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81. Patricia Lemmerman - Registered Landscape Architect And Planner In Pennsylvania Registered Landscape Architect and Planner trained in horticulture, ecology, storm water management, grading and construction for residential, commercial and institutional property. http://www.lemmerman-rla.com/ | |
82. MAINE 4-H FISHING Marine habitats, water cycles, stream ecology and angling skills. http://members.aol.com/Fishin4H/index.html | |
83. Biological Sciences Group A central theme both in the ecology Centre and in the Environment division of Northumbrian water is biodiversity its origins, evaluation and conservation. http://www.grs.sund.ac.uk/bsrg_website/nwec.cfm | |
84. General Ecology Europe Ltd water purifiers and micro filters. Describes its product range with news, faq and price list. http://www.seagulliv.co.uk/ |
85. General Ecology Inc. Manufacturer - Water Purification And Water Microfiltration This proprietary technology now known as General ecology Inc. s Structured Agency s very rigorous Microbiological Standard for Drinking water Purifiers, which http://www.generalecology.com/companyinfo.htm | |
86. Managing Land And Water Consultancy and research; site has several technical papers on topics in aquatic ecology, water management, and river restoration. Based in UK. http://www.headwaterstreams.com/ | |
87. Journals Issued By The Institute Of Systematics And Evolution Of Animals, Folia Original papers dealing with systematics, biology, faunistics, zoogeography, ecology, and paleontology of land and freshwater animals. http://www.isez.pan.krakow.pl/journals/journals.htm | |
88. HTTP 404 Error Message -- WA State Dept. Of Ecology Sponsored by the Department of ecology water Quality Program, WOW provides opportunities for students and teachers to collect environmental data in order to contribute to this statewide project. Includes information on training, funding, monitoring, success stories, announcement board, calendar, conferences, seminars, and environmental reports. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/apps/wow/ | |
89. Coweeta LTER Home Page Ecological research site in the mountains of North Carolina. Research to evaluate, explain, and predict how water, soil, and forest resources respond to management practices, natural disturbances, and the atmospheric environment. http://coweeta.ecology.uga.edu/ | |
90. Water Quality Program Home Page and Comments for the water Quality Staff water Quality Email List ecology maintains an email mailing list of persons interested in water quality issues. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/wqhome.html | |
91. Dial Cordy And Associates Inc. Employee owned corporation offering environmental consulting services involving natural sciences (including ecology, biology, geology, and chemistry) and regulatory affairs, particularly for planning and water resources applications. Southeastern United States locations. http://www.dialcordy.com/ | |
92. Massachusetts Office Of Coastal Zone Management State information on topics such as coastal water quality, coastal wetlands ecology, shoreline access, port planning, underwater archaeology, and marine aquaculture. http://www.state.ma.us/czm/czm.htm | |
93. Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Computer Interactive Bibliography (HCRIB) Bibliographic reference data base of surveys, studies, technical reports, and atlases on physical oceanography, biology, taxonomy, water quality, ecology, and reef resources for the main Hawaiian Islands. http://home.hawaii.rr.com/cpie/CoralReefBib.html | |
94. Australian Wetlands Consulting specialists in wetland design, wetland ecology, stormwater and wastewater treatment and reuse, water quality, weed control, wetland management, computer modelling. Working with engineers, landscape architects, planners, councils, government departments. http://www.wetlands.com.au | |
95. ECWATECH 2004 - International Trade Fair And Congress "Water - Ecology And Techn Root Home Products Source Source news sections Conferences Events ECWATECH 2004 International Trade Fair and Congress water - ecology and Technology . http://www.irc.nl/content/view/full/8424 | |
96. San Diego Bay Project Perspective Serves as a testbed for developing enabling technologies for computational ecology, as well as providing a suite of model simulation capabilities for the bay. Includes bay models and applications, San Diego Bay Bibliography search, history of the bay, and information about the Interagency water Quality Panel. http://sdbay.sdsc.edu/ |
97. Ecology Center Working for clean air and water, healthy communities, and environmental justice. Information on membership, activities, recycling, and sustainable land use. http://www.ecocenter.org/ | |
98. Introduction History, summary, ecology and details on this largely undeveloped landscape consisting of extensive, diverse habitats, such as saltwater and brackishwater marshes, maritime forests, upland pines, and bottomland hardwoods. http://www.csc.noaa.gov/acebasin/ | |
99. Historical Cruises Aboard A Chesapeake Bay Built Work Boat On The Choptank River water tours of history and ecology on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Choptank River, Cambridge, Oxford, and Tilghman Island areas. http://www.channelcharters.com/ | |
100. Coalition Of Concerned Citizens - Caledon - Rockfort Quarry Aims to ensure good land use planning in Caledon and the defeat of the Rockfort quarry application. Includes an association profile, coming events calendar, links to related sites and detailed facts on water and ecology. http://www.coalitioncaledon.com/ | |
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