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61. National SAFE KIDS Campaign: Promoting Child Safety To Prevent Unintentional Inj Always wear a US Coast Guardapproved personal safety device around oceans, rivers,lakes or when participating in water sports. Always swim with a buddy. http://www.safekids.org/tier3_cd.cfm?content_item_id=352&folder_id=181 |
62. National SAFE KIDS Campaign: Promoting Child Safety To Prevent Unintentional Inj of water safety, including Always swim with a buddy and an adult present;; Neverswim in an open body of water or participate in water sports without wearing a http://www.safekids.org/NSKW.cfm | |
63. Regulations For Beaches And Ocean Water Contact Sports Areas (AB411) Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. Group 10. Sanitation, Healthfulnessand safety of Ocean waterContact Sports Areas. Article 2. Definitions. 7956. http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/ddwem/beaches/ab411_regulations.htm | |
64. Irish Water Safety Back to Top. Commercial Organisations Ireland water Sports, http//www.irelandwatersports.net. SeaAnd Shore safety, http//www.seaandshoresafety.com. Back to Top. http://www.iws.ie/html/links | |
65. Water Safety - Tips For Parents - Memorial Hermann Hospital water safety. Unfortunately, the water sports that are so much a part ofour summer fun can result in accidents if precautions are not taken. http://www.mhhs.org/locations/tipsWater.html | |
66. Boating Basics - Getting Underway - Water Sports Nautical Know How Basic Boating safety Certification CourseChapter VII - Getting Underway Section 5 - water Sports. http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/boating/7_5.htm | |
67. Swimming And Water Safety Programs- Canadian Red Cross water safety to develop your comfort and safety in, on Whether you are a newcomerto water activities or a home pool or a boat; whether you love ice sports http://www.redcross.ca/main.asp?id=000887 |
68. Canine Water Safety Canine water safety. With summer here water sports are back. Many dogsenjoy going for a swim as much as their owners. There are http://www.doctordog.com/Drdognewsletter/water.html | |
69. Playing On Payette Lake - Water Sports And Water Safety McCall Chamber of Commerce. Sail against a backdrop of snowcapped mountains,blue skies, and the pristine waters of Payette Lake. Back to Visiting. http://www.mccall-idchamber.org/visiting/payette_lake/1payette_lake.html | |
70. HealthyNJ--Information For Healthy Living - Water Safety water sports like swimming, wading, boating, and water skiing are fun and exciting Toread the rest of this excellent article on water safety, produced by http://www.healthynj.org/health-wellness/water/main.htm | |
71. Sail Miami's Safety On Board Page   Seguridad Abordo Covering the entire US East Coast Bahamas. Boating, Fishing and water SportsInformation. safety On Board Seguridad Abordo. Survival Offshore, Inc. http://www.sailmiami.com/SafetyOnBoard.htm | |
72. Child Health Library - Safety & Injury Prevention - Water Safety water safety Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injuryrelateddeath for children ages 1 to 4. It takes only seconds http://www.chp.edu/greystone/safety/waterhub.php | |
73. April Pools Day Emphasizes Water Safety And Fun Executive Ron Sims (far right) is joined by Councilmember Pete von Reichbauerin honoring water safety heros. Nevertheless, water sports can be risky. http://www.metrokc.gov/health/news/04040801.htm | |
74. TKI - Template Bike safety. Welcome to the new school year! To make the most of the summer weather,New Zealand schools focus on outdoor activities and water sports as part of http://www.tki.org.nz/r/hot_topics/sunsurf_e.php | |
75. Boat Safety Is Important When Participating In Water Sports On Kansas Lakes, Sho Boat safety is important when participating in water sports on Kansaslakes, should not be taken lightly. CHRIS ECKERT Collegian. http://www.kstatecollegian.com/issues/v099b/su/n156/spts-Boat-Safety-II-Eckert.h | |
76. Virginia Is For Lovers: Statewide A few other services offered to customers by VAPPA outfitters and canoe liveriesinclude rental fishing equipment, water safety videos, guided trips or http://www.virginia.org/site/features.asp?FeatureID=107 |
77. Water Safety Education Should Be Mandatory - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Classifieds Jobs Homes Cars Marketplace Shop Home Local News Sports Island LifeEntertainment Business EDITORIAL water safety education should be mandatory. http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2004/May/04/op/op02a.html | |
78. Public Safety Regulation of Swimming Pool and Spa Chemicals. Sports and water safety. Swimming.Swimming Pool and Spa Sanitation. The Safe Boating Guide. water fun. water safety. http://www.safecanada.ca/atoz_e.asp?strOperation=list&letter=W |
79. Bic Sport Kayaks From The Boundary Waters Catalog And Piragis Northwoods Company Bic sport boat range while retaining excellent stability, and offering the addedsafety and comfort of the Sit on Top concept. With its narrow, watercutting http://www.piragis.com/bicsportkayaks/bicsportkayaks.html | |
80. Youth Sports Safety, Tips To Prevent Swimming Injuries - MomsTeam.com Remember that alcohol and water don t mix. Source American Orthopaedic Societyfor Sports Medicine; USA Gymnastics safety Handbook; and US Consumer http://www.momsteam.com/alpha/sports/swimming/tips_to_prevent_swimming_injuries. | |
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