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1. Dr. Grattan - Publications Salinesodic drainage water A resource for forage production on soil physical properties and crop productivity when irrigated with saline water. agric. water manag 45(1)55-71. http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/faculty/grattan/p-complete.htm | |
2. Search SUSAG Abstracts in irrigated alfalfa fields in the upper Rio Grande River Basin. agric. water manag. 36141156. agricultural productivity and natural resource conservation. J. Sust. agric. 11(2/3 http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/SUSAG-search.html | |
3. Cryptosporidium In The Environment on Cryptosporidium oocyst viability. J. agric. Sci. 124 5560 J. Inst. water Environment. manag. 6 443-451 transport of Cryptosporidium parvum. water resource Res. 34 3383-3392 http://www.ksu.edu/parasitology/water | |
4. Munishi Their Role in Biodiversity, water resource Conservation, and Net Contribution catchment forest. For. Ecol. manag. 42245265. 45 Swedish University of agric Sciences Umea 1988) http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/users/s/shear/public/munishi.htm |
5. Nat'l Academies Press, Ground Water Vulnerability Assessment: (1993), 4 Data And in Nat l. resource manag., Washington, DC, Nov OCR for page 134 34 GROUND water VULNERABILITYASSESSMENT Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil agric. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309047994/html/104.html | |
6. UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification Fax + 34 57 202721. eMail aglgicej@uco.es. Areas of expertise agricultural SciencesNatural resource management Soil Science. agric. water manag. 14 252263. http://www.unccd.int/cop/cst/experts/individualDetails.php?id=306 |
7. Research Catalogue: Faculty Of Agriculture Tanzania J. agric. Land manag.)(1999) Effects of residual TieRidging and Farmyard planning which will serve as a decision making tool for water resource. http://www.suanet.ac.tz/drpgs/rescatal/faculty-of-agriculture.htm | |
8. The Institute Of Subtropical Plants And Olive Tree Of Chania Best Innovative Practices of water Use for Sustainable management of water Resources (BEWARE) in programme CRINNO of Crete RegionEU. Top agric. water manag. http://www.nagref-cha.gr/endocs/irrigation.html | |
9. Drought And Water Allocation Drought and water Allocation. Compiled by Mary Stevanus. water Quality Information Center. National Agricultural Library. This bibliography lists 71 articles on water allocation as it relates to drought and water shortages dated 1992 1999. and Stefanini, L. water Resour manag. 6 1 pp transfer-of-water, water-law, water-rights. Abstract Efficient resource use is increasingly http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/drought.htm | |
10. ÃÃóôéôïýôï Ã
ëéÃò êáé Ãðïôñïðéêþà Ãõôþà ÃáÃà agric. water manag. 28 113120. agric. Med. CHARTZOULAKIS, K., PARANYCHIANAKIS, N.and ANGELAKIS, A., 2001. water resources management in the island of Crete. http://www.nagref-cha.gr/eldocs/irrigation.html | |
11. Attitudes Toward Water Resources II DR; Baines, A.; Hutchings, O.; Neale, T.; Ho, T.; Sully, G. Intj-pest-manag v.39,p Descriptors rivers-; water-recreation; resource-management; legal http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/eb9502.html | |
12. Risk Assessment And Communication Related To Water Resources III and Schmit, TM J prod agric 10 3 and Mylopoulos, Y. water resour manag 11 4 Descriptorswaterresources, groundwater, aquifers, groundwater pollution, risk http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/risk3.html | |
13. Marcel Dekker on The Use of Decision Support Systems in water Resources management, Damascus Strategiesin the Semiarid Climate of Southeastern Spain , agric. water manag. http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/DOI/101081EEWS120010106/object/references. | |
14. Dekker.com - Irrigated Agriculture, Economic Impacts Of Investments In 5 Booker JF , Young RA , Modeling Intrastate and Interstate Markets for ColoradoRiver water Resources , J. Environ. Econ. manag. J. agric. Econ. http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/DOI/101081EEWS120010369/section/references | |
15. Nat'l Academies Press, Managing Water Resources In The West Under Conditions Of factors, should be developed to provide a more informed physical basis for managing water J. water Resources Planning and management 117157-178. agric. For. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309046777/html/101.html | |
16. Product Development And Promotion, Food Resource [http://food.oregonstate.edu/], This page is from http//food.oregonstate.edu/ which generally contains images, links, references, and instructional materials on food and their resource. more value from crops. Yearbagric. Washington, D.C Department of agricultural and resource Econmics Oregon State University a model for predicting water activity values of an http://food.oregonstate.edu/ref/pd/ref.html | |
17. Economics Of Irrigation Management risk due to increased costs, decreasing water resources, rising energy of methodsfor evaluating the economic efficiency of irrigation agric. Wat manag 12. http://www.italocorotondo.it/tequila/module5/irrig_sched/econ_irrig_manag.htm | |
18. JOURNAL ARTICLES of agric. water manag., 22391407 35 Sammis 1993 Selecting Trickle irrigation Filtersusing an expert system.Ai Applications Natural Resources, agriculture and http://weather.nmsu.edu/Teaching_Material/sammisres2.html | |
19. Deep Drainage Under Cropping In Western Australia agriculture WA resource manag. Tech. Report 202. Proc. Nat. WorkshopWater Salinity Issues Agrofor. No. agric. Syst., 50 255271. http://www.regional.org.au/au/asa/2003/p/10/asseng.htm | |
20. LexisNexis Environmental Universe Environmental Waste management previously Hazard Waste manag. Environmentalist.EOS. GRID. GRID News Global resource Information Database News. Ground water. http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/1univ/envir/2easource.asp | |
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