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Water Dragon Lizards: more detail | ||||||||
61. Chinese Water Dragons .. www.icomm.ca/dragon/ Care of The Chinese water dragon lizard (enclosure, diet, health Care of The Chinese water dragon lizard http://www.supercrawler.com/pages/chinese_water_dragons.html | |
62. Epicrates Cenchria (boas Pythons Reptile ) reptile and amphibian, panther, jacksons, common names, scientific names, mailing list, message board, water dragon, water, dragon, lizard, reptile, pet http://www.pet-x.com/pets/epicrates-cenchria.html | |
63. WATER DRAGON Name Chinese water dragon Scientific Name Physignathus cocincinus Distribution China to SE Asia Size 3 3.5 . NATURAL HABITAT This lizard is found in http://www.reptileallsorts.com/waterdragon-cs.htm | |
64. Australian Water Dragon If you keep your water dragon inside you need a UVB lamp to provide ultraviolet height (as listed on the lampÂs instructions) above the lizard basking spot. http://www.reptileallsorts.com/aussie-w-dragon.htm | |
65. SAILFIN LIZARD PROPOSAL/INFO 1.6 Common names saillizard, sail-tail dragon, sail-fin, sail-finned dragon, crested water dragon, sail-fin water dragon. The http://www.xmission.com/~gastown/herpmed/hydros.htm |
66. Water Dragons Sources. De Vosjoli, P. 1992. The General Care and Maintenance of water Dragons, Sailfin lizards and Basilisks. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA. http://www.anapsid.org/waterdragons.html | |
67. Tree Dragons And Mountain Dragons Natural History Like all agamas, these are Old World lizards, cousins (in habits nuchal and dorsal crest which runs down the back similar to the water dragons. http://www.anapsid.org/treedrag.html | |
68. Paw-Talk Pets Forum - Bearded Dragon Or Water Dragon? Hey guys what do ya think for a first time lizard, a bearded dragon or a water dragon, their both cool butt What do you all think? Reply With Quote. http://www.paw-talk.net/forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=18954 |
69. Nearctica - Family - Pets - Lizards Tricia Power. This very extensive site has information on the care of water dragons, anoles, geckos, skinks, chameleons, lizards, and others. http://www.nearctica.com/family/pets/plizard.htm | |
70. Forum Message: 'A: Water Dragon Handling' Forum Message A water dragon handling on the Practical Pet Care Ask an Expert Lizard Forum. http://www.practical-pet-care.com/lizard_question.php?ID=2.2004051523270348 |
71. Animal Planet :: Australia Zoo -- Dragons & Monitors The eastern water dragon is cleverly adapted to a semiaquatic life. Its laterally compressed tail serves as the perfect propeller, driving the lizard through http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/crochunter/australiazoo/17dragonmonitor.htm | |
72. Anoles, Basilisks And Water Dragons: A Complete Pet Care Manual Anoles, Basilisks and water dragons A Complete Pet Care Manual (More Complete Pet Owners Manuals). Next to useless for the beginning water dragon owner. http://www.medicine-book.com/Anoles_Basilisks_and_Water_Dragons_A_Complete_Pet_C | |
73. The Guide To Owning Water Dragons, Sailfin Lizards And Basilisks The Guide to Owning water Dragons, Sailfin lizards and Basilisks. Book The Guide to Owning water Dragons, Sailfin lizards and Basilisks Customer Reviews http://www.medicine-book.com/The_Guide_to_Owning_Water_Dragons_Sailfin_Lizards_a | |
74. Dragons Links Living dragons monitors 1. Lizard Factory. mark leshock reptiles. Sapphire dragon Ranch Blue water dragons, Bearded dragons, Crested Geckos, Sugar Gliders. http://www.reference.org/dragons/links.htm | |
75. The Dragons Of Reference.org Also Known As Eastern water Dragons and Brown water Dragons. Species Physignathus leseurii. Bloke. Sheila. Basilisks. Also Known as Jesus lizards. http://www.reference.org/dragons/the_dragons.htm | |
76. Chinese Water Dragons If the lizard has been captured in the wild then it is likely to be an adult and Alternatives include buying a young Chinese water dragon or breeding your own. http://www.dragonorama.com/real/chinese-water.html | |
77. Reptilesites.com I am totally new to taking care of my sister s lizard, who is a young water dragon. I ve had the dragon for about a week and this http://www.reptilesites.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=31 |
78. Lizard Care: Housing, Aquariums, Bathing, Diet, Temperature, Handling aquatic requirements (aquarium, large water bowl). For the bearded dragons and leopard geckos, simple terrestrial arrangements are adequate. lizards tend to be http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com/reptiles/lizard_care.html | |
79. Burke's Backyard Archives 1998 - Water Dragons The lizard s body is some 20cm (8 ) long and its tail up to 50cm (1 8 The eastern water dragon is a greenishbrown to greenish-grey colour with pale yellow bands http://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/1998/archives/26/pets,_pet_care,_backyard_&_nat |
80. Burke's Backyard Archives 1998 - Eastern Water Dragons And Eastern Bearded Drago The lizard s body is some 20cm (8 ) long and its tail up to 50cm (19.5 The eastern water dragon is a greenishbrown to greenish-grey colour with pale yellow http://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/1998/archives/26/pets,_pet_care,_backyard_&_nat | |
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