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41. Water Quality At Swimming Beaches environment Canterbury monitors water quality at more than 60 recreationalswimming sites around Canterbury each summer. Click on http://www.ecan.govt.nz/Water/Bathing-Beach/swimming-water-quality.html | |
42. Welcome To DID Terengganu Provides management and development of water resources in agriculture and food production, protection of property and life from river and coastal forces, the environment and water quality. FAQ, feedback, publications, and programs. http://agrolink.moa.my/did/didterengganu/english/ | |
43. Catawba Project Exists to preserve and enhance the quality of the Catawba River from its headwaters in North Carolina to Lake wateree, South Carolina, as a drinking water source and as a unique environment and recreational resource. Includes information about the organization and the river. http://www.geocities.com/task_catawba | |
44. Crystal Lake Association - Benzie County, Michigan Preservation of Crystal Lake water quality, protection of the environment and lands within the watershed, public safety, and conservation of natural and native species. http://www.cla-upnorth.org | |
45. Aqua Chemicals (Singapore) Private Limited An integrated manufacturer of quality chemicals. Our range of quality products cover industrial (marine, oilfield, construction, transportation, general), environment (water and wastewater, process water) and domestic usage (cleaning). http://www.aqua-chem.com.sg | |
46. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN Agency for nature and soil conservation, air and water quality management, biodiversity, and waste disposal. http://www.env.go.jp/en/ | |
47. Iowa Water Pollution Control Association Member association of the water environment Federation, concerned with wastewater treatment and water quality. Organization information, public education materials about current issues, job postings, and related internet links. http://www.iawpca.org | |
48. WEF - News And Resources WERF The water environment Research Foundation (WERF), established in 1989, isa the scientific and technological research needs of the water quality field. http://www.wef.org/WaterNews/ | |
49. Index.htm A nonprofit group of water supply and wastewater treatment personnel to promote public awareness and support of the water and wastewater industries and their water quality professionals. http://www.gmwea.org/ | |
50. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Water - Water Quality - Nitrates Nitrate pollution is of concern because it has to be removed before watercan be supplied to consumers, and it can harm the water environment. http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/quality/nitrate/default.htm | |
51. Australian Water Quality Centre - Home South Australia government organization offers a wide range of water and environmental health analytical and research services relating to water and the environment. http://awqc.com.au | |
52. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Water We work closely with the environment Agency, which manages water resources andenforces water quality standards, and the Office of water Services, which is http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/ | |
53. TDEC: Campbell County Countyspecific information from Tennessee Department of environment and Conservation state parks, rare species, air and water quality, public participation opportunities. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/county/index.php?county=campbell |
54. Surface Water Quality: Home - Alberta Environment Surface water quality data collected by Alberta environment are storedin an extensive database. Municipal and industrial data collected http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/water/SWQ/index.cfm | |
55. Soil & Water Conservation Society Of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)- Master Homepage- La Uses living organisms or their responses to determine the quality of the many lakes in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Includes environment and scientific information, activities, society background, and contact details. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/SWCS/SWCS.html | |
56. Water Quality - Environment - FHWA Skip to content, FHWA Home Feedback. environment, FHWA HEP environment Natural.water quality and Stormwater Management. Publications. Guidance and Information. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/h2o.htm | |
57. Water Quality Division Oklahoma's state department of environment, water quality section. http://www.deq.state.ok.us/WQDnew/index.htm | |
58. Water Quality And Stormwater Management Publications - Environment - FHWA runoff into a singlevolume user s manual on water quality assessment and Graziano,Fred Bank Publication Year 1996 Contact The Office of Natural environment. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/h2o_abs.htm | |
59. E-Answers EAnswers is a search engine covering research-based information from United States Cooperative Extension and Land Grant Universities. The wide range of subjects includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, family/consumer issues, lawn and garden, child development, 4-H/youth, environment, public policy, economics, water quality and communities. http://www.e-answersonline.org/ | |
60. ADEQ - Arkansas Department Of Environmental Quality - Home Page Guide to state group whose mission is to protect and enhance the environment by the control and abatement of pollution that might adversely affect the water, air and land. http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/ | |
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