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61. Historical Weather Data Archives Energy Power Marketing Insurance WeatherBank supplies the historical weather data you need as an ASCII textfile, Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet, or any other format you need. http://www.weatherbank.com/archive.html | |
62. EnergyTrax | Home Online reporting which shows usage, cost impact, comparisons against historical periods, and weather data. Product online tours and demonstrations, services, support, and pricing. http://www.energytrax.com/ | |
63. Weather Data Sources weather data Sources. Send email to Kathy Ellington and she ll sendyou a photocopy. Download Sites. TMY weather data. TMY2. Purchase http://gundog.lbl.gov/dirsoft/d2weather.html | |
64. The Natural Year Circular Almanac A chart graphically displaying sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, moon phase, tides, high and low temperature, other weather data, stars, and planets in a circular format that highlights patterns and cycles. http://www.naturalyear.com | |
65. MSO Weather Data MSO weather data Day 146 of 2004, 0240 UT, Last Update 200405-25 025409UT. This information is updated every 10 minutes. All times are in UT. http://banana.ifa.hawaii.edu/Weather/current.html | |
66. AIMS Remote Weather Stations Remote data stations WEATHER AND OCEANOGRAPHIC BUOYS. For information about pastweather data from the remote weather stations eMail Dr Janice Lough, AIMS. http://www.aims.gov.au/pages/facilities/weather-stations/weather-index.html | |
67. ONJSC - New Jersey Weather Data NJ weather data Links. NCAR NEXRAD Data Archive, GOES8 Satellite Archive,Penn St. NE US Weather Site, US Radar and Satellite Links, http://climate.rutgers.edu/stateclim/njcurrent.html | |
68. Water Use Efficiency Home Manages the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) by collectingweather data from over 120 stations and disseminating calculated http://www.owue.water.ca.gov/ | |
69. InteractiveTurf Home Page weather data and pest management forecasts for turf managers involved in the highest value production systems, golf turf and sod farm operations in Illinois and northern Indiana. Sponsored by the Chicago District Golf Association. http://www.interactiveturf.com | |
70. TEXAS WEATHER DATA TX A M WX INTERFACE; BUOY DATANWS; BUOY-GOM, RAW DATA-PSU; http://stormeyes.org/pietrycha/tx.html | |
71. UM Weather of forecasts, images, and the Net s largest collection of weather links, UM Weatheris the most comprehensive and upto-date source of weather data on the Web. http://cirrus.sprl.umich.edu/wxnet/ | |
72. AWWS - Forecasts And Observations Other Link. NAV CANADA is not responsible for this site. American Data (ADDS).Your time, UTC time, Log out. weather data provided by Environment Canada. http://www.flightplanning.navcanada.ca/cgi-bin/CreePage.pl?Langue=anglais&NoSess |
73. Oklahoma Weather Roundup Other weather data Servers. Oklahoma Weather Center OU School of Meteorology;METR4424 SoM Synoptic Course; National Severe Storms Laboratory; http://weather.ou.edu/wx/ | |
74. Western Regional Climate Center Current Weather Data Page Western Regional Climate Center. Current weather data page. TimeSeries data plots from select stations that report to WRCC. Many http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/weather/ | |
75. Current South Pole Weather Current South Pole weather data. http://astro.uchicago.edu/cara/southpole.edu/weather2.html | |
76. PA DEP BAQ - Latest Air Quality Polllution And Weather Data Latest Pollution and weather data. Pennsylvania Department of EnvironmentalProtection Bureau of Air Quality Latest Hourly Data Collected http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/aq/aqm/pollt.html | |
77. Weather Data Links to weather data on other Web sites Thankyou. Forecasts, Warnings,and Local Climate Data from the National Weather Service http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/edu/data.html | |
78. Arctic Theme Page - North Pole Weather Data From 2003 Deployment North Pole weather data from 2004 Deployment. The weather data from this instrumentationwill continue to be reported here as the ice floe drifts southward. http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/gallery_np_weatherdata.html | |
79. NOAA Home Page . NOAA Climate Data at a Glance Find 108 years of weather data for theUS. Â. NOAA Ocean Explorer - Ocean exploration without getting wet! http://www.noaa.gov/ | |
80. World Climate: Weather Rainfall And Temperature Data weather rainfall and temperature data with longterm monthly averages for over 20,000 weather stations worldwide. http://www.worldclimate.com/ | |
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