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21. Met Office: Education Weather Data Met Office logo. Home Education weather data, weather data. Observations.Current Data Observations are the lifeblood of all forecasting. http://www.met-office.gov.uk/education/data/ | |
22. Oregon Data Oregon weather data. http://iwin.nws.noaa.gov/iwin/or/or.html | |
23. Weather Data Current Aircraft Weather Reports Archive of Recent Aircraft Reports(FSU) Tropical Missions Atlantic Local Weather (MS Gulf Coast http://www.hurricanehunters.com/wxdata.htm | |
24. Weather Data Library Discover Who We Are, Browse our Units and Offices, Visit the Publications and VideosLibrary, Explore the weather data Library, Search Our Site, View our Site Map, http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/wdl/ | |
25. Washington State Ferry Weather Give weather data over Puget Sound waters http://www.atmos.washington.edu/maciver/Ferry/Ferryjs/mainframe1.htm |
26. E-Example 5.5.1: Collecting, Representing, And Interpreting Data Collecting, Representing, and Interpreting Data Using Spreadsheetsand Graphing Software Collecting and Examining weather data. http://standards.nctm.org/document/eexamples/chap5/5.5/ | |
27. South Carolina Data Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) data for the state. Hourly updates, forecasts, severe weather warnings, and weather information for aviators. http://iwin.nws.noaa.gov/iwin/sc/sc.html | |
28. WTNH.com News Channel 8 / Storm Team 8 Weather Data Satellite map of the state, provided by WTNH Television, Channel 8. http://weather.wtnh.com/futurecast/ctsatellite.html | |
29. Utah Climate Center: Weather Data Online weather data Online. This service is provided by the Utah Climate Centerin cooperation with the National Climatic Data Center. Instructions http://climate.usu.edu/free/default2.htm | |
30. Utah Climate Center: Weather Data Online weather data Online. This service has been in operation for four yearswith no changes, providing access to daily data for locations http://climate.usu.edu/free/ | |
31. National Data Buoy Center NOAA has buoys and land stations around the United States and world that gather weather data. This site accesses the information live temp, water temp, wave heights, and wind. http://seaboard.ndbc.noaa.gov/ | |
32. China: Average Weather Data Average weather data for Cities in China. Last modified 12/11/97. Theseweb pages contain average monthly weather data for 48 cities http://www.fwcc.org/climate.htm | |
33. Weymouth & Portland Borough Council : Home Information about Tourism, Services, Council tax and Environmental Health as well as web cams, message board and weather data for every day since 1927 http://www.weymouth.gov.uk/ | |
34. Mountain Weather Data Records of snowdepth for Washington and northern Oregon. http://www.nwac.noaa.gov/nw05000.htm | |
35. EnergyPlus: Weather Data weather data for more than 550 locations is now available in EnergyPlus weather format more than 275 locations in the USA, 55 locations in Canada, and 230 http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/weatherdata.html | |
36. EnergyPlus: Weather Data Sources The weather data provided in EnergyPlus weather format onthis web site are derived from five major sources http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/weatherdata_sources.html | |
37. Gateway Co-op Comprehensive United Statesbased site which offers agricultural market data and news (with price quotes delayed by 15 minutes), and detailed weather data. http://gatewaycoop.com/ | |
38. Penn State University Weather Pages 10 days. Decoded Offshore weather data This page displays decodedbuoy and ship weather reports from around the world. The data http://www.ems.psu.edu/wx/ |
39. Weather Data From Pasadena Maryland SkyWarn # AAE21 Personal weather station updated every 15 minutes. Current data, trends, records, and webcam. http://arrowweb.com/stevek99/K3BAY.htm | |
40. Australian Antarctic Division - Station Webcams And Weather Weather. weather data is collected by automatic weather stations operated bythe Australian Bureau of Meteorology and AAD personnel at the stations. http://www.antdiv.gov.au/stations/live.html | |
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