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1. The Space Weather Environment The Space weather environment. Particle populations and processes in the nearEarth space environment studied by TWINS can lead to http://nis-www.lanl.gov/nis-projects/twins/vugraphs/tsld005.htm | |
2. The Space Weather Environment First Previous Next Last Index Home Text, Slide 5 of 20. http://nis-www.lanl.gov/nis-projects/twins/vugraphs/sld005.htm |
3. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) News Release weather environment Simulation Technology (WEST) renders real time views of weather phenomena. New technology earns R D 100 award. http://www.swri.edu/9what/releases/1996/west.htm | |
4. ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES & WEATHER ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES WEATHER. MAJOR GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC TITLES Major Web Sites Environmental Protection Agency Responsible http://www.swem.wm.edu/GOVDOC/environ.html | |
5. Weather www.weatheroffice.com/free/regions/bc/default.asp?page=bcmap.htm www.sel.noaa.gov/today.html environment Host. weather. AtmoSphere offsite link Learn about the earth´s atmosphere. This http://www.weatheroffice.com/ | |
6. Meteorological Service Of Canada/Service Météorologique Du Canada weather warnings, forecasts, current conditions, radar and satellite imagery, and precipitation for cities across Canada and the world. http://www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/ | |
7. Weather And Climate Resources From the Institute of Global environment and Society. Includes links to maps, analyses, climate data and satellite images. http://grads.iges.org/listing/wx.html | |
8. Quick Weather - Canadian Weather Provides up to date weather information from over 400 Canadian cities, from environment Canada. http://www.quickweather.ca | |
9. Weather | MyTELUS A comprehensive listing of Alberta communities and their environment Canada local weather. Includes an interactive weather map for the province. http://www.mytelus.com/weather/land_region.do?type=province&code=ab |
10. NOAA Home Page an organization of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts our seas and skies, guides our use and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve our understanding and stewardship of the environment which sustains us all. http://www.noaa.gov/ | |
11. SpaceWeather.com Science News And Information About The Sun-Earth Spaceweather.com Science News and Information About the SunEarth environment This resource offers current space weather conditions, news stories, space weather forecasts, near-Earth asteroid http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.spaceweather.com/index.html&y=02 |
12. SpaceWeather.com -- News And Information About Meteor Showers, Solar Flares, Aur Daily Solar Flare and Sunspot Data from the NOAA Space environment Center. Space weather and other forecasts that appear here are formulated by Dr. Tony http://www.spaceweather.com/ | |
13. Encyclopedia Of The Atmospheric Environment Includes a fantastic weather section with detailed accounts on everything from anticlyclones to wind. Printable and very easy to understand. http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/eae/english.html | |
14. Quebec - Weather Conditions And Forecasts By Cities/Towns And Provincial/Territo Index page for the province leading to weather reports for several centres in Quebec. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/forecast/canada/qc_e.html | |
15. Weather Current conditions and forecast. http://www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/scripts/citygen.pl?client=ECCDN_e&city=YEK |
16. La Voie Verte D'Environnement Canada - Environment Canada's Green Lane environment Canada's Internet resource for weather and environmental information. The Green Lane TM helps connect Canadians, exchange information and share knowledge for environmental decision http://www.ec.gc.ca/ | |
17. IGES Home Page Institute of Global environment and Society IGES. The Institute is dedicated to climate research in service of society. About IGES, weather and Climate Data. http://grads.iges.org/home.html | |
18. SUSTAINING The ENVIRONMENT And RESOURCES For CANADIANS - Build On Present; Secur Portal to information about climate and weather; how the atmosphere is affected by greenhouse gases and transport and industry emissions; issues of climate change (global warming), severe weather and smog. Provided by the Canadian government. http://www.environmentandresources.ca/default.asp?lang=En&nav=l1-5-0xl2-0-0x |
19. Encyclopedia Of The Atmospheric Environment Authoritative but accessible information on a wide range of atmosphererelated and environmental topics, including air quality, acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, and weather. http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/eae/enter.html | |
20. ALA | Great Web Sites: Weather & Environment weather AND THE environment. Back to Great Web Sites for Kids main page for children on the topic of the weather and environment. Maintained by the Association for Library Service http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/ALSC/Great_Web_Sites_for_Kids/Great_We | |
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