstm.htm | |
56. Southeast Wyoming Skywarn - Cheyenne Area Severe Weather History - Funnel Clouds to 1 in diameter. The following is an excerpt from the Southeast Wyoming Severe Weather Network Active NET Storm log. At 200pm http://wy.skywarn.net/sews61897.htm | |
57. Weather Refdesk.com - weather history CityRating.com weather history is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when looking for the best places to live. http://www.refdesk.com/weath1.html | |
58. Weather History For York, England Last 30 days Weather for York, England. For the current weather click here. Monthly Highs/Lows, Last update 25/05/04 458. High Temperature. Low Temperature. http://www.tonykempster.btinternet.co.uk/History_Vantage_Pro.htm |
59. APRS+SA - Web Query - Weather History TRAFFIC, BULLETINS, STATUS, HISTORY, CALLSIGNS, OBJECTS, WEATHER, WxTRENDS, NWS. Date/Time UTC, Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Temp F, P1, P2, BP, Humid, Gusts. http://bdunlap.dyndns.org:8080/WxHistory/WN5PFI | |
60. APRS+SA - Web Query - Weather History Weather Trend data from N5TIM http://bdunlap.dyndns.org:8080/WxHistory/N5TIM | |
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