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Water Polo Olympic Sports: more detail |
81. FINA OIympic News to diminish and the future of the sport in the placing in Palermo at the olympic Qualification Tournament Manuel Estiarte for the oldest water polo player in http://www.fina.org/Olympic_WaterPolo.html | |
82. Pro Sport ::: Olimpiada 2004 :: Olimpiada-sporturi water polo. August 1129, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 15 August 2004. Event, Time, Venue. Men s Preliminaries, 0930 - 1030, olympic http://www.prosport.ro/?c=53&sport=Water_Polo |
83. History Women Water Polo Women s water polo is represented on five continents and in 40 countries, meeting IOC 35 countries for three continents) for a new event as an olympic sport. http://www.nlwaterpolo.nl/kringag/history/index.php?id=25&pid=4 |
84. History Of Water Polo By HickokSports water polo made its olympic debut in 1900 and has remained an olympic sport ever since. Great Britain won gold at four of the first five Games. http://www.nlwaterpolo.nl/kringag/history/index.php?id=30&pid=4 |
85. Water Polo water polo is a fast exciting team sport enjoyed throughout the world and has been an olympic sport since 1900, with Great Britain winning Gold medals in the http://www.scottishswimming.com/sportssections/wpolo/wpolohead.htm | |
86. Want To Meet Your Favorite National Team Water Polo Athletes? a VIP at the 2003 USA water polo Women s Holiday Cup, the 2003 FINA World League Superfinals @ New York, or one of 28 of the best US olympic sport events of http://www.usawaterpolo.com/manual_news/030204-NATusocsweepstakes.htm | |
87. Active.com - Water Polo Ace Julie Swail Sets Sights On Second Trip To The Olympi California, where she defeated 2000 olympic triathlon silver A relative newcomer to the sport, Swail was from captaining the women s water polo team at the http://www.active.com/story.cfm?story_id=9484&sidebar=630&category=activewomen |
88. MSNBC - Olympics - Schedules Front Page water polo. SUNDAY, AUG. 15, olympic Aquatic Centre. 9301145 am (230-445 am ET) Men s Preliminaries. 430-645 pm (930-1145 am ET) Men s Preliminaries. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4688154/ | |
89. Bayer Sport, The Bayer Olympic-Team Translate this page have been nominated for the German olympic squad by the national olympic committee. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen Kai Füge (Team has qualified) water polo, SC Bayer http://www.sport.bayer.com/index.cfm?BEREICH_ID=1322 |
91. Water Polo 2000 Maureen O Toole, the 39year-old water polo player who made a come-back trail three years ago when Women s water polo became an olympic sport, scored the http://www.girlstalksports.com/Olympic_Report/Olympic_Swimming/Water_Polo/water_ | |
92. Stanford University Cardinal | Traditions | The Official Athletic Site Stanford olympic Medalists by Olympiad. 2000 GAMES AT SYDNEY. HEAD COACH, SPORT. Richard Quick*, Women s Swimming. ATHLETE, SPORT, EVENT, MEDAL. Ellen Estes, water polo, http://gostanford.fansonly.com/trads/stan-trads-allolympics.html | |
93. Brief Introduction To Water Polo water polo is the oldest team sport in the olympic Games, with the first olympic water polo game taking place in 1900 in Paris. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wpolo/BriefIntroWP.htm | |
94. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com On a personal level, says Hernandez, water polo s new olympic status means that her eightyear-old niece, Jenny, who loves to play the sport, has been given http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/1998/01/23/feat/feat.3.html | |
95. Lazy Student - The UK's Most Comprehensive Student Website water polo canada Detail Men s water polo has been with British teams winning the olympic tournaments in regional and continental level, the sport was first http://www.lazystudent.co.uk/browse.php?cat=303 |
96. Australian Institute Of Sport - Water Polo young people starting out in the sport. Train hard, but enjoy the magic moments. The greatest sporting feat was  . 2000 WomenÂs water polo olympic Gold medal. http://www.ais.org.au/waterpolo/Hetzel.htm | |
97. SUPPLEMENT NO To encourage discussion, the menÂs water polo committee requests that the Division I National Convention to discuss the future of all olympic sport programs. http://www1.ncaa.org/membership/governance/division_I/champ_cabinet/2003/Septemb | |
98. Contra Costa Times 08/01/2002 Matadors Help Feed, Train newest addition to Miramonte s list of olympic alums, having male Olympians have Orinda boys water polo mastermind Bill The newness of the girls sport has made http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/living/community/5269481.htm |
99. Phantis Sports Club Forums -> Water Polo - Men - Schedule last time that the Greek water polo NT missed http://clubs.phantis.com/sports/index.php?showtopic=1964 |
100. Olympic Routes - Issue 1 Magnani has been already looking forward to the Athens sports meeting It s the greatest moment for an athlete the participation in the olympic Games that http://www.hoc.gr/en/info/periodika/1o/8.asp | |
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