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Water Dragon Lizards: more detail | ||||||||
21. Water Dragon Care Sheet Other references or recommended reading de Vosjoli, Phillepe. water Dragons, Sailfin lizards and Basilisks. Lakeside, CA AVS, 1992. Mader, Douglas. http://www.reptileforums.com/care_sheets/lizards/water_dragon.htm | |
22. Lizard Information, Lizard Picture lizards of Virginia, with pictures and technical data from Virginia Fish and Mountain dragon, Tasmania Dept. of Primary Industries, water, and Environment, http://www.junglewalk.com/info/Lizards-information.asp | |
23. Petfo.com - Reptiles And Amphibians: Lizards: Water Dragon Baby s World Chinese water dragons. Tricia s water dragon Page. Care, diet, maintenance, behavior, and breeding of the Chinese water dragon. http://www.petfo.com/dir/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Water_Dragon/ | |
24. Elmer's Aquarium Water Dragons Recommended Books 2296 water dragon Book, ADVV Publications 5.59 410281 water dragons, Sailfin lizards TFH Publications 9.99 Our Recommendations We have http://www.elmersaquarium.com/42waterdragon.htm | |
25. Eastern Water Dragon - Maggil's Country Eastern water Dragons can run very fast to catch food or escape if they are being chased. They love to eat small animals like frogs, crabs, small lizards and http://svc018.wic010p.server-web.com/maggil/01welcome/mag11_easternwdrag.htm | |
26. Ribbit Photography - Australian Dragons 021524. thumbnail Eastern water dragon. Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii. thumbnail Central Bearded dragon. Pogona vitticeps. have many more lizard images available http://www.ribbitphotography.com/lizards/oz_dragons.html | |
27. Green Water Dragons, Sailfin Lizards And Basilisks as green iguanas and tend to remain docile, green water dragons from SE with their dorsal and caudal crests are the most dragon looking of the lizards and http://www.growinglifestyle.com/article/s0/a2236741.html | |
28. Anoles, Basilisks And Water Dragons: A Complete Pet Care Manual (More Complete P Next to useless for the beginning water dragon owner Pets , Books Home Garden Animal Care Pets Reptiles Amphibians , Home Garden , lizards as pets http://www.growinglifestyle.com/prod/0812097890.html | |
29. :::[ R:e:p:t:i:l:i:a ]::: Chinese water dragon Physignathus cocincinus Back to Lizard Care Sheets. General Information. Distribution  Southeastern Asia. http://www.reptilia.org/care_sheets/Lizards/csheets_liz_chinawater.htm |
30. Prehistoric Pets || Lizards Armadillo Lizard Adults. Armadillo Lizard Adults. Cordylus tropidosternum. $40.00, These are beautiful and . Baby Chinese water dragon. Baby Chinese water dragon. http://www.prehistoricpets.com/lizards.asp | |
31. Australia, Victoria, - Lizard, Victorian Lizards, Images - Geckos, Skinks, Drago water dragon Physignathus lesueurii howitii, Gippsland water dragon, Gippsland water dragon, Gippsland water dragon. Bearded dragon or Jew Lizard Pogona barbata, http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/bioinformatics/lizards/images/lthumbliv.htm | |
32. Bearded Dragon Hub Australian Bearded dragon lizards. Bearded dragon from the Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens. Eastern water dragon and Eastern Bearded dragon from Burke s http://www.projectlinks.org/bearded/ | |
33. Cyclura.com - Water Dragon Puff (Physignathus cocincinus water dragon - Asia) is one of our favorite smaller lizards. He is 6 years old measuring 29.5 inches STL weighing 1.4 lbs. http://www.cyclura.com/article/articleview/94/1/18/ | |
34. Untitled Document The humidity for these lizards should be kept at or near 70 percent. Lighting Chinese water dragons require ultraviolet lighting to maintain good health. http://www.giveusahome.co.uk/allpets/lizards/chinesewaterdragon.htm | |
35. Lizards For Sale Baby Chinese Water Dragon For Sale lizards For Sale baby chinese water dragon for sale. Posted By colin hay Date Friday, 30 April 2004, at 527 pm i have a baby http://www.cviewmedia.com/cgi-bin/Items_config.pl?noframes;read=1511 |
36. Reptiles: My Chinese Water Dragon First, I live in Florida and I keep My water dragon in an outdoor cage sometimes to get some sun. Well I noticed that the little lizards that run wild around http://experts.about.com/q/704/495171.htm | |
37. Anoles, Basilisks And Water Dragons: A Complete Pet Care Manual 49, (1). Breeding lizards. 50, (10). Breeding Anoles. 51, (3). HOWTO Hibernating the Brown water dragon. 54, (3). Breeding Cone-headed and Casque-headed lizards. 57, (1). http://www.booksmatter.com/b0812097890.htm | |
38. Dragon Stone: Real Dragons: Reptiles most monitor lizards, so has a much bigger body than another lizard of the Leseur s water dragon This water dragon, Physignathus leseurii, is also known as the http://www.polenth.demon.co.uk/other/typerep.html | |
39. Wauu.DE: Recreation: Pets: Reptiles And Amphibians: Lizards: Water Dragons http//members.aol.com/msnick1/waterdragons.html. Chris s water dragon Homepage Personal home page full of pictures of water dragons; including water dragon http://www.wauu.de/Recreation/Pets/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Water_Dragons | |
40. The Reptile Rooms :: Who's Scaley Now? this page i have some pictures of my lizards and some cages for sale Added on 17Feb-2003 hits 207 Report broken link Tricia s water dragon Site http://www.reptilerooms.com/Web_Links index-req-viewlink-cid-36.html | |
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